Distinguish between Broker and commission agent. (2024)

Broker vs. Commission Agent


  1. Role: A broker acts as an intermediary between buyers and sellers, facilitating transactions but does not take ownership of the goods.
  2. Compensation: Brokers are compensated through a brokerage fee or commission, which is typically a percentage of the transaction value.
  3. Ownership: Brokers do not take ownership of the goods or products being traded. They simply connect buyers and sellers.
  4. Responsibility: Brokers are responsible for finding suitable buyers or sellers for their clients and negotiating the terms of the transaction on their behalf.
  5. Legal Status: Brokers may be individuals or firms that are licensed or registered to operate in a specific market or industry.

Commission Agent:

  1. Role: A commission agent acts as a representative of the seller and takes possession of the goods on behalf of the seller.
  2. Compensation: Commission agents are compensated through a commission, which is typically a percentage of the value of the goods sold.
  3. Ownership: Commission agents take possession of the goods but do not take ownership. They sell the goods on behalf of the seller.
  4. Responsibility: Commission agents are responsible for selling the goods at the best possible price and under the terms agreed upon with the seller.
  5. Legal Status: Commission agents may operate independently or be part of a larger agency. They are typically regulated by laws and regulations governing the sale of goods.

In summary, while both brokers and commission agents act as intermediaries in transactions, the key difference lies in their roles and responsibilities. Brokers facilitate transactions without taking ownership of the goods, while commission agents represent the seller and take possession of the goods on their behalf.

Distinguish between Broker and commission agent. (2024)


Distinguish between Broker and commission agent.? ›

Expert-Verified Answer

What is the difference between a broker and a commission agent? ›

Brokers facilitate transactions without taking ownership of the goods, while commission agents represent the seller and take possession of the goods on their behalf.

What is the difference between a broker and a commissioning agent? ›

Broker: Brokers are not responsible for the condition, quality, or delivery of the goods. Their primary responsibility is to facilitate the transaction. Commission Agent: Commission agents bear responsibility for the goods in their possession, including their storage, handling, and sale.

What is the difference between agent and broker? ›

A real estate agent is licensed to help people buy and sell real estate and is paid a commission when a deal is completed. The agent may represent either the buyer or the seller. A real estate broker does the same job as an agent but is licensed to work independently and may employ agents.

Are commission and brokerage the same? ›

Brokerages earn money by charging their clients for various products and services. In general, most of their charges fall under the category of fees, which may include various brokerage fee types, including, but not limited to, commissions for trading. So basically, commission fees are just one type of brokerage fee.

What is the difference between a broker and a dealer commission? ›

A broker will charge either a flat fee per transaction or will charge a fee based on a percentage of sales. Dealers, on the other hand, are executing trades for themselves and making money on the bid-ask spread. This involves buying a security and then selling it at a higher price.

What is the difference between a broker and a brokerage? ›

A brokerage provides intermediary services in various areas, e.g., investing, obtaining a loan, or purchasing real estate. A broker is an intermediary who connects a seller and a buyer to facilitate a transaction. Individuals or legal entities can act as brokers.

What is a commissioning agent? ›

A commissioning agent's primary job responsibility is to oversee the execution and performance of a contract. They act as a liaison between the purchaser and the contractor, ensuring that the project is delivered on time, within budget, and meets the required quality standards.

What is the difference between an agent and broker quizlet? ›

What is the difference between a broker and an agent? A broker is an independent person who may place business with any number of insurers while an agent represents one company.

What is the difference between a broker agent and a sub agent? ›

It is the Broker who is the Agent of the Buyer or Seller. The Sub-Agent is an agent of the Broker, works for the Broker, and represents the interest of the Broker.

What is an example of an agent or broker? ›

Agents represent insurance companies. Brokers represent consumers. Agents sell policies from insurance companies they represent. Brokers search for policies from different insurance companies.

What is the difference between agent broker and non agent broker? ›

Even more problems arise when the premium money never gets to the insurer or is late! California courts recognize that the primary distinction between an insurance agent and an insurance broker is that an agent acts on behalf of the insurance company, while a broker acts on behalf of a policyholder.

What is the meaning of broker agent? ›

A broker-agent is a person who acts as an intermediary or negotiator between parties in a transaction, representing one of them. They are employed to make bargains and contracts between other persons in matters of trade, commerce, or navigation. A broker-agent is licensed both as a broker and as an agent.

What is the difference between a broker and a commission agent in marketing? ›

Commission agent is the middle man, who works for an organisation and collects commission from an organisation for successful completion of sale. Broker is the middleman, who works for an individual and not for an organization. collects commission from individual.

What is the difference between a local broker and a commission broker? ›

A local broker focuses on a specific geographical area and provides personalized services, while a commission broker operates on a larger scale and earns income through commissions on executed trades.

Do brokers charge a fee? ›

A broker or agent charges a brokerage fee to execute transactions or provide specialized services. Brokerage fees are based on a percentage of the transaction, as a flat fee, or as a hybrid of the two, and vary according to the industry and type of broker.

Do all brokers charge commission? ›

Many online brokers have removed a specific commission fee for trades on stock shares, but commission fees for options or futures trades still apply. The fees vary and may be based on a per-contract or per-share charge.

What is a commission agreement between broker and agent? ›

Agents or brokers may use this agreement to ensure the commission split is fair between all parties or to receive a financial kickback from a large or lengthy project. There are three types of broker commission agreements, a non-exclusive agreement, a non-exclusive representation agreement, and an exclusive agreement.

Is the amount paid to broker as a commission? ›

In India, real estate agents usually ask the seller and the buyer to pay 1-2% of the deal value as their commission, also known as the real estate brokerage fee. For instance, in case there is a property deal of Rs. 1,00,00,000, the broker would get Rs. 1,00,000 from the seller and Rs.

What is an example of a broker commission? ›

For example, a broker who generates $500,000 in commissions may receive a 60%/40% split, meaning they earn $300,000 and the brokerage company takes $200,000. A broker who makes $100,000 in commission may only receive a 30%/70% split, meaning they receive $30,000 and the brokerage company pockets $70,000.


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