© 2014 Gyungseon Seol - ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu - [PDF Document] (2024)








© 2014 Gyungseon Seol

To my family



I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my advisor, Prof. Jing Guo, for

his excellent guidance, caring and patience. Studying as a student of Prof. Guo

has been a great privilege that not much Ph.D. student would be lucky enough to


It is a great pleasure to thank my colleagues. I thank Dr. Kai Tak Lam and Dr.

Yang Lu, for all the discussions. It had been great joy to work with Dr. Wenchao

Chen, Dr. Qun Gao, Leitao Liu, Xi Cao, Zhipeng Dong and Runlai Wan.

Finally I want to thank my wife and my daughter.

This work was supported by ONR, ARL, and NSF.



ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .................................................................................................. 4

LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................ 8

LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................................... 9

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................................... 11

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................... 12


1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 14

1.1. Overview .......................................................................................................... 14

1.2. Graphene Based Electronics ........................................................................... 15 1.2.1. Tight Binding Approach of Graphene Electronic Properties ................... 16 1.2.2. Electronic Properties of Armchair Graphene Nanoribbon ....................... 17

1.3. Outline ............................................................................................................. 18

2 BANDGAP OPENING IN BORON NITRIDE CONFINED ARMCHAIR GRAPHENE NANORIBBON ................................................................................... 22

2.1. Overview .......................................................................................................... 22

2.2. Simulation Method ........................................................................................... 23 2.3. Results ............................................................................................................. 24 2.4. Summary ......................................................................................................... 28

3 PERFORMANCE PROJECTION OF GRAPHENE NANOMESH AND NANOROAD TRANSISTORS ................................................................................. 33

3.1. Overview .......................................................................................................... 33 3.2. Approach ......................................................................................................... 35 3.3. Results ............................................................................................................. 36

3.3.1. DFT Results : E-k Dispersion Relation ................................................... 36 3.3.2. DFT Results : Binding Energy Calculation Using Basis Set

Superposition Error (BSSE) .......................................................................... 38 3.3.3. Device Performance ............................................................................... 39

3.4. Summary ......................................................................................................... 41


4.1. Overview .......................................................................................................... 48 4.2. Method ............................................................................................................. 49


4.3. Results ............................................................................................................. 51

4.4. Summary ......................................................................................................... 52

5 STRAIN INDUCED INDIRECT TO DIRECT BANDGAP TRANSITION IN BI-LAYER WSE2 ......................................................................................................... 57

5.1. Overview .......................................................................................................... 57 5.2. Method ............................................................................................................. 59 5.3. Results ............................................................................................................. 61 5.4. Summary ......................................................................................................... 65


6.1. Overview .......................................................................................................... 75

6.2. Method ............................................................................................................. 76 6.3. Results ............................................................................................................. 78 6.4. Summary ......................................................................................................... 83


7.1. Overview .......................................................................................................... 88 7.1. Graphene-MoS2 Junction Diode ...................................................................... 90

7.1.1. One Dimensional Simulation for Vertical Junction .................................. 90 7.1.2. Classical Transport Calculation .............................................................. 92 7.1.2. Two Dimensional Simulation to Treat Lateral Variations ........................ 93

7.2. MoS2-Graphene-MoS2 Bipolar Junction Transistor .......................................... 95 7.2.1. 1D Capacitance Model with NEGF Transport Calculation ...................... 95

7.2.2. Results of the MGM BJT ........................................................................ 97 Summary .............................................................................................................. 100

8 CONCLUSION ...................................................................................................... 108


A BANDGAP CALCULATION OF AGNR AND AGNR WITH EDGE PERTURBED BY THE IONIC POTENTIAL ................................................................................. 111

B BASIS SET SUPERPOSITION ERROR ............................................................... 119

C G0W0 CALCULATION APPROACH ...................................................................... 122


E ANALYTICAL DERIVATION OF DEBYE LENGTH .............................................. 127

F EVALUATION OF 2D THOMAS-FERMI MODEL ................................................. 130

G INTERLAYER COUPLING FACTOR αC AND αN .................................................. 132


H EXTRACTION OF INTERLAYER COUPLING FACTOR AND RELATION TO NEGF .................................................................................................................... 134

LIST OF REFERENCES ............................................................................................. 137

BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH .......................................................................................... 146



Table page 2-1 Tight binding parameters for A-Cx(BN)ys ............................................................ 29

3-1 Summary of the MOSFET performance ............................................................. 42

4-1 Summary of bonding properties of MoS2 and graphene ..................................... 53

5-1 DFT calculated structural parameters ................................................................. 67

5-2 DFT calculated BL WSe2 bandgap ..................................................................... 68

7-1 Scattering potential matrix element value ......................................................... 101

D-1 GGA step 1 and 2 ............................................................................................. 123

D-2 GGA step 3 ....................................................................................................... 124

D-3 GGA step 4 ....................................................................................................... 124

D-4 HSE Self-consistent calculation ........................................................................ 125

D-5 HSE Band calculation ....................................................................................... 125

D-6 HSE Band calculation INCAR file. .................................................................... 126

G-1 Classical and NEGF transport calculation comparison ..................................... 133



Figure page 1-1 Schematic of 2D graphene and corresponding lattic vectors.. ............................ 20

1-2 Schematic of an AGNR and a ZGNR. ................................................................ 21

2-1 Schematic of an A-Cx(BN)ys. calculation. ........................................................... 29

2-2 Bandgap properties and C to C distance as a function of AGNR and A-Cx(BN)ys width. ................................................................................................... 30

2-3 A Pseudocharge density plot of A-Cx(BN)y and H-terminated AGNR. ................ 31

2-4 DFT and TB model bandgap calculation comparison. ........................................ 32

3-1 Schematic of the device structure and the top-of-barrier ballistic transistor model. ................................................................................................................. 43

3-2 Schematic of the graphene Nanoroad and the bandgap properties.. ................. 44

3-3 Schematic of the graphene nanomesh and the bandgap properties. ................. 45

3-4 C-H and C-F binding energy of A-XNR structures with Na=3 or 4. ..................... 46

3-5 The ballistic performance limits of Graphene nanoroad FETs compare to Si.. ... 46

3-6 The ballistic performance limits of Graphene nanomesh FETs compare to Si and GaAs. .......................................................................................................... 47

3-7 A-HNRs and A-FNRs device performance comparison. ..................................... 47

4-1 DFT calculated structures of K doped graphene and MoS2. ............................... 54

4-2 K to graphene, MoS2 and WSe2 binding energy comparison. ............................ 55

4-3 Charge density plot of K-doped graphene and K-doped MoS2. .......................... 55

4-4 Charge transfer calculated using Bader analysis ................................................ 56

5-1 Schematic of bi-layer WSe2 and the mechanical strain setup. ............................ 69

5-2 DFT calculated E-k relations of bi-layer WSe2, comparing the XC functions and the effect of including and excluding spin-orbital coupling (SOC). ............... 70

5-3 Comparison of the bandgap features of BL-WSe2. ............................................. 71

5-4 Comparison of PL measurement with HSE-DFT calculation. ............................. 72


5-5 Bandgap features of ML WSe2. .......................................................................... 73

5-6 ML WSe2 atomic and orbital contribution on the E-k relation. ............................. 74

5-7 The partial charge calculation of at each band points of interest. A) KC, B) Σ and C) ΓV. The energy range specified in sub-figure represents the integration interval. ............................................................................................. 74

6-1 Schematic of multi-layer MoS2, and 1D capacitance model. .............................. 84

6-2 Normalized charge density profile in 10 layer of MoS2 FET with varying gate charge density. ................................................................................................... 85

6-3 Effective screening length in 10 layers of MoS2 FET with varying gate charge density.. .............................................................................................................. 85

6-4 Effective screening length between the first (bottom) two layers( i=1, λeff) compared with the Debye length (λD

i) at different temperatures. ........................ 86

6-5 Charge and potential profile along the MoS2 stack. ............................................ 87

7-1 Simulated structure of graphene-MoS2 junction. .............................................. 101

7-2 MoS2-Graphene junction properties. ................................................................ 102

7-3 Band alignment results of 2D Poisson calculation. ........................................... 103

7-4 Isolated diode model and its results. ................................................................ 104

7-5 Schematic of the 3 terminal MGM BJT and NEGF current calculation results. . 105

7-6 Current gain and intrinsic delay of the MGM-BJT.. ........................................... 106

A-1 Graphene nanoribbon schematic. ..................................................................... 111

A-2 Schematic of AGNR and perturbation modeling. .............................................. 115

B-1 BSSE calculation method. ................................................................................ 121

C-1 Bilayer WSe2 HSE-DFT and G0W0 calculation. ................................................ 122



1D 1 dimensional

2D 2 dimensional

3D 3 dimensional

ABNNR Armchair boron nitride nanoribbon

AGNR Armchair graphene nanoribbon

BNNR Boron nitride nanoribbon

BSSE Basis set superposition error

CMOS Complimentary metal-oxide-semiconductor

CP Counter poise

CVD Chemical vapor deposition

DFT Density-functional theory

DIBL Drain induced barrier lowering

DIBT Drain induced barrier thinning

DOS Density of states

FET Field effect transistor

GNR Graphene nanoribbon

h-BN hexagonal boron nitride

ITRS International technology roadmap for semiconductors

I-V Current-voltage

MOSFET Metal semiconductor field effect transistor

NEGF Non-equilibrium Green's function

TB Tight binding

TMD Transition metal dichalcogenides


Abstract of Dissertation Presented to the Graduate School of the University of Florida in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy



Gyungseon Seol

August 2014

Chair: Jing Guo Major: Electrical and Computer Engineering

In the recent years, since the first advent of graphene in 2004, two dimensional

(2D) semiconducting materials, such as h-BN and transition metal dichalcogenides

(TMDs) have gained of a great interest. To minimize the short channel effect at extreme

scaling of future sub-5 nm gate length field-effect transistors (FETs), large bandgap

semiconductors with ultrathin body are essential. In this context adopting 2D

semiconductors as channel will serve a great advantage. Graphene, due to its excellent

charge transport properties, ranks itself as one of the most promising future device

material. TMDs are also of great interest due to sufficient bandgap they provide, which

is desired in achieving large on-off current ratio. Combinations of these materials are

possible, leading to various device structures to be studied.

This dissertation can be categorized into to topic. The first is the Ab-initio

calculations to study the material properties of the 2D semiconductor. We present

graphene derivatives which bandgap can be engineered without reducing its

dimensionality, which is preferred in achieving higher current density when applied as

channel material of FETs. Doping properties of TMDs (MoS2 and WSe2) and effect of

strain on bilayer WSe2 are investigated. These studies served as a fundamental in


understanding the device operation mechanism and performance prediction, which is

the second topic of this work. Performance limit of FETs using grapehene derivative

materials is examined and show that they out-perform Si based FETs. Next, the

electrostatic screening properties of MoS2 is presented, which we predict the screening

length can be as short as half the interlayer distance of the 2D crystalline to infinite

screening length depending on the temperature and applied gate voltage. Following is

the electrical properties of Graphene-MoS2 heterojunction. To assess the mechanism of

the junction we perfrom 1D and 2D Possion calculation followed by transport calculation

using classical method and non-equilibrium green’s function formalism. Last, 3 terminal

bipolar junction transistor using MoS2- Graphene-MoS2 heterostructure is studied.



1.1. Overview

In the past few decades, scaling down the device feature size has been the

major driving force behind sustaining the growth of semiconductor industry. So far by

increasing the device density, it has successfully fulfilled its task in delivering more

functionality. However, we are now in the era of 22nm node, and the International

Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS) 2011 suggests that in 2022, the gate

length of a metal-oxide-field-effect-transistor (MOSFET) will reach sub 10nm regime [1].

Further reduction of feature size lies as a question mark in terms of physical realization

and enhancement in the device performance. With the channel length in such extreme

scale, the gate loses its controllability, due to the drain-induced electrostatic effect that

lowers the barrier (DIBL) [2]. At the same time the barrier itself gets thinner, drain-

induced-barrier-thinning (DIBT), which results in increase of source to drain (S/D)

tunneling [3]. Both of these effects make it difficult to turn the device off, which lead to

poor power efficiency that is undesired in mobile applications. To overcome the

limitations, various new classes of materials as well as device structures have been

explored [4-6]. One approach is to make the channel thin. As the gate size shrinks, to

maintain the electrostatic control, the channel needs to be scaled down accordingly. So,

the question is, what if the channel is atomic thin.

