Absolute Radiance - Chapter 12 - The_Abyssal_Writer (2024)

Chapter Text

Myla Grimm's mind was annoyingly astray.Somethingwas pulling at the edge of her vision, something familiar, and yet no matter how far she cast her net she never found the source. She had sent fivesweepsover the entire city and yet nothing brought that pull. Nothing caused the reaction she felt in the current moment. Instead she tried to follow the eddies of The Dream, listening to the currents that flowed in the background… Nothing…

"Hey hey hey! What the heck is that?" The voice of Tokoyami's void-like Quirk cawed from a distressingly close distance. She didn't even notice his approach?! Was she that distracted?

"I apologize for Dark Shadow's lack of tact, but I am also curious." Meeting the bird-headed boy's gaze she raised an eyebrow. During her short time at UA Tokoyami had provided an… interesting source of companionship. The human most like her ancient enemy juxtaposed himself by sharing many common interests with her. Both preferred calm silence to loud conversation, and both were very serene in conversations. In fact, she found a rare philosophical partner, one who enjoyed deep conversations. His presence was… strangely tolerable. He reminded her of… of… with a wince she looked down at her paper and went wide-eyed.

"Is that the language of your homeland?" He asked innocently. Because rather than the increasingly familiar kanji script she was forced to use in Japan, she had an entire page full of the flowing; cuneiform script of Hallownest. Runes interwoven with symbols created a picture of incomprehensible nonsense to anyone other than a denizen, and what was even worse was that it was genuinely the notes she had taken while her mind was adrift. For an unknown amount of time she had been writing in a language that didn't exist in this world, one that sheshouldn't even know.The Radiance never learned how to write, there was no need. What was even more was that her Tribe had utilized an entirely different set of symbols and syntax.

How do I know? No… I knowexactlyhow…

This was an imprint of the minds she had ruined, skills she had absorbed from Hallownest's citizens while she drove them mad…

"It is," she answered after a moment. "Though very few use it nowadays, it's practically extinct. I suppose—" Was she reminiscent of her old world? Was that why she was distracted? "—that I was feeling nostalgic."

"Quite understandable. I won't pretend to understand your situation, but being so far away from home must be hard for you."

"Yeah…" Myla lied. Beginning the arduous task of copying her notes entirely from scratch her mind remained annoyingly scattered. Flashes she couldn't quite catch; wings and songs, tents sewn from silk, familiar bugs gathered in a circle for—she winced.This is hopeless.Discreetly she moved her left hand above her knee and gathered a small amount of Essence.

With this charm I make my intention known; to create a mind as calm as still waters, and as sharp as the purest nail.

Imbuing the Essence with power it solidified into a small metallic disc, roughly the size of a button. The small charm was weak, colored a dull gold roughly the same hue as her blazer, but decorated with a carving of a ripple against a body of water. Not her finest work, not by any stretch of the imagination, but it would serve its purpose. Ripping a button free from her blazer she deftly sewed the newly crafted charm in its place.

Almost immediately she shuddered as a cold feeling ran down her spine, and her mind was forcefully cleared of any errant thoughts. Her scattered memories were sent away, and focus returned once more. It was unnatural though, a false source of clarity imposed over her mind. Such was the nature of charms, but while she held a distaste for the side-effects she would bear with them for the benefits this charm brought.

As she watched her memories fade one by one, she side-eyed one in particular. The Dream contained within the mind of the Pale Light's "Hollow Knight." Spires resembling its horns rose through the mists and clouds and the Void lurked below the sickly orange of her corrupted dream.

Dismissing the memory she began copying her notes in earnest.Nostalgic indeed.

"It bears a striking resemblance to you, husband mine."

For the first time it looked up at its mother, a being far larger than any it had seen, and one truly befitting the title of Higher Being. She was twice the size of the Pale King at least, with a cacophony of roots extending from her head, with two gray eyes that regarded him with compassion and love. The Higher Being of Growth, the Root, was his mother. One Part of three to create the perfect Vessel. She was also bound by thick chords, a self-imprisonment borne of her shame. Shame of what though? It didn't understand. What could it do to alleviate its mother's pain? And thus the first crack formed…

Opening its "eyes" the Failed Vessel brought itself back to reality. Being able to dream… A novel and terrifying experience all in one. "This f*ckin' thing is more trouble than it's worth!" the leader bug yelled at thewrongbug. "Do you understand the utter sh*tstorm we had to deal with this time? How many assets we lost?! One of the test subjects escaped, I don't think you need a reminder of what'll happen if the heroes find out what we've been doing!"

