Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (2024)

Last updated on May 17, 2024 at 00:00by Crix

On this page, you will learn how to optimize the rotation of yourDemonology Warlock in both single-target and multi-target PvEsituations in Cataclysm Classic. We also have advanced sections about cooldowns, procs, order to minmax your DPS.


Demonology Warlock Rotations

This page contains all relevant information needed for Demonology Warlocksbefore the release of Cataclysm Classic. We will be updating this with all thelatest information as soon as more is discovered, so make sure to check back.

A massive change coming into Cataclysm is how DoTs work. In the past you used to want to let them run theirentire duration to get full value of it. This is no longer an issue in Cataclysm. Now you can clip your lasttick of the DoT and the remainder will carry over into the new refreshed DoT, giving you an extra tick of thatDoT, which can be further improved depending on your Haste rating. Check out the Stats page for more in depthinformation about Haste breakpoints for each DoT. This also ensures that you can have 100% uptime on most encounters.


Single-Target Rotation

The job of an Demonology Warlock is to deal as much damage as you can. Demonology Warlocks shine in single targetand AoE damage, boasting some of the highest in the game for the entire expansion. Something MASSIVE with Demonologyspecific, is two terms that you should get used to in order to maximize your damage as Demonology. Mastery swap is thefirst one. With the way Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (1) Metamorphosis works, it snapshots all the Mastery you have on you when you pressCataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (2) Metamorphosis and you keep that Mastery while in Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (3) Metamorphosis until it ends, even after you takeoff the Mastery gear. This means that you can keep an additional set of gear on you that has as much Mastery as youcan possibly get, then before the boss is pulled, you equip this gear, then cast Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (4) Metamorphosis, then swapyour normal gear back on and go about your rotation. If you choose to not do this, then you can skip the gear swapin the rotation. Addons like Itemrack will help you make a gearset and you can even set it to a keybind, so you canvery easily press one keybind to put your Mastery gear on and another keybind to equip your normal gear back on.

The next thing to talk about is something we call Pet Twisting. This is a really simple concept that has you startthe fight with your Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (5) Summon Felguard out, then cast Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (6) Demon Soul, then pull your Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (7) Summon Felhunterout. While that looks and sounds annoying, it's pretty simple thanks to the spell Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (8) Soulburn. When you Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (9) Soulburnthis makes your next summon demon spell instant cast. The reason main reason we do this is that Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (10) Demon Soul gives you apowerful buff, depending on which demon you have out. If your Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (11) Summon Felguard is out when you cast Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (12) Demon Soul,you get 15% Haste and 10% damage. If your Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (13) Summon Felhunter is out when you cast Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (14) Demon Soul, you onlyget 20% increases DoT damage. Another issue is that your Felhunter does EXTRAORDINARILY more single target damage than yourFelguard does. This means that you want to use your Felhunter as much as you can, but you also want to get the Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (15) Demon Soulbuff from your Felguard. If you choose not to Pet Twist, then you can skip that part of the rotation.