Since the first demonstration of graphene [7], 2D layered materials have been

investigated in depth. Although graphene exhibits superior carrier mobility, the material

innately suffers from zero bandgap. Thus, employing a pristine graphene as a channel

material in the field-effect-transistor (FET), result in a low ION/IOFF ratio. This imposes a


major obstacle for using graphene in future digital electronic device applications. To

address this problem, few ways have been proposed to induce bandgap in a graphene

system, such as, graphene nanoribbons (GNRs), graphene nanomesh and graphene

antidot [8~11]. Also there exists other layered-structure material family with bandgap,

such as, hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN), transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs)

[12,13]. In this work, we theoretically investigate the material properties of such 2D

functionalized materials that can provide, or bear a sufficient bandgap and elucidate the

physics behind. Also we conduct device simulations that employ the materials as

channel to project the performance limit and compare to that of the Si MOSFET.

1.2. Graphene Based Electronics

Graphene is a monolayer (ML) of carbon tightly packed into a dense 2D

honeycomb lattice as visualized in Figure 1-1A. Previously, it was studied as a building

block of carbon allotropes such as, graphite and carbon nanotubes (CNTs). It was

believed until recently, that the 2D material is unstable and cannot exist in free-state.

However, in 2004, Novoselov et al. proved this belief to be false, demonstrating by

micromechanical cleavage technique [7]. Further investigation was carried out and in

2007, the subtle optical effect created on top of a chosen SiO2 substrate allowed its

observation even with an ordinary optical microscope [14].

Carbon is the sixth element in the periodic table and is smallest atom in column

IV. A carbon atom has six electrons in 1s2, 2s2 and 2p2 orbital. Two electrons are in the

1s2 orbital and are strongly bound as core electrons. When the carbons form a

crystalline, the 4 valence electron occupying 2s2 and 2p2 orbitals give rise to 2s, 2px, 2py

and 2pz orbital. Since 2s and 2p orbital are close in energy, these orbital mix and form

sp1, sp2 and sp3 hybridization. In the case of graphene, sp2 hybridization, and forms a


trigonal planar structure, where each carbon atoms are connected by σ bonds with

bonding distance of 1.42Å. This σ bond is responsible for the mechanical strength of the

carbon allotropes and this filled band lie as deep valence band. The remaining pz orbital

is perpendicular to the x-y plane with one electron occupying it. This half-filled band

results in strong tight-binding character and thus functions as main contributor of

graphenes' fascinating electronic properties. Also this is the reason that the tight binding

(TB) description of this system which includes just one pz orbital per carbon atom and

accounting for only the nearest neighbor interaction provides an accurate graphene

band structure at the energy range near the Fermi point [15].

1.2.1. Tight Binding Approach of Graphene Electronic Properties

Band structure of a graphene can be calculated by a tight-binding (TB) model in

a pz orbital basis set per carbon atom by taking account of its nearest neighbors only.

The Hamiltonian matrix can be express as [16],

1 2

1 2

0 (1 )( )

(1 ) 0

ik a ik a

ik a ik a

t e ek

t e e

. (1-1)

The 0 3 eVt is tight-binding parameter between carbon atoms. 1a and 2a are

the basis vectors of graphene as shown in Figure 1-1B. By calculating the eigenvalues

of the Hamiltonian matrix, the band structure of graphene can be obtained as in

equation (1-2).

1 2

0( ) (1 )ik a ik ak t e e , (1-2)

This can be further simplified by Taylor expansion to,

( ) F Fk k k , (1-2)


where / 300F c is the Fermi velocity. The highly linear dispersion relation differs from

conventional semiconductors, where the energy spectrum can be approximated in

parabolic manner. Although the graphene exhibits superior carrier velocity and near

ballistic transport characteristics, it is innately a zero-bandgap. This is an unappealing

feature for nano-electronic applications.

1.2.2. Electronic Properties of Armchair Graphene Nanoribbon

One way to generate a bandgap in a graphene system is to reduce its dimension

to a quasi-1D nanostructure, such as CNT and GNR. Depending on the orientation, a

GNR can be categorized into two group, zigzag graphene nanoribbon (ZGNR) and

armchair graphene nanoribbon (AGNR), as depicted in Figure 1-2A and Figure 1-2B,

respectively. Although ZGNRs have distinctive electronic and magnetic features due to

their localized edge states at each end, have zero bandgap [18]. Therefore we will only

focus on AGNRs. An AGNR is also metallic or semiconducting as a function of the width

and can be categorized into 3 groups, namely, 3p, 3p+1 and 3p+2, where p is an

integer [19-21]. Within the TB model the bandgap of AGNRs can be calculated as,

0 4cos 23 1



, 0

( 1)4cos 2

3 2




and 0, for the each 3 groups mentioned, respectively. The details of the derivation using

TB model are in Appendix A.1. Deeper investigations have revealed that the edge σ

bonds terminated by H atoms (hydrogen passivation) generate shortening of the C-C

bonds at the edge of AGNRs. The perturbation by the edge bond relaxation gives rise to

a small bandgap even in the 3p+2 family [18].


1.3. Outline

This work is organized as the following. Chapter 2 talks about 2D continuous

sheet of hybrid material, h-BN and Graphene. Creating domains of h-BN in graphene

has been reported. By precise control of the shape of the domain, one can engineer the

electronic properties of the graphene/h-BN hybrid material. We have conducted study

on GNRs in between BN nanoribbons (BNNRs). In this structure, the confinement of the

wave functions can be given to the AGNRs without rapid σ bond termination, thus

generate bandgap in a continuous 2D structure.

Similar approach has been studied in Chapter 3. Instead of the h-BN,

functionalized graphene was used to generate the confinement. By hydrogenation of

fluoridation, the sp2 hybridization of the graphene changes to sp3 hybridization which is

responsible for generation of bandgap. By selective chemical functionalization, we can

create nanoroads or nanomeshes and control the bandgap in a 2D graphene derivate

system. Simulations were conducted on FETs utilizing the materials as channel to

estimate and evaluate the performance limit.

While in the previous chapters focus on generating bandgap in the graphene

system and evaluating them, the scope of coming chapters are on TMDs, which are 2D

crystalline materials which innately bear bandgap. In Chapter 4, potassium (K) doping of

MoS2 and WSe2 was studied and compared with graphene via Ab initio simulations. We

find that he binding energy of the K to the is larger than to the graphene, which indicates

that the K acts as more stable dopant in the TMD system

In Chapter 5, we report the effect of uniaxial strain on bi-layer WSe2 via first

principle calculations. We find indirect to direct bandgap transition in this system, and


confirm this feature with measurement results. We also find that the transition originates

from the dz2 orbital of the W atom.

While Chapter 4 and 5 deals with the material features, the following Chapter 6

and 7 are oriented on the application device of the TMDs. Electrostatic screening

behavior of multi-layer of MoS2 is examined in Chapter 6. In Chapter 7, we discuss the

properties of the graphene-MoS2 heterojunction which resembles the metal-

semiconductor junction. Also operating mechanism of metal-base-transistor-like MoS2-

graphene-MoS2 heterostructure transistor is examined

Last, we summarize and conclude the work in the conclusion chapter, Chapter 8.


Figure 1-1. Schematic of 2D graphene and corresponding lattic vectors. A) Visualization of 2D graphene. B) Schematic of honeycomb lattice. The red dashed rhombus represents the unitcell of graphene, which consist of A and B sublattice.


Figure 1-2. Schematic of an AGNR and a ZGNR. A) Na-AGNR, where Na represents the AGNR width, 9 in this case. B) Nz-ZGNR, where Nz=6 represents the ZGNR width.




Graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) have seized strong interest. Recent studies show

that domains of graphene in monolayer hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) can be

synthesized. Using the first principle calculations we have studied the electronic

properties of armchair GNRs (AGNRs) confined by BN nanoribbons (BNNRs). While, H-

terminated AGNRs have a close to zero bandgap with the width index of 3p+2, AGNRs

confined by BNNRs exhibit a considerable bandgap. The bandgap opening is primarily

due to perturbation to the on-site potentials of atoms at AGNR edges. A tight binding

(TB) model is parameterized to confirm this mechanism and enable future device


2.1. Overview

Since the first demonstration of graphene, the ballistic transport property of the

material has attracted interest for nano-electronic applications [7]. Graphene, having a

honeycomb structure results in a zero bandgap. Stripped into a few nanometer-wide

graphene nanoribbon (GNR), bandgap can be tuned to a certain extent, by the

confinement of electronic wave function [17, 19, 23, 24]. Single-layer hexagonal boron

nitride (h-BN), also a honeycomb lattice structure, can be formed into boron nitride

nanoribbons (BNNRs). Due to large ionicity of B and N atoms, BNNRs exhibit

qualitatively different properties from those of GNRs, insulating and magnetic behaviors

[25-27]. C, B and N are all in the same period of the periodic table, thus graphene and

h-BN have similar lattice constant. This makes combining BN and graphene attractive

and has been extensively studied [28-30].


While H-terminated GNRs requires breaking of bonds, BNNR-confined GNRs

forms a continuous 2D atomistic layer [29]. This provides a natural way of realizing a

densely packed parallel array of semiconducting GNRs, which is necessary in providing

large on-currents for transistor applications. Focusing on Armchair GNRs (AGNRs)

confined by Armchair BNNRs (ABNNRs), we observed considerable bandgap opening

in 3p+2 categories of AGNRs and alteration in bandgap relations between the three

AGNR families. We claim that these difference from H-terminated AGNRs, originate

from the charge redistribution at the edges of AGNRs confined by BNNRs, and we

exclude edge bond relaxation effect.

2.2. Simulation Method

We conducted ab-initio density-functional theory (DFT) calculations with SIESTA

codes on sets of H-terminated AGNRs and AGNRs bounded by ABNNRs for

comparison [31]. From now on we will denote an AGNR confined by ABNNR as A-

Cx(BN)y, where the x and y represents the width of AGNR and BNNR portion of the

system, respectively. Simulations were run using the double-ζ polarized (DZP) basis set

employing the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) method. The Perdew–Burke–

Ernzerhof (PBE) exchange-correlation functional is adopted and the Troullier–Martins

scheme is used for the norm-conserving pseudopotentials. A grid cutoff of 210 Ry was

used and the Brillouin zone sampling is done by the Monkhost pack mesh of k-points

(16×4×1). Figure 2-1A shows a random structure of an A-Cncc(BN)nbn1+nbn2 used

throughout the work. The width of BNNRs on each side of GNR, nbn1 and nbn2, are set in

a manner that the sum, ncc+nbn1+nbn2 is even, i.e. for an odd ncc, nbn1=9 and nbn2=10,

and for even ncc, nbn1=nbn2=10, so that the unit cell replicate along the y-direction. Total

length of the BNNR in the unit cell is chosen as so that it is wide enough to act as an


insulator. The DFT calculation results of A-C14(BN)20 and A-C14(BN)32 were compared.

Bandgap of the two cases are, 0.4016 eV and 0.4193 eV, respectively, resulting in an

around 4.5% difference. Thus, larger value of nbn1 and nbn2 would result in similar

dispersion relations, meaning that nbn1+nbn2=19 and 20 functions well for our purpose.

2.3. Results

Figure 2-2A shows the DFT-calculated bandgap of the A-Cx(BN)ys and H-

terminated AGNRs. They exhibit qualitatively different electrostatic features between the

two set. The width of AGNRs is defined by the number of dimer lines (N) and are

categorized into 3 groups, N=3p, N=3p+1, and N=3p+2 (p is an integer). The bandgap

of ideal GNRs are inversely proportional to the width, with all N=3p+2 group remaining a

zero bandgap. However, in H-terminated AGNRs, the edges are terminated in a rather

abrupt manner. Thus for the atomic bonds to be relaxed, the C-C bonds parallel to the

dimer line are shorter at the two edges than the rest. The perturbation from this

generates a small bandgap opening in 3p+2 category of H-terminated AGNRs, which

can be observe in Figure 2-2A [19]. For A-Cx(BN)ys, due to the similarity in the lattice

constant of GNRs and BNNRs, we may expect different. Figure 2-2B compares the C-C

bonds length parallel to the dimer of the H-terminated 14-AGNR and GNR portion of the

A-C14(BN)20. Average C-C bond length (lattice constant) of A-Cx(BN)y and AGNR is

1.425 Å (4.292 Å) and 1.413Å (4.262 Å), respectively, resulting in only a 0.856%

(0.694%) difference. For the bonds at the edge, H-terminated 14-AGNR have 3.4%

difference at while of A-C14(BN)20 exhibit only 1.4%. Thus, the effect of edge bond

relaxation can be eliminated as a source of bandgap opening in A-Cx(BN)ys.

Another point observed in Figure 2-2A is the relation of the width to the bandgap.