"One hundred million yen," thewrongbug said. "And all we need is a month, the strange substance we've been harvesting has been combining with my Nomuquite well~"Thewrongbug laughed. "Soon enough we'll be able to take it off your hands, because when we've managed to fully understand this miraculous compound we can harness the creature itself!"

"For that much?" The man sighed but shrugged. "What the f*ck are you on about old man?"

"I've been doing extensive studies on this creature and I've come to an incredible conclusion, it wasdesigned.Someone out there has a brilliance to match my own, and they've provided the final piece to my puzzle. If only I could meet the man!" Thewrongbug traced the crack along the Vessel's mask. "The problems with the Nomu is that their bodies aren't strong enough to handle the strain of so many Quirks, and they begin breaking down when they hit a certain threshold. But this being? The substance we've harvested wasmeantto contain, to swallow! The Nomu I've crafted using this new compound are completely stable! Now think about what would happen if we gift this creature with Quirks of its own, it will be my magnum opus!"

Despite thewrongbug's words, the failed Vessel's mind was on something else entirely. The bug was a fool, and despite its efforts the Vessel was not going to be able to escape this time. Its arm was locked in an electrical contraption and thick bindings of an unknown material contained every square inch of its body. Its large white mask was locked in place, unable to move and thick cables and tubes dug deep into the Void that made up its body. All of these bugs were fools, and the Void would be their downfall. But even more than that, did they not understand what was unleashed among them? Even now it could feel that faint burningLightthat had ruptured its mind for an age. It would never forgetHerwords, nor the things she forced onto its mind.

No, its mind was on the small bug it had saved in the last location. Back then its faculties weren't entirely active. It should have focused on escaping, but something drew it to help that small bug. Now, the Vessel knew… When it saw that bug, and their eyes met, it noticed that their eyes were just as empty as its own. To others, that would mean anything else… To the Hollow Knight? No, the small bug's eyeswere as empty as its own… Empty…Long ago it saw two similarly empty eyes staring at it, before it hastened its steps towards its father.



Far away, a small girl stumbled aimlessly through a forest. Familiar feelings drew her towards civilization, but feelings not her own played with her mind. Deep in the back of her mind she could make out six vertical slits watching everything in its domain. Dormant, inactive. Her…LoRd?A sharp pain caused the girl to stumble and fall to her knees but she didn't feel any pain, not even when black blood dripped down from a scrape.Black?Shouldn't… it be… red?

The moon had passed overhead… seven… times… Moon?GlitteringceilingahallofwhiteacityinperpetualrainfallbornofgodandvoidfailedfailedfailedfailedFAILED!

"Tsuki…"She said to herself, staring at the pale orb orbiting far above her. "Tsuki," she repeated to herself… "Name… My name…" Looking down she found herself face to face with herself. Bringing her fingers down she touched herself, only to find the image distorted by a ripple and the tip of her finger cold. A reflection… water… She needed to drink, right? To eat? But… she hadn't done that in seven circulations of the moon… seven days… a week… And… that wasn't normal, right? Looking back at her reflection, two black and white eyes stared back. White pupils surrounded by an all-encompassing blackVOID.Another burst of pain hit her and she saw flashes. A man and a woman with black hair and blue eyes, just like the child with them. She blew little sparks into her hand, her Quirk.

Tsuki brought her hands up to her mouth and blew into them, but no sparks came forth. Another flash entered her mind; much more recent.A tall creature with one arm reached a hand out to her, two empty holes stared into her one empty eyes. Familiarity blossomed in her when it shouldn't have. The creature was like her, like all of the other boys and girls the mean man had killed before being killed himself. The creature tried to bring her to freedom but was trapped by the bad men. Saving her at the cost of itself. The utter terror of being separated from it was foreign to her. But without thinking the answer came to her.

"Sib…ling." Black tears fell from her eyes, sizzling when they touched the water. Her sibling had risked its own life, and was captured yet again because it wanted to save her. Anger welled within her, and a burst of energy exploded out from her. Black tendrils with saw-like tips whipped from her body, cleaving bushes in two and even felling a tree in a single pass. How dare they?!