  1. Make sure your Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (16) Summon Felguard is out and that your Mastery gearset is on.
  2. Make sure both Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (17) Fel Armor and Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (18) Soul Link are on.
  3. Don't be max ranged due to wanting to run in to Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (19) Immolation Aura and Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (20) Shadowflame. I prefer 10-15 yards ifboss allows.
  4. (Prepull) Cast Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (21) Soulburn — This is a buff that it gives you that will last 20 seconds. So as long as youuse this within that window, it will save you a global once the fight starts. This also allows you to Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (22) Soul Harvestbefore the boss pull to ensure that you have all three of your Soul Shards available for you.
  5. (Prepull) Cast Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (23) Metamorphosis with roughly 2 seconds left on the pull timer. — This will snapshot your Masteryfrom your Mastery gear and allow you to keep it until Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (24) Metamorphosis ends, even after you swap your gear off.
  6. (Prepull) Equip your normal raid gear
  7. Prepot your Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (25) Volcanic Potion unless the fight is less than two minutes, then it's often better to hold that potionfor whenever your raid lusts.
  8. Precast Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (26) Incinerate so that it lands on the boss right when the pull timer hits zero seconds. Alsosend your Felguard in to attack.
  9. Cast Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (27) Curse of the Elements if no other member is putting up the debuff. Assassination Rogues, Balance Druidsand Unholy Death Knights also apply this debuff.
  10. Pop your cooldowns like Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (28) Blood Fury, Trinkets and whatever else you have.
  11. Cast your Felguards Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (29) Felstorm and then cast Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (30) Demon Soul
  12. Cast Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (31) Summon Doomguard — He cannot be lusted, but snaps your spell power, so pop this when you haveas much spell power as possible. Hold this until you have your Spell Power procs up. It will attack whatever has yourCataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (32) Bane of Doom or Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (33) Bane of Agony on it.
  13. Cast Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (34) Bane of Doom — Only Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (35) Bane of Agony if the boss won't live for 30 seconds.
  14. Summon your Felguard and make sure he's attacking the target. This should be instant cast, thanks to the Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (36) Soulburnthat you casted right before the fight started.
  15. Cast Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (37) Hand of Gul'dan — Keep this up on cooldown at all times. This does decent damage, but most importantlybuffs your Felhunters crit by 10%.
  16. Cast Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (38) Immolate — Keep this up at all times. Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (39) Hand of Gul'dan refreshes this, so you only need to putthis up one time.
  17. Cast Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (40) Corruption — Keep this up at all times.
  18. Cast Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (41) Demon Leap to move in closer to the boss. Alternatively you can run into melee while casting all of your instantcast spells.
  19. Cast Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (42) Immolation Aura once in melee range
  20. Cast Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (43) Shadowflame while in melee and try to keep this on cooldown as often as you can. If you are worried about dyingwhile in melee, then disregard this and sit at ranged.
  21. Fill with Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (44) Incinerate — This is your main filler. There is a Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (45) Shadow Bolt variation of this, but itloses out to the Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (46) Incinerate filler on single target.
  22. Once you are in execute range (-25% Boss Health) fill with Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (47) Soul Fire while continuing to keep your DoTs up.


AoE Rotation

  1. Make sure you send your Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (48) Summon Felguard in.
  2. Cast Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (49) Hand of Gul'dan to give your demon 10% Crit.
  3. Cast Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (50) Felstorm — Keep this on cooldown as much as you can.
  4. Cast Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (51) Metamorphosis
  5. Cast Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (52) Demon Leap if you're not in melee range.
  6. Cast Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (53) Immolation Aura
  7. Cast Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (54) Shadowflame and keep this on cooldown as much as you can.
  8. Cast Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (55) Hellfire — You can move around while Hellfire is channeling.
Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Rotation and Cooldowns (2024)


What is the stat priority for a warlock in Cata demo? ›

Stat Priority for Demonology Warlock DPS. Intellect, Spell Power, and Hit Rating are your top three stats for damage on a Warlock. Point-for-point, they are the most valuable. Haste is in fourth place for value.

How to play demo lock dragonflight? ›

How to Play a Demonology Warlock in Dragonflight. Demonology gameplay is almost intuitive but also not; Keep Call Dreadstalkers on cooldown, cast Hand of Gul'dan with 3 Soul Shards, and depending on talents you'll be looking to keep as many demons out as you can.

How to get better at Demonology Warlock? ›

How To Improve As Demonology Warlock — Dragonflight 10.2. 7
  1. Not Wasting Cleave Cooldowns Too Early.
  2. Not Overcapping Demonic Core.
  3. Moving During Instant Casts.
  4. Setting Up for Demonic Tyrant.
  5. Using Call Dreadstalkers on Cooldown.
  6. Correct Pet Control.
  7. Using Your Cooldowns More Often.

When to cast implosion in WoW? ›

It is most efficient to cast Implosion every two casts of Hand of Gul'dan when you have no procs of Demonic Core. Or if you have at least 2 procs of Demonic Core, you cast three Hand of Gul'dan.