In H-terminated AGNRs, the bandgap in the three groups follow the hierarchy of


E3p+2<E3p<E3p+1, where Ez represents the bandgap of the categorized group z. However,

A-Cx(BN)ys, follows the hierarchy as E3p+2<E3p+1<E3p. The C atoms close to the junction

will encounter perturbation of on-site energy which we expect also be the cause for

bandgap opening for 3p+2 group.

Evidence of the perturbation can be observed in Figure 2-3, which shows the

pseudo charge density of an A-Cx(BN)y and a H-terminated AGNR. For an H-terminated

AGNR, the symmetry of the charge density is preserved with only a small perturbation

at the H-terminated edge. An A-Cx(BN)y on the other hand, the charges redistribute and

populate highly at nitrogen, which is caused by the large ionic potential difference

between B and N.

For analytical purpose, we can construct an effective Hamiltonian matrix only

focusing on the GNR part of the A-Cx(BN)y structure as in the schematic of Figure 2-1B.

The difference considered for this effective Hamiltonian matrix from that of ideal AGNR,

is the perturbed potential energies on the C atoms adjacent to the B and N. Here, for

simplicity we will assume that the large absolute on-site energy of B and N will only

affect the nearest C atoms, thus total 4 atoms. We will refer the perturbed potential

energies as Ea (Eb) as perturbed by B (N). The perturbation was calculated on

equivalent two-ladder system at k=0 [19]. The bandgap for the 3p and 3p+1 category of

the A-Cx(BN)y is as in equation (2-1). Further derivation is in the Appendix A.2.

0 2 2

3 3

0 2 2

3 1 3 1

2 1 3 (2 1)2 sin ( ) sin ( )

1 3 1 3 1

1 3 ( 1)2 sin ( ) sin ( )

1 3 2 3 2

a bp p

a bp p

E E p p pE E

N p p

E E p p pE E

N p p



The Eo3p and Eo

3p+1 are the bandgap for ideal AGNR which are given by,

tCC[4cos(pπ/(3p+1))-2] and tCC[2-4cos(pπ/(3p+2))] , respectively [19]. The analytical

calculation results are included in Figure. 2-2A, marked as gray crosses. The cases for

3p+2 are not included. Due to the initial zero bandgap of the 3p+2 systems, perturbation

calculation does not hold for this category. However shows perturbation indeed affects

the bandgap hierarchy.

For better understanding the mechanism, a Tight Binding (TB) model was

conducted. Though DFT calculation provides accurate description of the system, it is

computationally expensive. The TB model is a computationally cost effective method,

which can facilitate further device studies. The Hamiltonian of this model can be

expressed as equation (2-2) and the values of the parameters used are listed in Table



, ,

( ) ( ) 'i i i i i j j i i i j j i C i

i i j i j i

H c c t c c c c t c c c c E


Indices i and j denote the site, ci+ and ci are creation, annihilation operators.


: Site Energy of Boron

: Site Energy of Nitrogen

: Site Energy of Carbon at sublattice A

: Site Energy of Carbon at sublattice B







: B to N bonding parameter

: C to C bonding parameter

: B to C bonding parameter

: N to C bonding parameter













The 1st and 2nd nearest tight binding parameters were introduced for better fitting. Also,

potential changes in the confined GNR portion due to the adjunct B and N atoms were

considered, as in the previous analytic calculations. Because the TB model is

constructed within the unit cell of the system, we assumed that the potential would

effectively influence nearby atoms only in lateral direction, as indicated in Figure. 2-1C.

The fourth term in the RHS of equation (2-2) represents the changes in potential profile

at the atomistic sites. Where the value of E’C,i , is 0 for ABNNR part and denotes the

decaying potential from the B or N atoms affecting the nearby C atoms, which can be

expressed as equation (2-3) in the AGNR part.

,' ( ) ( )C n B NE V n V n (2-3)

/( ) B Cnd

B B BNV n P e


/( ) ( ) N Cnd

N N BNV n P e


In equation (2-4) and (2-5), the potential is defined in exponential manner, where,

PB and PN are the strength of the potential and λ is the decay length [25]. dB-Cn (dN-Cn)

denotes distance from the B (N) at the edge to the nth C atom. Figure 2-4A plots the

bandgap results of ab-initio calculation and TB model, which fits within 6% range.

Figure 2-4B depicts few of the resulting dispersion relations in the region of interest.

Thus the TB model employing potential changes in the AGNR portion of A-Cx(BN)ys

describes the system well. Figure 2-4C shows the extended TB calculation. Although



: 2nd nearest B to N bonding parameter

: 2nd nearest C to C bonding parameter

: 2nd nearest B to B bonding parameter

: 2nd nearest N to N bonding pa













: 2nd nearest N to C bonding parameterNCt


the bandgap is inversely proportional to the width for both cases, the minimal bandgap

of A-Cx(BN)ys’ is considerably larger than that of H-terminated GNRs. Both TB

calculation and analytic calculation match.

2.4. Summary

We have investigated electronic properties of A-Cx(BN)ys through DFT

calculation. The edge bond relaxation that is evident in H-terminated AGNRs has a

significantly small effect in A-Cx(BN)ys due to the similar lattice constant of two materials

and thus can act as stable passivation method. The source of considerably bandgap

opening for A-Cx(BN)ys with width index of 3p+2, and distinctive width to bandgap

relations from that of H-terminated AGNRs is evaluated by the perturbation calculation

and verifies that it originates from the change in the potential energy of the C atoms in

the AGNR edges that are adjacent to B and N. A TB model of the system was

constructed as a simple and effective method to predict the electronic properties.


Table 2-1. Tight binding parameters for A-Cx(BN)ys

Parameters (eV)


0.015 1.95 2.5 2.9 2.0 2.5 0

tCC,2 tBB tNN tNC,2 PB PN λ (Å)

0 0 0.15 0.59 0.75 0.68 2.1

Figure 2-1. Schematic of an A-Cx(BN)ys. A) Simulated structure of A-Cx(BN)y. x-Axis is the transport direction. B) Schematic of AGNR portion of A-Cx(BN)y unitcell. Inverted open triangle (closed triangle) represents C atom perturbed by adjacent B (N), for analytical calculation. C) Schematic of A-Cx(BN)y unit cell, B and N, affecting the potential profile of at C atomic sites within the unit cell.


Figure 2-2. Bandgap properties and C to C distance as a function of AGNR and A-Cx(BN)ys width. A) Bandgap (Eg) vs. width plot of the DFT calculation of AGNRs (the solid line with closed square) and A-Cx(BN)ys (the solid line with open triangle), and analytical calculations of A-Cx(BN)y (gray cross ). B) C to C distance of bonds that are parallel to the dimer line vs. the atomic indices. Data extracted from the DFT calculation of H-terminated 14-AGNR (the solid line with open square) and A-C14(BN)20 (the solid line with closed triangle). Average of the H-terminated 14-AGNR is represented as dot and A-C14(BN)20 as dash. Top panel is in absolute scale, distance unit in Å. Bottom panel is in relative scale regards to the average.


Figure 2-3. A Pseudocharge density plot of A-Cx(BN)y and H-terminated AGNR. A) A-Cx(BN)y. B) H-terminated AGNR. Units are in e/Å3.


Figure 2-4. DFT and TB model bandgap calculation comparison. A) Bandgap (Eg) of A-Cx(BN)ys’ as a function of width. The DFT calculation (solid line with closed square) and the TB model results (dashed line with open triangle) are compared. On the left y-axis is the bandgap and on the right y-axis is the relative error of the two calculations. Relative error is defined as, err(%)=(Eg,ab-intio – Eg,TB)/Eg,ab-intio. B) E-k band plots of A-C8(BN)20 , A-C9(BN)19 , A-C13(BN)19 ,and A-C14(BN)20 comparing the DFT calculations (solid line) and TB results (dashed line). C) TB calculated Bandgap




We examine the performance limits of the field-effect transistors (FETs) with

chemically modified graphene as the channel materials. Graphene nanoroad (XNR) and

graphene nanomesh (XNM) can be created through selective chemical modification of X

adsorbate (either H or F) on graphene, which generates a bandgap while conserving

the continuous two-dimensional atomistic layer. We adopt a ballistic transistor model,

where the band structure were calculated using the Ab intio simulations to assess the

performance of graphene nanoroad and nanomesh transistors. It is shown that array of

graphene nanoroads, defined by hydrogenation or fluorination of atomically narrow

dimmer lines in a 2D graphene, are most ideal for transistor channel material in terms of

delivering a large on-current, which significantly outperforms Si metal-oxide-

semiconductor (MOS) FETs. Alternatively, comparable performance to silicon can be

achieved by careful designed graphene nanomesh through patterned hydrogenation or

fluorination. As for the chemical modification, both hydrogenation and fluorination leads

to similar transistor performance, with fluorination more preferred in terms of chemical


3.1. Overview

Graphene, a material with high mobility, has been extensively explored for

electronics applications [32,33]. However, due to its honeycombs structure, the material

innately suffers from zero bandgap. Thus, employing pristine graphene as a channel

material in the field-effect-transistor (FET), result in a low ION/IOFF ratio. This imposes a

major obstacle for using graphene in future digital electronic device applications. To

address this problem, few ways have been proposed to induce bandgap in graphene.


For example, in graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) the confinement of the wave functions

tunes the electronic properties, resulting in a bandgap [34,35]. Similarly, the graphene

nanomesh or antidot, a two-dimensional (2D) graphene with nanoscale array of holes,

has also been proposed [9-11]. However, all these structures have abrupt C-C bond

terminations at the edges, and hence the atomistic control is crucial for reliable

performance. At current status, the fabrication of such precisely defined edge is still

unreliable. A bandgap can also be induced by introducing chemical modification, such

as hydrogenation and fluorination, to the graphene. These modifications alter the initial

sp2 hybridization to sp3, which induces a bandgap of a few eV in graphane or fluorinated

graphene [36-39]. The combination of the two mentioned methods has been proposed

and investigated by Singh et al [40].

Graphene-nanoroad (XNR, X denotes the type of adsorbate, i.e. H or F) is a

narrow graphene strip, similar to the GNR, sandwiched in-between two hybridized

graphenes. The hybridized graphenes confine the electron within the XNR, giving rise to

a finite bandgap. Arrays of XNRs provide a natural way of realizing a densely packed

parallel semiconductor with potentially uniform edge orientation. Applying the same idea

to antidot systems, we propose a structure with vacancy replaced by selective chemical

modification of graphene. We denote this as graphene-nanomesh (XNM). Note that,

both XNR and XNM are formed by selective chemical modifications, without breaking

the covalent C-C bonds. Thus, these structures have continuous carbon 2D atomistic

layer, in which the excessive edge-defects can be prevented.

In chapter, we evaluate the performance of FETs using the XNRs and XNMs as

the channel materials. Our results indicate that array of XNRs, which behave as densely


packed current paths defined by hydrogenation or fluorination functionalization, can

outperform Si metal-oxide- semiconductor (MOS) FETs. Both the hydrogenation and the

fluorination structure exhibited similar performance, even with atomistic narrow

separation. On the other hand, XNM exhibits similar performance to that of Si.

3.2. Approach

To compare the performance of the FETs employing XNRs and XNMs as the

channel, we used a single-gated FET structure with high-κ ZrO2 (εr=25) insulator

thickness of 3 nm. The resulting gate insulator capacitance is Cins= 7.38×10-2 F/m2. The

applied power supply voltage is VDD=0.5 V. The schematic of the structure is in Figure

3-1A. To investigate the performance limit of the FETs, a “top-of-barrier” ballistic

MOSFET model was used with self-consistent electrostatics that is treated by a

capacitance model [38]. This semi-classical model is described in Figure 3-1B. In this

model, the positive velocity states (+k states) are filled by the source Fermi-level (EFS)

and the negative velocity states (-k states) are filled by the drain Fermi-level (EFD). The

current, IDS is determined by the difference in these two carrier distribution. The E-k

relation of the material is calculated from ab initio density- functional theory (DFT).

Si has been used as the MOSFET performance reference. For the E-k relations

of Si, we consider the parabolic effective mass model with (100) as the channel

direction. The XNR and XNM channels are as depicted in Figure 3-2A, 3-2B and Figure

3-3A, 3-3B respectively and are denoted as A-HNRs, A-FNRs, and HNMs as defined in

the captions in the figures accordingly. We conduct DFT calculations with SIESTA

codes on a set of A-HNRs, A-FNRs, and HNMs to extract the E-k relation of the

materials [31]. For the simulations we used the double-ζ polarized (DZP) basis set

employing the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) method. The Perdew–Burke-


Ernzerhof (PBE) exchange-correlation functional is adopted and the Troullier–Martins

scheme is used for the norm-conserving pseudopotentials. A grid cutoff of 300 Ry is

used and the Brillouin zone sampling is done by the Monkhost pack mesh of k-points

(31×11×1) for A-XNRs and (31×31×1) for XNMs.