The mean men were probably doing awful things to it, but before she did something foolish something drew her attention. A warm light dancing within her, and not at the same time. Turning left, she knew that the warm Light was in that direction. How? Why? Somehow… she knew that the light was inexplicably connected to her Sibling somehow… It brought awe… and fear… A being of Light, familiar with her Sibling. A… friend?

Standing up her face set into a determined frown, and she began walking in the direction of the Light. She'd find the being, and she'd save her Sibling.

The Radiance had an intrinsic understanding of her abilities and her powers. She knew of them since she had first gained sapience, and she had perfected them entirely over the course of her existence. Beams, explosive orbs, barriers, spikes and blades, physical projections, teleportation, and her mind-related abilities. She could use any of these abilities with nary a thought, and some were entirely reflexive. But… In that regard, she knew these abilities so well that there was very little room for improvement. With her human body, each ability took a toll that built and built until she began doing damage to herself. Essence was a creation of hers, and the only ones who could properly harness it were herself, moths, and ironically enough; Vessels. To humans it was pure poison, and it would never be anything but. So she began a new mastery: Control.

Control of output, control of multitude, control of distance and time. All of these could be used to mitigate the toll taken on herself, but Myla was very quickly realizing that it may not be enough. She could very quickly build up to the point of damage, but coming down from it was agonizingly slow. It was probably why Grimm placed that rune on her; a cap to her powers and a limiter.Somehowshe hadn't activated it during the USJ Incident, but thinking back he had probably deactivated it temporarily as recompense, being behind the attack and all. That was beside the point though. Thepointwas that if she wasn't careful she wouldn't last for the entirety of the Sport's Festival. The utterhumiliationwould be unbearable.

Control… Shehadto master control.

Humans were naturally ingenuous; they lacked any offensive tools other than their teeth, but in using their intellect they conquered their world. The Radiance could respect that, and she would absolutelyusethat ingenuity herself. Already she had craftedthreeunique abilities she wouldn't have everdreamedof if it weren't for her new limitations. Just for the simple fact that they weren't needed, and now they were. None of these would be revealed until the moment they were needed though, not even to Mina.

And regarding her… other issue; she had yet to see the perverted version of herself since her last appearance in the mirror. If there truly was something wrong with her, it was laying dormant for now. Hopefully that was the end of it, but she believed that it was more than what it seemed.

Opening her eyes from a meditative state she sighed deeply, out of resignation more than peace. "Must you intrude now of all times, the Sports Festival istomorrow."

"You wound me dear sister!~" Grimm flitted in front of her, grin just a bit too wide and eyes just a bit too slitted. "I was simply coming to deliver some good news~"

Myla narrowed her eyes. "Your countenance is slipping. Unlike me, your human form is an illusion… It's getting close, isn't it?"

With a dramatic sigh Grimm erupted into crimson flames, revealing his true form. Large red eyes found her own human ones. "Yes yes, it is growing close. My power wanes slowly but it wanes nonetheless. The Ritual, however, has begun. I have found a kindred spirit, with a lovely resemblance to myself I might add. When this nation falls the Grimmchild shall inherit all, and the cycle shall begin anew."

"I'm surprised you don't desire me to play my part?" Standing up Myla walked to her kitchen and set a pot of tea to boil. Before she could even blink it was whistling with an annoyingly familiar red flame underneath it. Glaring at her brother's co*cksure grin she poured a cup nonetheless. "I wasn't able to fill my role last time, as I was trapped within the Pale Light's Vessel." Opening a small porcelain jar she dropped one, two, three… seven sugar cubes in her cup of tea.

"That doesn't look healthy," Grimm noted with amusem*nt.

"You say, being responsible for this body's requirement for sugar…" She grumbled back. "And you're avoiding my question."

"I'm surprised you'd even want to play your role, you despise me~" Grimm sat down on her favorite plush chair, the look in his eye proving he knew it as well.

"This is true, and yet I'm not so pretentious as to undermine our existence." Sitting across from him she sipped her tea. "The only reason you tolerated my murderer as a substitute is because thetraitorgave it my Dream Nail on a whim. You had no other choice."

"I don't know what your problem with it is—"

"Itmurdered me—"

"—It was a rather delightful little Ghost. It's a shame it decided to refuse my offer… You'd really resume your role?"