What is the most important stat for a Warlock? ›

Best Stats For The Warlock Class

Charisma is by far the warlock class's most important stat, with it being their spellcasting ability and in roleplay sessions, their ability to be the party's face.

What is the least important stat for a Warlock? ›

Strength: Not generally needed.

Is demo warlock fun? ›

Demonology is good at single target burst and sustained cleave as long as it is stacked. Movement during cooldown setup and spread cleave is a weakness of the spec. In my opinion, demonology is extremely fun to play, and once you get into it, it feels very natural in terms of the "flow" of the gameplay.

What is the best race for the warlock method? ›

All races offer very small dps differences but if you are trying to be 100% optimal: The best race for the horde is Orc followed by Troll and Goblin. For alliance it's a Mechagnome followed by Gnome, Dwarf, and Human.

Do demonology warlocks deal fire damage? ›

The cast time of Summon Vilefiend is reduced by 0.5 seconds and your Vilefiend now deals Fire damage to nearby enemies every 1 second while active. New Talent: Spiteful Reconstitution – Implosion deals 10% increased damage. Consuming a Demonic Core has a chance to summon a Wild Imp.

What is the difference between mastery and crit in Demonology Warlock? ›

Demonology Warlock Stats

For secondary stats, the Demonology Warlock has the following: Critical Strike: Chance for extra effectiveness on attacks and heals. Haste: Increases attack speed and spell casting speed. Mastery: Increases the damage done by your demons by %.

Is affliction or Demonology better? ›

DPS less dependant on big cooldowns

Affliction Warlock's DPS is less bursty, meaning it had more consistent damage. With 38.74% less difference in lowest and peak DPS during a fight when compared to Demonology Warlocks.

Is Demonology or Destruction better? ›

Demonology Warlock's DPS is less bursty, meaning it had more consistent damage. With 9.19% less difference in lowest and peak DPS during a fight when compared to Destruction Warlocks.

What pet do demonology warlocks use? ›

Warlock minions are summonable combat pets for a warlock. All minions are considered members of the demon creature type. There are five different permanent minions: Imp, Voidwalker, Sayaad, Felhunter and Felguard.

Does mastery increase implosion damage? ›

Mastery: Mastery increases all of your pets damage as well as implosion and Bilescourge Bombers (if talented). Versatility: Gives damage to all your abilities, and half of that damage bonus as damage reduction.

When to cast demonic tyrant? ›

When Summon Demonic Tyrant has less than 13 seconds left, make sure to have 3+ core procs saved, which can be guaranteed from the previous set of dreadstalkers expiring. You spend shards on summoning demons that have a specific duration, when that duration is over, the demons despawn, which is what we call times out.

What is the primary stat for Warlock wow? ›

Intellect is your primary stat. You should look for this stat in all of your upgrades. It provides you with Spell Power, which increases the damage of your spells.

What is the best demo Warlock race in wow? ›

With Orc currently being the top race for Demonology Warlocks in Mythic+, here are the other races that also stand out due to their advantageous traits.
  • Orc. ...
  • Dwarf. ...
  • Blood Elf.
May 30, 2024

What is celestial Warlock priority stat? ›

DnD 5e Celestial Warlock Build Summary
Ability Scores (in order of importance)Charisma, Constitution, Dexterity, Wisdom, Intelligence, Strength
BackgroundCity Watch, Faction Agent
FeatsLucky, War Caster, Resilient, Elemental Adept
SpellsEldritch Blast, Hex, Revifivy, Hypnotic Pattern, Fly, True Polymorph
3 more rows
Mar 14, 2024

What are the best professions for demo Warlock? ›

Best Professions For Demonology Warlock

Professions are massive for Warlocks, more so than any other class. Tailoring and Enchanting are the two professions that you should be as a Warlock looking to maximize your damage.


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