3.3. Results

3.3.1. DFT Results : E-k Dispersion Relation

We first examine the E-k relation of the XNR arrays. Figure 3-2C shows 2D E-k

dispersion relations of the A-HNR{9,3} obtained from the DFT calculation. The Brillouin

zone is indicated by the red rectangle in the center. The A-HNRs have a small effective

mass along the transport direction (mt) and a large effective mass in the width direction

(ml), resulting in a highly anisotropic E-k relations. This highly anisotropic E-k relation,

would maximize both the band-structure-limited velocity in the transport direction and

the 2D density of states (DOS), simultaneously, ideal for improving transistor

performance. Figure 3-2D compares the E-k dispersion relations of the A-HNRs{9,Na},

with Na of 1, 3 and 5. The results are plotted along Y-Г-X band lines in the Brillouin

zone. Notice that the x-axis is not in scale but normalized to the Y-Г and Г-X directions.

As shown in Figure 3-2D, the slope (which represents the group velocity, vg) of the

lowest conduction band in the Y-Г direction is negligibly small, compared to that of the

Г-X direction. Even for Na of 1, isolation in transverse direction is achieved. The

bandgap of few other samples of A-HNRs with varying Ng and Na are plotted in Figure

3-2E. The Na is set to 1 or 2, 3 or 4, and 5 or 6, depending on the width of the

chemically modified portion, such that the total unitcell is an even dimer-line structure,

i.e. Na+Ng is even. This enables the unit cell to be replicated along the y-direction for

DFT calculations. The plot indicates that for the Ng=3p and 3p+1(p is an integer)


groups, the bandgap values remain considerably high even with one atomistic line

separation. This confirms that the atomistic chemical modification provides sufficient

confinement to the system, resulting in A-HNRs functioning similar to armchair GNRs


The inset of Figure 3-2E shows the effective mass along the transport direction

mt as a function of Ng. The mt of A-HNR{9,Na} and A-HNR{12,Na} is smaller than that of

A-HNR{10,Na}, as well as the transverse effective mass of Si, which is 0.19m0. A small

effective mass along the transport direction is preferred for a larger carrier injection

velocity and faster transistor intrinsic speed.

Next we examine the band structures of XNMs. The structure of a XNM is

illustrated in Figure 3-3A. The XNM consists of periodic arrangement of chemically

modified pattern. We consider only the modified pattern that result in hexagonal pattern

with six C and H atoms. We define this structure by the distance between the

neighboring chemically modified hexagons, which is refered to as nanoneck.

Furthermore, only the even indexed structures are taken into account, since the

bandgap of the odd indexed structures is zero [11]. The unitcell of the XNM is shown in

Figure 3-3 B. The symmetry of the unitcell provides clear definition of nanoneck and

also efficiency in DFT calculation.

Figure 3-2C, 3-2D shows the band structures of HNM{1,2} and HNM{1,6},

obtained from the DFT calculations. In the 2D gaphene, the Dirac-cone lies in the K and

K’. However, in HNMs, the shape of the super-lattice causes the Brillouin zone folding,

and thus resulting in a direct bandgap at Γ point. The two lowest conduction bands

shares the same minimum point, located at the Г point. These bands separate with


increasing |k|, similar to the light hole band and heavy hole band in Si. We denote the

two conduction band as the light electron (LE) and the heavy electron (HE) band. The

extracted effective mass of both the LE and HE bands are shown in the inset of Figure

3-3E. The narrower nanoneck induces stronger quantum confinement to the system and

as a result, the bandgap decreases with increasing W. In general, the HNMs introduce

sufficient bandgap in the graphene system. However, due to its nearly isotropic E-k

relation with a larger effective mass, HNM are less advantages compared to A-HNRs in

terms of carrier transport.

3.3.2. DFT Results : Binding Energy Calculation Using Basis Set Superposition Error (BSSE)

In the earlier work, schemes of hydrogenation and fluorination on carbon system

have been studied, and it was suggested that fluorination is energetically more

preferred and easier to be achieved [39]. We confirm the argument by calculating the

binding energy of the A-HNRs and A-FNRs by the DFT calculation.

SIESTA, a DFT calculation code used in this work utilizes localized pseudo-

atomic-orbital (PAO) basis. However, it is well known that in calculating binding energy

of two systems, the PAO basis set may generate error. The unequal basis set between

interacting bonded system and non-interacting separate system gives over-estimation.

This is known as basis set superposition error (BSSE), and need to be compensated

for. Detail of the method is in appendix B.

Figure 3-4 compares the C-H and C-F binding energy of the A-HNRs and A-

FNRs as a function of width of the AGNR portion (Ng). The Na is set a 3(4) for odd

(even) Ng to set the width of the whole unitcell as even for simulation purpose. Notice

that C-F binding energy is ~1.2 eV larger than C-H. Thus, we conclude that the


fluorination is advantageous over hydrogenation in terms of fabrication and structural

stability, without sacrificing the performance as we will demonstrate in the Chapter


3.3.3. Device Performance

Next we study the ballistic performance of the MOSFET devices using XNMs and

XNRs as the channel. We apply the top-of-barrier model to the E-k dispersion relations

calculated from DFT. The performance of the MOSFETs using the A-HNRs (HNMs), as

is compared to Si, is shown in Figure 3-5 (Figure 3-6).

Figure 3-5A shows the I-V characteristic of the A-HNR FETs. For a fair

comparison of the on-current (ION), we adjust the gate workfuntion such that the off-

current density (IOFF) is set to 100nA/µm for all the MOSFETs. The A-HNR FETs with an

index of {9,3} or {12,4} offer the largest ION. Especially, A-HNR{12,4} MOSFET show

52.4% larger ION compared to the Si-MOSFET. Since we have adopted a ballistic

transistor model to evaluate the performance of the channel materials, the current is

calculated as product of vavg and number of mobile carriers that are at the top of the

barrier. As shown in Figure 3-5B, at a fixed gate bias of VG=0.5V, vavg of A-HNR{12,4}

MOS-FET is 82.9% higher than Si MOSFET, resulting in a larger ION. The larger vavg in

A-HNR{9,3} and A-HNR{12,4} is due to the large ml, as mentioned previously. The solid

lines with closed polygon in the Figure 3-5B are thermal velocity of the carriers

expressed as equation (3-1).

2 BT


k Tv

m (3-1)

The, kB is the Boltzmann constant and T=300K. The analytic values and the

numerical results match well in the low VG range at the non-degenerate limit. The ION is


the product of the charge density and the average velocity. It has been reported before

that a smaller effective mass in an isotropic E-k does not necessarily leads to a larger

on-current, because increase of the carrier injection velocity can be offset by decrease

of the density-of-states (DOS)[42]. A small effective mass along the transport direction

(for a larger carrier injection velocity) and a large effective mass in the transverse

direction (for a high DOS) are most ideal, which require a highly anisotropic 2D E-k.

We also compared the intrinsic speed of the FETs, using the intrinsic delay,

( ) /ON OFF ONQ Q I . This serves as a fair comparison metric in that it takes account of

both ON state and OFF state of the device, and also the power supply voltage. The

details of the method to compute the intrinsic delay are delineated in ref. 43. The

calculated results are shown in Figure 3-5 C, which indicate that, at a common on-off

ratio of 103, A-HNR{12,4} is two times faster than Si. This is caused by the larger

average carrier injection velocity in A-HNR{12,4}.

Figure 3-6 shows performance limits of HNMs compared to that of Si. The

modeled HNM{1,2} and HNM{1,4}, whose bandgaps are larger than 0.7 eV exhibit

comparable performance to Si, but are less preferable than A-HNRs with Ng=3p+1

category. The main limiting factor in the HNMs, is the large effective mass in the

transport direction, which lowers the carrier injection velocity. The extracted effective

mass for HNM{1,4} is 0.15m0 for LE band and 0.17m0 for the HE band. Even though the

effective mass in HNM can be further decreased by increasing the nanoneck (Figure 3-

3E), this would also decrease the bandgap, thus limit the achievable maximum on-off

current ratio.


Finally we further investigate the performance of HNRs as shown in Figure 3-7.

First, we study the effect of varying separation (Na) of HNRs, on the device

performance. Referring to Figure 3-7A, at VG of 0.5 V, comparing A-HNR{9,1} and A-

HNR{9,3}, the current show a difference of less than 5% and vavg show a difference of

12.5%. Thus we can verify that even one atomistic dimer-line separation generated by

chemical modification can offer enough isolation and provide comparable performance

to those of large Na. Second, we compare the effect of hydrogenation and fluorination of

HNRs, by comparing the performance of A-HNRs and A-FNRs. Referring to Figure 3-

7A, and 3-7B, A-HNR{9,3} and A-FNR{9,3} show close performance resemblance, only

2% difference in ION, and 3% in vavg. The summary of the performance of each device is

compared with Si in Table 3-1.

3.4. Summary

The electronic properties of selectively chemical modified XNRs and XNMs were

evaluated using Ab initio calculations. For XNRs, a considerable band gap comparable

to AGNR of the same confinement width can be achieved even with a single atomistic

line of hydrogenation or fluorination in a 2D graphene sheet. Hydrogenation and

fluorination leads to similar transistor performance, with fluorination more preferred in

terms of chemical energetic. The ballistic performance limits of devices using XNRs and

XNMs as channel were investigated using a top-barrier method. Due to high anisotropic

feature of the E-k relations, the performance of XNR transistors is better than that of

XNM transistors. A carefully defined pattern of the selective chemical modification to the

graphene system is promising in achieving high on-off ratio and speed, which are

required in digital electronic device applications.


Table 3-1. Summary of the MOSFET performance

Channel material Eg [eV]


[103µA/µm] vavg

† [105m/s]

τ †† [fs]

Si 1.12 2.46 2.16 94.7 A-HNR{9,3} 0.68 3.74 (52.0%) 3.29 (52.3%) 56.5 (-40.3%)

A-HNR{10,4} 0.98 2.61 (6.10 %) 1.91 (-11.6%) 102.2 (8.0%) A-HNR{12,4} 0.60 3.75 (52.4%) 3.95 (82.9%) 47.9 (-49.4%)

HNM{1,2} 1.41 2.08 (-15.4%) 1.37 (-36.6%) 148.5 (56.8%) HNM{1,4} 0.75 2.68 (8.94%) 2.20 (1.85%) 91.9 (-2.94%)

A-HNR{9,1} 0.46 3.90 3.70 A-FNR{9,1} 0.44 3.45 3.29 A-FNR{9,3} 0.73 3.66 3.18

A-HNR{10,2} 1.01 2.74 1.80 A-FNR{10,2} 1.03 2.28 1.54 A-FNR{10,4} 1.00 2.48 1.80

The values in the brackets represent the percentage difference with regard to the value of Si. The percent difference is calculated as, (x-xSi)/xSi, where x is the value of each material and xSi is that of Si.

† : At the bias point of , VDD=0.5 V with VG=0.5 V †† : Interpolated using piecewise cubic Hermite interpolation within the values in Figure

3-5C and Figure 3-6C at ION/OFF=103.


Figure 3-1. Schematic of the device structure and the top-of-barrier ballistic transistor model. A) Schematic of device structure. Single top gated MOSFET with high-κ ZrO2 (εr=25) insulator with thickness of 3 nm. Cins= 7.38×10-2 F/m2, VDD=0.5 V B) Schematic of “top-of-barrier” ballistic transistor model. The +k states are filled by the source Fermi level (EFS) and the -k states are filled by the drain Fermi level (EFD).


Figure 3-2. Schematic of the graphene Nanoroad and the bandgap properties. A) Graphene Nanoroad array. B) Atomistic structure of the Armchair Nanoroad. The unit cell of the 2D structure which is denoted as A-XNR{Ng,Na}. Ng is the number of dimer lines of the graphene portion and Na is the number of dimer lines of chemically modified graphene. The Ng=9, and Na=3 for this case. X denotes the adsorbate (i.e. H or F). C) The 2-D band structure of A-HNR{9,3}. The red dash rectangle is the Brillouin zone. D) E-k relation of A-HNR{9,Na} along the Y-Г-X band lines in the Brillouin zone with varying Na. Notice that the x-axis is not in scale but normalized for Y-Г and Г-X direction. E) The bandgap as a function of the Ng for a few different Na values. Na is 1 or 2 (solid line), 3 or 4(dashed line), and 5 or 6 (dotted line), depending on the width of the chemically modified portion. The inset shows the effective mass in the transport direction (mt) as a function of Ng.