"Of course I would," Myla growled. "Your substitute lacks the key tool necessary to complete your Ritual. And youknowthat now that it's in my possession again I will not bestow the Dream Nail on anyone…" She sighed. "Without Dark there can be no true Light, and without Light there can be no true Dark. I preside over the Dream and you over the Nightmare, you revel in chaos and I bestow order. Even here the cycle exists, Day pursues Night until Dusk overtakes Dawn. I shall play my part in your Ritual because it ismyrole to play."

"Without the Mistress of the Dream there can be noNightmare King,"her brother hummed. "Oh, I must also apologize for the kerfuffle at your training class. I was simply fulfilling my end of a deal."

"And yet you demand I refrain from interfering in your affairs," she scoffed. "If you didn't lessen the block on my abilities, if I haddiedto something so lowly, Iwould havewrought a terror hitherto unheard of in this world."

"How is the,hero,training going by the way? I heard from a megalomaniac vengefly that this country's wishful Higher Being teaches one of your classes." At the mention of the fool of a hero Myla gripped her cup in disdain.

"Wishful doesn't even begin to describe him. The blundering fool can barely string together a sentence without notes. If I were at the height of my power a mere thought would spell his end…" The Radiance sighed, swirling her cup of tea.

"Ah, but youaren'tat the height of your power~" Grimm drawled. Bringing his 'fingers' together in a steeple he leaned forward. "Say you didn't have a limit on how much you could use your power in yourcurrentform, what would the result be then?"

"Why should I humor this line of thought?"

"Just simple curiosity~"

Myla narrowed her eyes. "I can't say. What he lacks in brain he makes up for in brawn, and if he beat the abomination then I would certainly be challenged. But it's strange…" In a decidedly human manner the goddess cupped her chin. "Ever since that day, it's like his power has diminished. In fact, every time I've seen him it's grown a touch… lesser."

"So the man behind the screen was correct~" Myla quirked a brow at him. "Nothing, nothing, just an errant thought~" Leaning back again Grimm chuffed. "Unfortunately that means I would also have quite the challenge defeating him."

"It would seem that neither of us are at the height of our power…" An errant thought of her own sprang into being. "The boy, Izuku Midoriya. He has the same aura as All Might."

"A hereditary power?"

"No, their minds are too different. I believe it may be a succession of power, not dissimilar to yourself." Grimm passed on his being through the Nightmare, not his powers. It was his very essence that was transposed to his progeny. Yet, each iteration was different, if only slightly. The last iteration had a flair for being dramatic, this iteration had that flair, but was far more playful in the way he used it. She looked Grimm in the eye. "You are actively working with UA's enemies. Keep this information from them, and should they make more efforts to kill my class… try to keephimfrom harm."

"How interesting. Trying to have another go at offspring?" Grimm laughed at Myla's glare.

"I've come to terms with my apparent infertility eons ago. No, his Dream is unique. Its color is one I've scarcely seen…" For the first time in a very long while The Radiance smiled in the presence of her brother. "Should he continue to grow, I believe he could become a suitable candidate for my Seraphim." The very idea sent feelings long dormant up her spine.

"Really now? Not that hot headed belfly? Or perhaps even that charming girl you've built a rapport with?"

Myla scoffed. "Bakugo would never be a suitable candidate, and Mina is merely convenient. As… endearing as Mina is, and as… entertaining as my class is, they are simply a means to an end." An unfamiliar pull scraped her heart, though she schooled her features. They weren't anything to her, they were simply stepping stones… Yet that… ugly feeling at the thought persisted.

Grimm chuckled in amusem*nt. "As manipulative as ever, dear sister. Oh, and for my last order of business I have good news!" Myla narrowed her eyes. "To support you, I shall be attending the Sports Festival!"

The room became several degrees colder, but before Myla could eviscerate the damnable Higher Being, Grimm disappeared with a flash of scarlet flames and the distant sound of an accordion. Scowling, The Radiance considered attempting a continuation of her meditation but thought better of it. With the "delightful" news she would be infuriated for a significant amount of time.

The U.A. Sports Festival was certainly… something. Hundreds of people crowded the main walkway, browsing the variety of food stalls and souvenir shops that had been set up in preparation. And that was just the amount she had seen when entering the school, she could sense thousands within and outside of the stadium. Other than visiting the city itself this was the single largest gathering of humans she had witnessed, and all of it was to watch students compete? It made little sense, but that didn't matter as much as how delighted the Higher Being within herself was.