Figure 3-3. Schematic of the graphene nanomesh and the bandgap properties. A) Atomistic structure of the nanomesh, which is denoted as XNM{R,W}. R, fixed to 1 lattice constant throughout the work, is the radius of the selectively chemical modified graphene portion. W is the width of the graphene nanoneck between two neighboring selectively chemical modified graphene. X denotes the adsorbate i.e. H. The structure shown here is HNM{1,4}. B) The unit cell of the 2D nanomesh superlattice structure. Band structure of C) HNM{1,2}, and D) HNM{1,6}. The red dash hexagon is the Brillouin zone. E) The bandgap as a function of W. The inset shows the electron effective masses of the structure. LE (HE) stands for light electron (heavy electron) band effective mass.


Figure 3-4. C-H and C-F binding energy of A-XNR structures with Na=3 or 4. The results are from DFT calculations. The figure indicates that C-F bonding is more energetically favorable than C-H bonds.

Figure 3-5. The ballistic performance limits of Graphene nanoroad FETs compare to Si. A common off current density of 100nA/µm is defined by adjusting the gate workfunction for all transistors for a fair comparison of the ION. A) The IDS vs. VG characteristics are compared to that of Si MOSFETs. B) Average carrier injection velocity (vavg) as a function of the gate voltage for graphene nanoroad FETs. The solid lines with closed polygons are thermal velocity. C) Intrinsic transistor delay vs. on-off current ratio where the channel length was assumed as 22nm. The detailed method is described in [14].


Figure 3-6.The ballistic performance limits of Graphene nanomesh FETs compare to Si and GaAs. A) The IDS vs. VG characteristics. B) Average carrier injection velocity (vavg) as a function of the gate voltage for graphene nanomesh FETs. The solid lines with closed polygons are the thermal velocities. C) Intrinsic transistor delay vs. on-off current ratio where the channel length was assumed as 22nm

Figure 3-7. A-HNRs and A-FNRs device performance comparison A) Comparison of ID vs. VG characteristics of A-HNRs and A-FNRs. B) Average carrier injection velocity (vavg) as a function of the VG for A-HNRs and A-FNRs.



Potassium (K) has a small electron affinity and thus is acts as a strong electron

donor, however, its high reactivity impairs it stability as a dopant in graphene. Transition

metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) are a new material of interest due to its atomistic

thickness and nominal bandgap. Ab initio simulations were performed to understand K

doping of MoS2 and WSe2 in comparison with graphene. The results indicate that K

dopant in MoS2 or WSe2 induce larger charge transfer compared to K dopant in

graphene. Also the binding energy of the K to the MoS2 and WSe2 is larger than K to

graphene indicating that the K acts as more stable dopant in the TMD system.

4.1. Overview

The first demonstration of graphene [7] unveiled a class of 2D layered material to

the palette of future nano-devices. Such material includes h-BN, topological insulators,

and transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs). Graphene has been of a great interest

due to its fascinating properties such as mobility in the order of 105 cm2/V.s, thermal

conductivity up to 3000 W/K.m [48,49]. However, due to the absence of band gap, the

graphene-based field-effect transistors (FETs) have high off-current (IOFF) and thus is

not suitable for current logic applications. On the contrary the h-BN, has large direct

bandgap of 5.9 eV which makes it appropriate for optoelectronic applications [50,51],

but rather too high for low power device applications. The TMDs, e.g., MoS2 and WSe2

are also layered 2D material with crystal structure built up of X–M–X monolayers

(M=Mo, W; X=S, Se). Each layer is interacted through van der Waals force. Previous

research reports that TMDs have a nominal bandgap of 1.1–2 eV [52,53], which is

comparable to Si, and thus it is a promising candidate for future nano-electronics.


Recent study of monolayer and few layered MoS2, which has a bandgap of ∼1.8 eV,

has shown the potential use high performance n-type FETs (n-FETs) [13]. Another

study has shown WSe2, which has a bandgap of ~1.2 eV, used as p-type FETs with

doped source and drain [55]. Also theoretical studies show promising results on

adapting TMDs as a channel material [56,57]. Motivated upon these studies, we focus

on understanding the doping of monolayer (ML) of MoS2 and WSe2, in particular, n-type

doping with potassium (K). K has small electron affinity and thus is acts as a strong

electron donor. K doping in graphene has already been studied in depth and the high

reactivity of the dopant make it less practical and this is illustrated by the need of

cryogenic temperatures and ultra high vacuum conditions to stably adsorb potassium on

graphene surfaces [58]. Our question is would K serve as decent n-type dopant in TMD

system and if it does, why.

In this chapter we compare the doping nature of graphene, monolayer (ML)-

MoS2 and ML-WSe2 with potassium as a dopant. Ab initio DFT simulations were

performed to understand the charge transfer and doping mechanism. Our results

indicate that the potassium has stronger interaction with the TMDs compare to

graphene. In both the K-doped MoS2 and the K-doped Wse2, the K to the neighboring

chalcogen atom bond distance was shorter than the K-C bond distance of K-graphene.

We can infer that the K doping in TMD system to be more stable than the case for


4.2. Method

We have conducted two sets of ab-initio DFT calculation by varying the density of

K dopant atom in graphene, ML-MoS2 and ML-WSe2 system. The unitcell of graphene

consists of two C atoms, namely A, B sublattice. For the TMDs the unitcell consists of


one transition metal atom and two chalcogen atoms. For simulation purpose we group

the 2×2 unitcell of graphene with one K dopant (one side doping of 1/4 K atom per

unitcell) and refer it as 0.25K/UC graphene and 3×3 unitcell of graphene with one K

dopant as (1/9 K atom per unitcell) and refer it as 0.11K/UC graphene and applied the

same notation for the TMDs. Figure 4-1A shows the 2D array of 0.25K/UC of graphene,

where the supercell is depicted within the red dotted rhombus. Figure 4-1C shows that

of the TMDs. In Figure 4-1E, the supercell of 0.25K/UC TMDs is depicted for

clarification in the definition of the supercell. Figure 4-1F is the schematic for the

0.11K/UC TMDs supercell. The simulation was conducted by density-functional theory

(DFT) with Vienna ab-initio simulation package (VASP) codes [59]. Compare to SIESTA

codes [31], the VASP simulator uses atom-independent basis set to solve the Kohn-

Sham equation. Meaning that, the VASP calculation does not need compensation for

the BSSE that occurs in atom-centered basis set. Thus, to extract the binding energy of

the dopant to the 2D materials 2 sets of DFT calculation is needed. For example binding

energy of K to graphene, one calculation for K doped graphene and one for K with

graphene but distance is far enough that they will not interact with each other. The

extracted binding energy would be total energy of the first calculation subtract the value

of the second.

The double-ζ polarized (DZP) basis set was used employing the generalized

gradient approximation (GGA) method. The Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) is used for

the exchange-correlation potential. The cutoff energy for the wave-function expansion is

set to 500 eV. Bader analysis [60-62] was followed by the DFT calculation to

understand the charge contribution from the potassium dopant.


4.3. Results

For both the graphene and the TMDs, the K dopant is located above the centers

of the hexagons lattice. Figure 4-1A and 4-1B (Figure 4-1C and 4-1D) depicts the top

and side view of K-doped graphene (ML-TMD), respectively, with one-side doping and a

density of 1/4 K atom per unitcell (0.25K/UC). Despite of S being a much larger atom

than C, the distance between the K dopant and the S plane in MoS2 (2.60 Å) is shorter

than that between K and C plane in graphene (2.89 Å). The bond length of K-S is 3.06 Å

in MoS2, compared to the K-C bond length of 3.24 Å in graphene. The shorter bond

length indicates a stronger binding of K to MoS2, which is consistent with a larger

binding energy in K-doped MoS2 and more stable doping as shown in Figure 4-2A. The

results are also summarized in Table 4-1. The simulation results indicate that the bond

length decreases and the binding energy increases as the doping density decreases

from 0.25K/UC to 0.11K/UC, but the qualitative difference between K-doped MoS2 and

K-doped graphene remains unchanged. Until now we have discussed in terms of doping

density per unitcell, which may be misleading in that the size of the unitcell are rather

different. Lattice constant of graphene is 2.46 Å and MoS2 is 3.16 Å, 1.28 times larger,

and 1.64 time larger in terms of area. For a fair comparison, Figure 4-2B plots the

binding energy as function of doping density. The binding energy of the K to MoS2 is still

larger than K to graphene. Figure 4-3 plots the charge density distribution of K doped

graphene and K doped MoS2, where the cutting plane is shown in Figure 4-1E. For K

doped MoS2 system, we can confirm the larger interaction between the S atom to K

compare to C-K interaction in K doped graphene. We also performed similar simulations

of K-WSe2. The distance between the K dopant and the Se plane is 2.76 Å and the K-Se

bond length is 3.36 Å. Because WSe2 have larger atoms than MoS2, the bond length is


larger and the binding energy is smaller, but the K-WSe2 binding energy is still larger

than that of a K-graphene.

To examine charge transfer between the K dopant and the ML 2D materials, we

performed Bader analysis of charge transfer as shown in Figure. 4-4, with a K

concentration of one atom per four MoS2 unit cells (0.25K/UC). After placing one K atom

in the center of the super cell, there is 0.52e of charger transferred from the K atom to

MoS2, with the top atoms on the top S layer sharing the charge, while in ML WSe2, 0.50

of the K charge is transferred, slightly lower than that of K-MoS2’s.

4.4. Summary

In this chapter, we have studied the potassium n-doping of ML-TMD and

compared with the graphene through DFT calculations. The results indicate larger

charge transfer of K to TMD system then graphene when doped. Also the larger binding

energy indicates that K doping in TMD system is more stable than graphene case.

Confirming that TMDs can be doped, we may expect development of layered

semiconductor MOS devices.


Table 4-1. Summary of bonding properties of MoS2 and graphene

MoS2 Graphene

Eb(eV) dK-S (Å) Interlayer dist (Å) Eb(eV) dK-C(Å) Interlayer dist (Å)

0.25K/UC 0.612 3.19 2.60 0.233 3.22 2.89

0.11K/UC 1.248 3.07 2.43 0.532 3.11 2.77

0.06K/UC 0.813 2.97 2.6


Figure 4-1. DFT calculated structures of K doped graphene and MoS2. A)Top view of the 1 K atom in 2×2 unitcell array of graphene (denoted as 0.25K/UC graphene, doping density of 4.77×1014/cm2). The red dot rhombus indicates the supercell. B) Side view of the 0.25K/UC graphene. The DFT calculation results show C-plane to K-plane distance of 2.89 Å. C) Top view of the 1 K atom in 2×2 unitcell array of ML-TMDs (denoted as 0.25K/UC ML-TMDs, for ML-MoS2 the doping density is translated to 2.89×1014/cm2). The difference in doping density between graphene and ML-MoS2 is due to the size of lattice constant of 2.46 Å for graphene and 3.16 Å for MoS2. D) Side view of the 0.25K/UC TMDs. For ML-MoS2, the S-plane to K-plane distance of 2.60 Å. E) 0.25K/UC supercell. (f) 0.11K/UC supercell.


Figure 4-2. K to graphene, MoS2 and WSe2 binding energy comparison. A) Binding energy comparison between simulated materials and the size of the supercell. B) Binding energy as a function of doping density.

Figure 4-3. Charge density plot of K-doped graphene and K-doped MoS2. A) K doped grpahene, B) K doped MoS2. The cutting plane is for A-A’ from Figure 4-1E.


Figure 4-4. Charge transfer calculated using Bader analysis [15-17] A) K doped MoS2 0.25K/UC and B) K doped WSe2 0.25K/UC.




In this work we report the influence of the uniaxial strain on the electronic

properties of bi-layer WSe2 via first principle calculations. With the uniaxial tensile strain

of ~0.6%, we find the indirect bandgap of the bi-layer WSe2 transit to direct bandgap

and confirm this with the measurement. We confirm that this originates from the dz2

orbital of the W atom.

5.1. Overview

Since the first demonstration of graphene [7], 2D materials, such as h-BN, and

transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDs, MoS2, WSe2, etc.) have seized a great

interest. To minimize the short channel effect at extreme scaling of future sub-5 nm gate

length field-effect transistors (FETs), large bandgap semiconductors with ultrathin body

are essential [6]. In this context adopting 2D semiconductors as channel will serve a

great advantage. Amongst the 2D materials, unlike the semi-metallic graphene, TMDs

in general have bandgap of 1~2 eV [67], placing them as a promising candidate for

future electronic and optoelectronic applications. Transition metal dichalcogenides MX2

(M : transition metal, X : chalcogen) are members of the layered materials, whose

crystal structure is built up of X–M–X single layers stacked together by Van der Waals

(vdW) force. Just as in graphene, mono-layer (ML) and few-layers of TMDs can be

achieved by using mechanical exfoliation technique [69]. WSe2 has gained interest as a

p-type device channel as opposed to n-type MoS2 and exhibits high carrier mobility and

electrostatic modulation of conductance similar as to MoS2 [55]. Theoretical studies

have shown that as a ML, MoS2 and WSe2 amongst with other TMDs, are direct

bandgap material at Κ point (KC to KV) of the Brillouin zone, and as a bulk, become


indirect bandgap between a local conduction band minima (CBM) near midpoint of Γ

and Κ (we will refer this as Σ point) to valence band maxima (VBM) at Γ (ΓV) [70]. The

notations ΚC, Σ, ΚV and ΓV represent the four local CBM and VBM points of the Brillouin

zone (refer to Figure 5-2C). This indirect bandgap nature of multilayer TDMs limits their

application in optoelectronic devices. One way to engineer the band structure of a

material is to apply strain. In TMDs, lattice constant and interlayer distance which is the

vdW gap, can be modified by applying strain. This results in modification of electronic

band structure, especially in the energy regions of interest: the CBM and VBM. A

dramatic transition from semiconducting to metallic with application of strain has been

reported in ML and bi-layer (BL) MoS2 by the DFT calculations [71]. In application

involving light harvesting or detection, thicker films with direct optical bandgap are

favorable. Thus, for an indirect bandgap BL or even for few-layer TMD, assuming that

the energy difference of the indirect and direct bandgap is small enough, applying strain

may lead to indirect to direct bandgap crossover. Previous study shows that the direct

and indirect bandgap difference (equivalent to KC and Σ energy difference) of BL MoS2

is relatively large, value of ~300 meV [54]. Also no transition to direct bandgap was

observed up to 2.2% uniaxial tensile strain [72]. Compared to MoS2, WSe2 BL has

smaller KC and Σ energy difference of ~40 meV. Thus, it may be possible to achieve

direct bandgap in BL WSe2 under certain strain.

In this work we present density functional theory (DFT) calculations on a BL

WSe2 to understand the effects of the strain on the band structure. BL WSe2 exhibits

indirect bandgap from Σ to KV at zero strain. As the strain is applied, we find that the KC

energy is indeed lowered while the Σ, KV and ΓV energy are relatively less perturbed. At


uniaxial tensile strain of ~0.6%, BL WSe2 transits to KC-KV direct bandgap which is

confirmed with the photoluminescence (PL) measurements. By further examining the

band structure of ML WSe2, we find the cause of the KC lowering in the modification of

W dz2 orbital.

5.2. Method

In this study DFT calculations were performed using the projector-augmented

wave (PAW) pseudo-potential through the Vienna Ab-initio simulation package (VASP)

[59,73]. Structure relaxation was first performed to determine the relaxed atomistic

structure in the presence of uniaxial strain, and the band structure in the presence of

strain was subsequently calculated.

For the atomic structure relaxation, generalized gradient approximation (GGA)

method was used with Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof (PBE) exchange-correlation (XC)

functional [74]. The weak interaction of vdW force was taken account via DFT-D2

method [75]. The Brillouin-zone was sampled by the 9×9×1 Monkhorst-Pack (MH)


As for the band calculation, GGA and local density approximation (LDA), which

are semi-local XC functionals, typically underestimate experimental bandgap [76,77].

Heyd-Scuseria-Ernzerhof (HSE) gives a larger bandgap than the LDA and GGA

simulations, but a smaller bandgap than the GW calculations [78]. It has also been

indicated that the optical gap is related to the GW bandgap subtracting the exciton

binding energy. To verify, GW quasi-particle (QP) calculation, non-self-consistent G0W0

was also performed (details can be found in the Appendix C) [79]. The band-structure

by the G0W0 calculations has an approximately k-independent shift of the conduction

bands with regard to the valence bands (0.65 eV increase between ΚC-ΚV), without


changing the direct or indirect bandgap feature (see Figure C.1), similar to what has

been shown before for ML TMD materials with or without strain [80]. The GW bandgap

is larger than HSE bandgaps. An exciton binding energy of about 1 eV has been

reported for ML TMD materials, but with uncertainty. The value varies by about a factor

of two if different k point grids are used in simulation [80], and it decreases by about a

factor of two from monolayer to bilayer [81]. It is also dependent on the surrounding

electrostatic environment, which is the capping PMMA and the substrate material whose

dielectric properties are not exactly clear. The uncertainty of the exciton binding energy

makes a comparison to experiment difficult. On the other hand, it is found that the PL

peak energy agrees with the bandgap of the HSE calculation with spin orbit coupling

(SOC) taken into account. This is a coincidence, which could be due to cancellation of

the blue shift by GW correction and red shift by exciton binding. Nevertheless, instead

of introduce fitting parameters for uncertainty of the exciton binding energy, the band-

structures from the HSE calculations with SOC are presented next, since we are mainly

interested in the indirect to direct bandgap transitions with the applied strain.

Thus, for band structure calculation, HSE XC potential with SOC was used with

increased k-point sampling of 15×15×1. Also as reference to the HSE results, GGA

band structure calculations were conducted (VASP input scripts in generating HSE and

G0W0 results are included in Appendix D). Figure 5-1A is the top view BL WSe2. The

arrows indicate the orientation of the applied uniaxial tensile strain. Figure 5-1B shows

the side view of the calculated structure, which the layers are in 2H stacking order.

Throughout the work, Poisson's ratio of 0.19 was used to the transverse direction of the

applied strain [67].


As for the measurement results, Figure 5-1C illustrates the two-point bending

method used to apply uniaxial tensile strain to the WSe2 flakes. First, WSe2 is exfoliated

onto a 260 nm thick Si/SiO2 substrate. Each flake is transferred to a 1.5 mm thick

polyethylene terephthalate glycol-modified (PETG) substrate via poly methyl

methacrylate (PMMA) as the transfer medium [82]. The flexible property of PETG

makes it possible to bend, thus apply strain, while the capping PMMA serves as a

clamp. Applied strain (ε) is calculated as equation in Figure 5-1A, where the bent PETG

is approximated by a circular arc. Details of the preparation of the sample and the

measurement techniques are in ref. 83.

5.3. Results

Under the presence of uniaxial strain, structure relaxation was first performed to

determine the relaxed atomistic structure for the ML and BL WSe2. The calculation

results are listed in Table 5-1. For both ML and BL WSe2, increase in strain results in

increase of lattice constant and intra-layer W-Se (dW-Se) distance, while intra-layer Se-

Se distance (dSe-Se) and lattice constant in z (out of plane) direction (c) decrease. As

expected, the applied tensile strain results in material becoming wider and thinner.

Figure 5-2 shows the DFT calculated E-k relations of the bi-layer WSe2,

comparing the XC functions used and the effect of including and excluding spin-orbital

coupling (SOC) interactions. The solid line denotes the case with no applied strain. Dot

line denotes the case for the 1% uniaxial tensile strain. The extracted bandgap values

are in Table 5-2. First to note is that regardless of the calculation method, KC is lowered

while the change in KV, Σ and ΓV is small. For HSE with SOC (Figure 5-2C) the initial Σ-

KV indirect bandgap does transit to KC-KV direct bandgap with 1% strain. Second, cases

that take account for the SOC (Figure 5-2A and 5-2C) show larger split in the first and


second VBM at K point, compared to the non-SOC cases (Figure 5-2B and 5-2D).

Figure 5-2E is a re-plot of SOC and non-SOC calculation using HSE XC functional,

without any strain. The band split in the VBM at Κ point is 0.65 eV for SOC calculation

and 0.13 eV for non-SOC. Because of this band split, the bandgap profile changes. To

specific, in the no strain case, the SOC calculations show Σ-KV indirect bandgap and

non-SOC Σ-ΓV indirect bandgap. This results in larger bandgap for non-SOC calculation.

Before going into the SOC effects in BL WSe2, understanding of SOC effect in ML WSe2

is required. Figure 5-5A shows the band plot of ML WSe2 with SOC taken into account.

It is well known that the broken inversion symmetry in ML WSe2 results in large spin

splitting of VBM with opposite spin moments at two K and K’ valley and are in time

reversal to each other [84,85]. Our calculation results indicate ~0.64 eV. Difference of

the split size from the past studies (0.46 eV) comes from the difference in XC function

used [84~86]. This can be confirmed by the split size in Figure 5-2A, for BL calculation

with GGA XC function shows split of 0.48 eV. Even though the value is for the BL, the

split size is known to be similar with the ML [86]. The strong SOC originates from W d

orbitals. The KC is dominated by the W dz2 orbital (which we will confirm later on), SOC

is inactive and thus, KC holds its degeneracy [87]. In the case of 2H stacked BL TMDs,

the two layers are 180 degree in plane rotated with each other. For one layer the K and

K’ valley is switched while the spin is unchanged. Thus the 2 split bands are spin

degenerate [86]. For ΓV of the ML WSe2, the time reversal symmetry which keeps the

spin degenerate. But for BL, the Pauli’s exclusion rule forces the band to split resulting

in spin degenerate to bands. Last to note is that the bandgap value from measurement

of ~ 1.52 eV fit closer to HSE results (1.585 eV) than GGA (1.188 eV) as previously


stated [83]. Figure 5-3A and 5-3B show the four direct and indirect KC-KV, Σ-KV, KC-ΓV,

and Σ-ΓV bandgaps as function of applied strain. The calculation results from this point

on take account of SOC. The GGA results in Figure 5-3A indicate Σ-KV to KC-ΓV, indirect

to indirect bandgap transition with extremely small window at near 1% strain of KC-KV

direct bandgap. HSE results (Figure 5-3B) is in contrast to GGA, where at strain of

~0.6% BL WSe2 transits to a direct bandgap. The difference in the two results is due to

the closer KV and ΓV energy in GGA calculation than HSE calculation. For both GGA

and HSE, it can also be seen that the Eg,KC-ΓV, decreases more rapidly than Eg,KC-KV,

which indicates that, even for HSE prediction, with much larger strain the BL WSe2 will

eventually transit to indirect KC-ΓV bandgap. Another to note is from 0% strain to the

direct bandgap transition point, the Σ-KV indirect bandgap increase. In this strain region,

Σ is the CBM, and the VBM KV is lowered in faster rate than Σ and thus the bandgap

increases. KC is also lowered with applied strain and at near 0.6%, KC becomes the

CBM, thus direct bandgap. As the KC continues to be lowered, the bandgap decreases.

Figure 5-4 is comparison of the PL measurements which are extracted from ref 83, and

the DFT calculations. Figure 5-4A shows the shift of PL peak as the strain is applied.

The PL peak is in direct relation with the bandgap of the material, and the HSE-DFT

results show close match. As DFT results predict, the PL peak increases (bandgap

increase) until strain of ~0.5% and decrease after on. Figure 5-4B shows PL intensity at

the peak which features exponential increase. More can be interpreted from the PL

amplification plot in Figure 5-4C. The PL amplification can be calculated as in equation

(5-1), where the Boltzmann approximation is used in calculating carrier concentrations.

Also we assume that there is no radiative recombination from the indirect transition (ΣC-


KV) and all the radiative recombination is from the direct transition (KC-KV) only. This is

reasonable given that a radiative recombination event for the indirect bandgap requires

a phonon for momentum conservation, which makes the probability of the event


, ,

, ,


PL amplification =


G Direct strain


G Direct zero strain



k T


k T


The , ,G Direct strainE and , , G Direct no strainE are the KC-KV direct bandgap with strain and no

strain, respectively, which are from the DFT calculations. kB is the Boltzmann constant

and T is the temperature. The CB valley shifts linearly with strain, and thus the PL

amplification changes exponentially, which can be observed in Figure 5-4C. The

comparison between the two shows that the HSE-DFT predicts the actual case very

well and also confirms that the KC point indeed is lowered as the strain is applied.

As the BL Wse2 is two single layers held together by vdW force, closer

examination of ML WSe2 can reveal the origin of the KC point shift. Figure 5-5A plots the

E-k dispersion relation of the ML WSe2, with no strain and 2% uniaxial tensile strain.