Proving one's strength, solidifying one's place at the top of the food chain, such competitions hearkened to the early days of her existence. When the Higher Beings first ascended it had been a bloodbath of epic proportions, with only the survivors living to even remember it. She had fought then, when her sapience was in its infancy. The scars from that fight shaped the very world that Hallownest found itself in, with one specific scar being inhabited by one of her few competitors that had gained her respect. It truly was a shame that The Hive and its Queen all fell to the Infection.

At the present moment though, all of Class 1A sat in their waiting room.

"Aw man, I was totally hoping I could wear my costume!" Mina moaned, tugging disdainfully at her gym uniform. Myla agreed with her, being able to wear their Hero Uniforms would help them stand out far more.

"At least everyone'll be in uniforms. That'll keep things fair, right?" Ojiro commented. Myla disagreed, this competition was involving their entire school. The vast majority would be chaff; only useful to serve as her stepping stones. Nonetheless, Myla didn't comment, doing her best to focus on centering herself and reigning in her impulsive nature to dominate the competition.

Unexpectedly though, Midoriya approached her with conflict swirling through his entire being. "Hey, um, Myla? Can I ask a question?"

Narrowing her eyes slightly she nodded, "you may."

"Everything's been kind of hectic lately and it totally slipped my mind, but back at the USJ you—"

Iida slammed the door open, drawing everyone's attention. "Everyone get your game faces on! We're entering the arena soon!" And all at once a spike of anxiety filled the room, ringing like a sour note to Myla. Yes, it was perfectly reasonable to be anxious at the current moment, but that didn't mean it was a pleasant feeling when she could feelall of it.

Looking back at Midoriya she gave him a small smile. "Ask me later, focus on the here and now—"

"Midoriya," Todoroki interrupted. Ignoring Myla's indignant look he strolled right past her, hand in his pocket.

"Hey Todoroki, what's up?" Midoriya asked, seemingly able to sense the sudden tension that filled the room. In fact, everyone looked their way.

"From an objective standpoint, I think it's fairly clear that I'm stronger than you." Todoroki's tone was as cold as the ice he wielded. With Midoriya's somewhat dejected affirmation he continued, "However, you've got All Might in your corner, helping you out. I'm not here to pry about what's going on between you two, but know that I will beat you." Even in the wake of her confirmation of something deeper between Midoriya and All Might, something flickered within her.

Kirishima, ever the one to try and make peace between their class, stepped close to them, putting his hand on the boy's shoulder.. "What's the big deal, why are you pickin' a fight all of a sudden? And right before we get started?"

With an unexpectedly familiar darkness welling within him, Todoroki shrugged Kirishima's hand away. "We're not here to be each other's friends. Don't forget, this isn't a team effort," he said before walking away.

Midoriya frowned. "Wait a sec Todoroki. I don't know what's going through your head, or why you think you need to tell me that you'll beat me. And yeah, of course you're better than me. In fact you probably have way more potential than anyone else in the Hero Course—" An uncontrollable flair sparked in Myla's gut. "—That's why you got in so easily." Kirishima tried to talk him down, but it was for naught. "No, he's right, you guys. All the other courses are coming after us with everything they've got."

"Then put them in their place," Myla interjected. Hallownest, her entire world, was a constant struggle of survival. The strong flourished, the weak perished, and those on top had to ruthlessly cut down any who would get close to their position of power. In this regard, she decided to draw from the Mantis Tribe and their Queens. "Remind the others of why we're in the Hero Course, show them why they failed and why you succeeded." The Radiance glared at Todoroki. "But know that if you don't bring absolutely everything to this competition, then I'll putyouin your place as well."

Before he could respond a buzzer rang and they began moving out to the stadium. Taking a calming breath Myla willed the Higher Being within herself to slow to a simmer.

"HEY-O! Make some noise, all you rabid sports fans! Get those cameras prepped media hordes! This year we're bringing you—"Myla stopped paying attention with a wince, taking in the stadium around them. Present Mic hyped up their class, bringing attention to the villain attack, as every class from the Heroes, Business, Support, and General Studies courses all lined up in sections. Thousands of people lined the walls of the stadium, creating a wall of colors as large colorful explosions detonated far above their heads. The latent Dreams present were almost intoxicating, bringing a tingle to her entire body and almost making her Essence flair in a natural response. She didn't even want to attempt a search of their auras; it would blind her almost immediately. Although it didn't take an aura search to spot a familiar head of orange hair in the group next to them. Ignoring the conversations of her classmates, she caught Kendo's eye and sent her a smile and a wave. Her first friend responded in kind, visibly nervous.