Same as the BL case the KC is lowered, and thus the initial direct bandgap changes

from 1.63 eV to 1.51 eV. We can also see the increase of ΓV, however, in ML WSe2, the

ΓV is much lower than KV, and thus does not affect the bandgap transition in the range

of strain of interest. In Figure 5-5B, we can see the monotonic decrease of the direct


We further investigate the electronic band structure with relative contribution from

atomic orbitals. It has been reported in previously that in TMDs, d orbital in the metal


atom contributes largely to the lowest conduction band and highest valence band

[88,89]. Further DFT calculations on MoS2 have revealed that the at the two

inequivalent Κ and Κ’ valleys, the KV is composed by the Mo dx2−y

2 and dxy orbitals with

some mixing from the S px and py orbitals, while the KC is dominated by Mo dz2 orbitals

[88]. We may expect the similarity in WSe2. Figure 5-6A and 5-6B verifies these

previous works, where the atomic contribution of W atom and Se atom are plotted with

the size of the circles representing the contributing rate. Figure 5-6C~G shows the d

orbital contribution from W atom, namely dxy, dyz, dz2, dxz and dx


2 respectively. As

shown in Figure 5-6D and F, the dyz, and dxz play negligible role in the CBM and VBM.

The dxy and dx2-y

2 (Figure 5-6C and 5-6G) contributes to Σ and KV evenly. Most

importantly W atom dz2 (Figure 5-6E) orbital is solely responsible for KC. Another to note

is that ΓV is affected by W atom dz2 orbital too, with small contribution from Se atom.

Thus, the large increase in ΓV for ML to BL WSe2, is also caused by the modification of

W dz2 orbital. Figure 5-7 are the partial charge calculation of at each band points of

interest (KC, Σ and ΓV), to visualize the orbital characters of single states. The partial

charge is defined as partial charge density as respect to by the volume of unit cell. In

calculating the partial charge density, the weighting of the states is not in Fermi-Dirac

distribution. Rather, the occupancies of the states are set as 1.0 within the integration

energy range (indicated in the figure) and as 0.0 otherwise. Figure 5-7A and 5-7C

clearly show that the KC and ΓV are dominated by the W dz2 orbital which is in contrast

to 5-7B which confirms the in-plane dxy, dx2-y

2contribution at KV.

5.4. Summary

BL WSe2 exhibits large PL amplification when uniaxial tensile strain is applied. We

find the cause of this to be lowering of the local conduction band minima at the Κ point


of the Brillouin zone. Origin of this behavior is caused by the modification of dz2 orbital in

the W atom with the applied strain. At strain of ~0.6% indirect bandgap BL WSe2

transits to direct bandgap of 1.6 eV (from PL measurement) which is confirmed with

DFT calculations and PL measurements. We also find that to achieve accurate

electronic band structure, HSE exchange correlation function with account for spin

orbital coupling to be reasonable choice, which can also be used to predict the effect of

the strain.


Table 5-1. DFT calculated structural parameters (lattice constant, a0; intra-layer W–Se bond lengths, dW–Se; intra-layer Se–Se bond lengths, dSe–Se; intra-layer Se–W–Se bond angle, θ; lattice constant in z (inter-plane) direction, c) and energy band gap for mono-layer MoS2 as a function of the applied strain; negative values of the band gap indicate overlapping of conduction and valence bands

Applied strain a0 (Å) dW-Se (Å) dSe-Se (Å) θ (Deg) c (Å)

Mono-layer WSe2 0 % 3.308 2.539 3.347 82.46 N/A

0.5 % 3.319 2.543 3.342 82.16 N/A

1.0 % 3.331 2.547 3.337 81.86 N/A

1.5 % 3.343 2.551 3.332 81.56 N/A

2.0 % 3.354 2.555 3.327 81.26 N/A

Bi-layer WSe2 0 % 3.308 2.539


3.345 82.42 12.98 2.538

0.5 % 3.319 2.543


3.340 82.12 12.96 2.542

1.0% 3.331 2.547


3.335 81.82 12.95 2.545

1.5% 3.343 2.551


3.330 81.52 12.94 2.549

2.0 % 3.354 2.555


3.325 81.22 12.93 2.553

§ Intra-layer W-Se distance for Se atom exterior of the two WSe2 layers. † Intra-layer W-Se distance for Se atom interior of two WSe2 layers.


Table 5-2. DFT calculated BL WSe2 bandgap

Strain XC : GGA XC : HSE

Eg [eV] Eg [eV]

SOC 0 % 1.188 Σ-ΚV 1.585 Σ-ΚV

1 % 1.210 Σ-ΚV 1.575 ΚC-ΚV

Non-SOC 0 % 1.316 Σ-ΓV 1.826 Σ-ΓV

1 % 1.305 Σ-ΓV 1.784 ΚC -ΓV


Figure 5-1. Schematic of bi-layer WSe2 and the mechanical strain setup. A) Schematic of bi-layer WSe2 (top view), where the arrows indicate the orientation of the applied uniaxial tensile strain. B) Side view of the bi-layer WSe2. The details of geometric parameters are in Table 5-1. C) Mechanical setup to apply strain. Arrows indicate the direction of the applied force.


Figure 5-2. DFT calculated E-k relations of bi-layer WSe2, comparing the XC functions and the effect of including and excluding spin-orbital coupling (SOC). The solid line denotes the case with no applied strain. Dot line denotes the case for 1% uniaxial tensile strain. A) GGA with SOC. B) GGA w/o SOC. C) HSE with SOC. D) HSE w/o SOC. Despite the method used, with applied strain, the conduction band minima at Κ point is lowered. E) Comparison of HSE-DFT calculation with and without SOC for no strain applied case.


Figure 5-3. Comparison of the bandgap features of BL-WSe2. A) GGA, B) HSE


Figure 5-4. Comparison of PL measurement with HSE-DFT calculation A) PL peak energy and bandgap from DFT as function of strain. B) PL intensity at peak point vs. strain. C) PL amplification comparison between measurement and DFT calculation.


Figure 5-5. Bandgap features of ML WSe2. A) HSE-DFT E-k calculation of ML WSe2. B) Bandgap features as function of applied strain.


Figure 5-6. ML WSe2 atomic and orbital contribution on the E-k relation. A) W atom. B) Se atom. C~G are orbital contribution from the W atom dxy, dyz, dz

2, dxz and dx


2 respectively. The size of the circles is proportional to the contribution.

Figure 5-7.The partial charge calculation of at each band points of interest. A) KC, B) Σ and C) ΓV. The energy range specified in sub-figure represents the integration interval.



The nonlinear electrostatic screening behavior of a multi-layer MoS2 is studied,

through numerical calculations composed of one dimensional capacitance model and

equilibrium charge statistics. We find that the electrostatic screening properties depend

highly on the applied gate voltage and the temperature. Layers of MoS2 can be

electrostatically non-screening in the insulating limit due to finite bandgap of the two

dimensional material. In the opposite limit, the screening length can be as short as half

of the interlayer distance of MoS2 layer, indicating strong screening.

6.1. Overview

Since the first demonstration of graphene in 2004 [7], the two dimensional (2D)

material has been of a great interest for the future electronic devices [92]. However, the

absence of a bandgap in the graphene results in high leakage current, i.e. low on-off

current ratio (ION/IOFF) when applied as a channel material of a field effect transistor

(FET) [32]. While there have been efforts to induce a bandgap to the semi-metallic

material, such as patterning to nano-ribbon [23,24,34], application of electric field across

few layers of graphene [93], and chemical derivatives [36] and etc., it still remains as a

challenge which force to search for alternative 2D materials. h-BN and transition metal

dichalcogenides (TMDs, such as MoS2, MoSe2, WS2, WSe2 and etc.) are a few of such.

TMDs are semiconducting layered materials, composed of vertically stacked X–M–X

layers (M=Mo,W and X=S,Se,Te) that interact through a weak van der Waals (vdW)

force. Each layer consists of a hexagonal plane of M atoms sandwiched between the

two X atom layers. As a monolayer (ML), TMDs exhibit bandgap of 1~2 eV [67]. A ML

MoS2 for example exhibits direct bandgap of 1.8 eV where, Radisavljevic et al.,[13]


have demonstrated a ML MoS2-based FET with a room-temperature electron mobility in

the similar range of graphene nanoribbons and a high ION/ IOFF. Fang et al.,[94] also

demonstrated n-doped MoS2 and WSe2 FETs using potassium as a dopant. Other

device topologies that adapt TMDs have been introduced. Vertical quantum tunneling

FET is one of them, which use vertically stacked TMDs together with graphene layers

[65,95,96]. In this sense, understanding of the electrostatic screening behavior of these

2D materials is crucial. Kuroda et al.[97], studied electrostatic screening features of

multi-layer graphene, where the charge density profile in each layers show non-

exponential decaying behavior. Numerical analysis showed that the screening length of

the graphene can be less than 1 layer thick to as large as few layers, depending on

screened charge density, intrinsic doping and temperature.

In this theoretical work, we use a 1 dimensional (1D) capacitance model self-

consistently iterated with the equilibrium charge calculation, to determine the

electrostatic screening behavior of few layers of MoS2. We find that the electrostatic

screening is highly nonlinear due to the 2D density of states (DOS) properties of the

MoS2. Depending on the gate bias and the temperature, the screening length can be

less than 1 layer thickness of the MoS2 and extend to infinite, meaning the insulating

limit. Also, we derive analytical expression for the Debye length which is essentially

equivalent to the screening length. Last, we compare the results with Thomas-Fermi

model and assess its validity.

6.2. Method

The studied structure is in the scheme of a FET, consisting N layers of MoS2 on

top of a SiO2 substrate with a bottom gate as in the Figure 6-1A. The equilibrium

condition is considered, thus the Fermi energy is same through the layers. The


interlayer coupling between the stacked layers is neglected, assuming that the layers

are stacked in an incommensurate manner. Figure 6-1B describes the 1D capacitance

model to calculate the electrochemical potential of the MoS2 layers. The numerical

calculation procedure is following that of [95] for the vertical stacking of 2D materials.

The Qi in the figure represents the charge density in the ith layer and is a function of

vacuum energy level (Evac) as in equation (6-1) for N-layer MoS2.

, 1 , 1 , 1 ,i i vac i vac i i vac i vac iqQ C E E C E E , 0,1,2...,i N . (6-1)

1 0 /ox oxC t is equivalent to the gate oxide capacitance (Cox). The dielectric

constant ( ox ) of 4 is used to represent the SiO2 gate oxide with thickness (tox) of

280nm. 0 is the vacuum permittivity. For 2i , 2,MoS 0 0/i rC d where

2,MoSr is the

interlayer dielectric constant of MoS2, and d0=6Å is the interlayer distance between the

layers. 2,MoSr is crucial in determining the charge in each layer. As the

2,MoSr in TMDs

vary with number of layer, the interpolated values from the work of Kumar et al., are

used [98]. For most part of the work, N=10 and corresponding value of 6.84 is used.

The boundaries are, C0= CN+1=0, Evac,-1=Evac,N+1=0, and eq (6-1) can be expressed as

,01 1 0

,11 1 2 2 1

,22 2 3 2

,N 11 1 1



...... ... ... ...




vacN N N N N

vacN N N






. (6-2)

The vacuum energy level at the gate is, ,0vac BG BGE qV , where BG is the

bottom gate work-function. The equilibrium charge density is calculated through the k∙p


Hamiltonian. The expression for the ith layer of MoS2 is, i i

i e hQ qn qn , where, i

en ( i

hn ) is

the electron (hole) charge density.


0 , 1 ,2


0 , 1 ,2

2 2


2 2


gi i iB Be F e F e


gi i iB Bh F h F h


Ek T k Tn


Ek T k Tn


. (6-3)

We define ,

i ii F CF e



k T



i ii V FF h



k T

. kB is the Boltzmann constant and

T is the temperature. i

FE are the Fermi energy levels of the ith layer MoS2 and are zero

under equilibrium state. 2MoS (5.1 eV) is the electron affinity energy of the MoS2. The

conduction band energy of ith layer is 2,


C vac i MoSE E and the valence band energy is



V vac MoS gE E E . A bandgap value ( gE ) of 1.80 eV and a Fermi velocity ( Fv ) of

5.33×105 m/s is used. The corresponding effective mass is 0.52m0 for the tight binding

parameter of t0=1.1eV from the Dirac equation [84]. j is the jth order Fermi-Dirac

integral. The applied gate voltage (VG) induces 2D charge density of 0 ox GQ C V , which

depends highly upon the geometry of the gate insulator. Thus, for general quantification,

we will use quantity of gate charge density of Q0 instead of VG. Through the work, we

consider the un-doped MoS2 layers only.

6.3. Results

Figure 6-2A and 6-2B shows the charge density profile normalized by Q0, for 10

layers of MoS2 at 10K and 300 K respectively. The charge density profile features not a

simple exponential decay. The screening strength depends highly on the magnitude of

Q0 : with the larger Q0, stronger the electrostatic screening. Also at higher (away from


the gate) layers, the slope of the Qi/Q0 decreases, which indicates weakening of the

electrostatic screening. As shown in Figure 6-2C, the conduction band (EC) is further

away from the Fermi level (EF) in the higher layers due to the less induced electrons.