With a crack of her cat o' nine tails, the R-Rated Hero Midnight drew their attention. "Now the introductory speech!" Almost immediately the majority of the male human population—and a significant number of the female population—made their desires as clear as day to the dream-attuned goddess. They were all attracted to the hero, and she seemed to revel in that fact.

"Um, someone should talk to Miss Midnight about what she's wearing." Kirishima said with a blush.

"Is that really appropriate apparel for a high school game?" Tokoyami agreed. Myla herself was indifferent. In Hallownest clothes were a symbol of status; it meant you had wealth you could spend on something largely useless by insect standards. Humans dressed themselves for many reasons, but few of them made sense to her. What was the issue here? Why were her classmates embarrassed? So she wisely chose to remain quiet.

"Silence everyone!" Midnight cracked her many-tailed whip. "And for the student pledge we have Myla Grimm!" Immediately her classmates looked at her. On the one hand Myla was incredibly level-headed and kind to those she considered to be friends, while remaining largely ambivalent to those she didn't know. On the other hand, she wasfiercelycompetitive and was also very arrogant. Regardless, with a raised brow Myla ascended the stage to stand in front of the microphone.

With a few twitches of her antennae Myla opened the smallest window into the dreams of everyone around her. The crowd was excited, like a horde of vengeflies after a rotting corpse. They were largely useless to her. The rest of the students outside of the Hero Course seemed…bored…


It took everything Myla had not to smite the crowd and everyone around her asThe Radianceraged. Rationally she knew why, the Sports Festival was almost exclusively a way for the Hero Students to show off and gain attention from Hero Agencies. The other courses had little to offer and nothing to gain in return. She knew that, she knew that intellectually. But the Higher Being within her wasfurious.A competition with bored competitors was the highest form of disrespect. It put out the image that you weren't worth fighting, weren't worth their time. With a deep breath she made it appear like she was calming herself before addressing thousands of people. In reality, she didn't want to accidentally kill everyone around her.

"I'll… keep this as brief as possible… But you're not who I want to address." Grabbing the microphone she turned her back on the crowd and faced the rest of the competitors. Looking them all over, she opened her mouth."Why are you here?"If she was going to say anything, that was the last thing anyone expected. "Because from up here it looks like you'd rather be anywhere else… And why would you? General Studies, Business, Support… You know this Festival has little to offer you, and yet you have to attend anyway." She made her tone equally bored, dismissive and somewhat insulting. And then she cheated, sensing the emotions and finding them just as she expected. They were angry and annoyed,good.Her classmates looked appalled, and she ignored them. "So why try, right?" She huffed a laugh. "Give the bare minimum effort, slog through, and just wish for it to be over?" The anger grew to a fever pitch, with some students even murmuring.

"And how will you look back at this in the future?" Like a cold wind the anger turned to confusion. "How will you look back, even a year from now, when you didn't even try?I would be disgusted in myself."She spat. "Whocaresif you don't get anything from this?Do it for yourself!Prove to yourself that you did everything that you could! And if you want to be in the Hero Course, thenrageagainst the lot you were given!" She was beginning to get the response she wanted. Rage and confusion was turning to anticipation, and to another kind of rage. "Light a fire in your hearts, do everything you can to win, bear your fangs, and if you want to rage against me, then makethatyour reason for trying! Doanythingother than giving up and accepting your fate, because I am standing here, and I will be waiting!" There it was. There were outcries, and a lot of hatred, but now everyone was anticipating this competition. And the Higher Being within hersang.

Taking a breath she calmed herself and made her way off of the stage, never once addressing the crowd behind her. Her classmates were stunned, in varying degrees of shock. But she didn't pay attention to them, she couldn't. Her speech had another result she didn't expect, and a part of her was worried. She couldn't control that spark within herself, it had molded completely with her. And for the first time she asked herself;Myla and The Radiance, where is the distinction?What part of her wanted this competition to be a true one? And did it even matter? The energy in the air was electric, overwhelming her sense of logic. Whatever she became in that moment, whether it was permanent or not, only focused on the large screen that appeared.

Obstacle Race


Absolute Radiance - Chapter 12 - The_Abyssal_Writer (2024)


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Author: Allyn Kozey

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Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

Address: Suite 454 40343 Larson Union, Port Melia, TX 16164

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Job: Investor Administrator

Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.