Thus, at small Q0 (for example Q0=1011cm-2 in Figure 6-2B), the screening length can

increase significantly. Temperature is also critical factor in modulating the screening

behavior. At T=300K, broadening of the Fermi-Dirac tail is larger than T=10 K. To

induce similar charge, the EC for T=300K is further from the EF then T=10K case (Figure

6-2C). Thus at larger temperature, the charge profile along the layers is more even,

than lower temperature, which implies weaker screening (i.e., longer screening length).

The electric field profile along the z-axis in Figure 6-2D confirms this temperature

dependency, where the profile at 300 K is more in an exponential manner compared to

the more radical profile at 10 K. The electric field at ith layer is calculated as equation (6-



, 0

, 0

1 i

z i j

jr MoS



As in the previous work of screening effects in the graphene system [97], we will

use the equation (6-5) to quantify the screening strength and denote it as an effective

screening length ( , 1i i

eff ), which is determined from the charge density of a two

neighboring ith and (i+1)th MoS2 layers.

, 1 0



i i






, 1,2..., 1i N . (6-5)

Figure 6-3A and 6-3B shows the calculated , 1i i

eff for T=10 K and 300 K,

respectively. As pointed out previously, the strength of the electrostatic screening


decreases (screening length increase) at higher layers, which is due to reduced induced

charge density. Also, the higher temperature results in a larger , 1i i

eff . Depending on the

Q0, the , 1i i

eff vary from less than an interlayer distance (d0) of a MoS2 to as large as

insulator limit (in given Q0 range, ~100 d0 at the bottom layer).

A Debye length ( i

D ) is a critical length which the mobile charge carriers screens

the external electric field, which is essentially equivalent to the , 1i i

eff . We will use the

Debye length at each layer to quantify the screening length and compare with the , 1i i

eff .

This can be solved with the Poisson’s equation and linearized charge density

approximation. The linearized charge calculation is derived from equation (6-3) as,

0 1 ln 1 exp

1 exp

i ii i

e iB B B


N NV qVn q q V

k T k T k TqV

k T

. (6-6)

The /i i i

F CV E E q , and

0 2






v ,



2 B


k TN



As we will be dealing with n-type case only, the hole charge density, i

hn is

neglected. By self consistently calculating equation (6-6) with the 1D capacitance model

[equation (6-2)], we can find the potential iV . The analytic expression of i

D is in

equation (6-7).

0 0

0 0


0 2


1 exp

ln 1 exp


r B

Bi r BD i


qVd k T

k T d k T

q N qVq N

k T



The details of the derivation are in the Appendix E. With the limiting condition of

/ 1i

BqV k T , which corresponds to the high gate bias with high temperature condition,

the Debye length can be further simplified to

0 0

02 2

0 1


ln 2

r B r BD

k T k Td

q N q N


This indicates that the minimum screening length to be as short as half the MoS2

interlayer distance. Figure 6-4 shows the comparison of the two methods used to

quantify the screening length (i.e., , 1i i

eff and i

D ). Since the strength of the screening is

largest at the bottom layer, we will examine only the screening length for i=1. The plots

verify that in the case of low Q0, the screening length can extend to infinity. This

differentiates from the graphene case, where the screening length saturates to a certain

value [97]. The origin of the difference is in the bandgap. Because of the zero bandgap

property of the graphene, together with the thermal broadening of the Fermi-Dirac

charge distribution, the charge is induced even when Dirac point is at the Fermi-energy.

In turn, the induced charges partially screen the electrostatics, thus, the screening

length saturates to a temperature dependent finite value. However, this is not the case

for MoS2. The bandgap permits the layers to be non-screening, or have an infinite

screening length. The Figure 6-4 plot shows that the two models used to model the

screening length match well. Especially at higher temperature case, the range of Q0

where two plots agree is larger. This is due to the linear approximation made earlier in

calculating the charge. The linearization limits accuracy only in the range of

1 / 1i

BqV k T . With larger temperature this condition can be met with larger range

of iV , which is in direct relation with Q0. Although this study deals with multi-layer of


MoS2, the method used here can be adopted to any stack of 2D material with finite


Previous studies have successfully modeled screening behavior of graphene via

nonlinear Thomas-Fermi (TF) model [100]. Following the analytical derivation from ref.

20, we evaluate the validity of TF model by comparing with the 1D capacitance model.

The details of the derivation can be found in the reference or summary in Appendix F.

The charge density in the z (vertical) position of the thickness 0( 1)D N d system in

the continuum limit is expressed as,

0 0 0





z Dd

Q z Q d


, where 2



0 2

, 04

v s MoS

r MoS

e N N m


Figure 6-5A, compares the charge profile of 10 layer MoS2 stacks with varying Q0

using the two models. The two models only agree in small range of layer index i (or z),

at large Q0. The limitation of the analytical TF model is due to the missing bandgap

information. The derivation (see Appendix F) relies on the 2D constant DOS, and the

resulting TFQ z show exponential behavior. However, in real, there exists a bandgap in

MoS2 system where DOS becomes zero. This is evident in the conduction band (EC)

plot in Figure 6-5B. At Q0=1011 cm-2, the Fermi-level of all the layers of MoS2 are

positioned within the bandgap, thus, only the thermal broadened charges exists. This

results in large discrepancy between the two models in charge density calculation.

Likewise, even for Q0 =1013 cm-2 case, at i~3, the EC becomes larger than EF. From this

point the charge density of the 1D capacitance model saturates while the TF model

show continuous decrease.


6.4. Summary

In this chapter, we have investigated the electrostatic screening behavior of

multi-layer MoS2, using numerical methods accounting for applied gate voltage (or gate

charge) and temperature. The screening length of the layers depends highly on the both

variables. The major difference between multi-layer graphene is that, the graphene has

saturating screening length which is due to its semi-metallic feature. On the other hand,

MoS2, due to the sufficient large bandgap of 1.8 eV, the screening length can extend to

infinity. We also derive analytical expression for the Debye length which suggests that

the lower limit of the screening length to be around half of the interlayer distance of

MoS2 layers.


Figure 6-1 Schematic of multi-layer MoS2, and 1D capacitance model. A) Schematic of multi-layer MoS2, in a form of field effect transistor (FET) with a back gate. B) Corresponding 1D capacitance model of A.


Figure 6-2. Normalized charge density profile in 10 layer of MoS2 FET with varying gate charge density, Q0 at A) T=10 K and B) T=300 K. C) Corresponding conduction band (EC) profile and D) the electric field at each ith layer with the Q0=1012cm-2


Figure 6-3. Effective screening length in 10 layers of MoS2 FET with varying gate charge density, Q0 at A) T=10 K and B) T=300 K.


Figure 6-4. Effective screening length between the first (bottom) two layers( i=1, λeff) compared with the Debye length (λD

i) at different temperatures.


Figure 6-5. Charge and potential profile along the MoS2 stack. A) Charge profile comparison along the layers of MoS2 stack (N=10). Comparing the results of the 1D capacitance model (solid line) and the TF model (dashed line). B) Conduction band profile of 10 layered MoS2 calculated from the 1D capacitance model.



A vertical transistor based on a stack of atomically thin two dimensional (2D)

semiconductors is theoretically examined. The structure under study resembles that of

metal-based-transistor in that the metallic graphene is used as a base and

semiconducting MoS2 is used as an emitter and a collector. To understand the device

operating mechanism, we first investigate the properties of graphene-MoS2 junction. We

find that the characteristic of this junction depend not only on the intrinsic junction itself,

but also highly on the lateral extension region, thus detailed 2D Poisson calculation is

required for the study. As for the three terminal metal-base-transistor-like structure, the

major drawback of this structure is the large base current due to the graphene’s

excessive in-plane transport feature. This is desired in conventional lateral transport

device topologies. However, for the structure under study which utilizes the interlayer

carrier transport, the large leakage current in the base is undesired. Rather, in this type

of structure, base material with sufficient bandgpap is preferred.

7.1. Overview

Since the first demonstration of graphene in 2004 [7], the 2D material has been

of great interest for the future electronic devices [92]. However, graphene as a channel

for field effect transistor (FET) where the current path is along the in-plane direction of

the 2D material, absence of the bandgap leads to a low current on-off ratio (ION/IOFF).

This is a major obstacle in utilizing graphene as a channel material in current digital

logic applications [32]. There have been considerable efforts to induce a bandgap,

however resulted in trade off with the mobility [102,23,36]. As a contrast to the in-plane

transport of the graphene, out-plane transport properties can be exploited as


demonstrated by Britnell et al, using vertical stacking of 2D semiconductor materials to

create a quantum tunneling FET [65,95]. In the similar sense, graphene base hot

electron transistor (GB-HET) was proposed and explored, which show high current on-

off ratio of 104~105 [103~105]. The hot electron transistors (HETs) were introduced in

the 1960’s, where the hot electron transports from emitter to collector. The main

expectation of such device was high-speed applications due to their short base transit

time [106,107]. The GB-HETs exploits exploit this attribute to an extreme in that in that

the width of the base can be as short as single atomic thickness and the semi-metallic

property of the graphene which result in relatively low base series resistance. While the

reported structure of the GB-HETs exhibits tunneling barrier between emitter and base,

we would like to focus on a more simple structure that consists of a 2D semiconductor,

mono-layer (ML) MoS2, as a collector and an emitter and the graphene as a base. As

graphene have a semi-metallic E-k relation, this structure resembles the metal base

transistor (MBT) [108]. By adopting fabrication technique as mechanical transfer

process [64], various types of 2D material can be stacked and may expect such device

to be of low cost.

In the following chapters we will first, observe the operation principle of the metal-

semiconductor (MS) junction-like graphene-MoS2 (GM) junction. The measured I-V

curve of this 2 terminal structure show exponential behavior as expected in a MS

junction. However, the reverse bias shows non-saturating linear increase of current.

This is due to the geometry of the structure, where at the edge of the overlapping GM

junction, an extrinsic lateral tunneling path is generated. We confirm this theory with 2D

Poisson calculations coupled with the equilibrium charge calculation. We also extract


the graphene to MoS2 interlayer electron escape rate for transport prediction. In the

second part of this work, we focus on the MBT like structure, which is composed of two

GM junctions. Here, we consider only the intrinsic junctions to elucidate the device

mechanism. We will denote this as MoS2-graphene-MoS2 bipolar junction transistor

(MGM BJT). We find that the large base current hinders the device from achieving high

current gain. Engineering of interlayer escape rate is required and base material with

finite bandgap is preferred.

7.1. Graphene-MoS2 Junction Diode

7.1.1. One Dimensional Simulation for Vertical Junction

Figure 7-1A is a schematic of the GM junction, where the bottom MoS2 layer is

grounded and the bias (VGra) is applied to the top graphene layer. To examine the

intrinsic junction property, one-dimensional (1D) model is sufficient as in schematic in

Figure 7-1B, which can be electrostatically modeled by a 1D capacitance model as

depicted in Figure 7-1C. By solving the 1D capacitance model coupled with the carrier

statistics, potential profile can be determined. The general form to calculate the charge

at stacked system is presented in equation (7-1).

, 1 , 1 , 1 ,i i vac i vac i i vac i vac iqQ C E E C E E , 0,1,2i . (7-1)

For this case, the total number of layer is 2, where i=1 (i=2) represents the MoS2

(graphene) layer. 1 0 /ox oxC t , is equivalent to gate oxide capacitance (Cox). For the

SiO2 gate oxide, dielectric constant ( ox ) of 4 is used with thickness (tox) of 280nm. 0 is

the vacuum permittivity. 2 int 0 0/C d represents the dielectric constant between MoS2

and graphene ( int ) and is set as 1 with interlayer distance d0=6Å. The boundaries

conditions are, C0= C3=0, Evac,-1=Evac,3=0, and equation (7-1) can be expressed as [95],


1 1 ,0 0

1 1 2 2 ,1 1

2 2 ,2 2




C C E qQ

C C C C E qQ

C C E qQ


The vacuum energy level at the gate is, ,0vac BG BGE qV , where BG is the

bottom gate work-function. This 1D electrostatic equation is self-consistently solved with

equilibrium semi-classical carrier statistics from k∙p method. The charge density of ith

layer (i=1 is MoS2 and i=2 is Graphene) is expressed as, i i

i e hQ qn qn , where,


0 , 1 ,2


0 , 1 ,2

2 2


2 2



gi i iB Be F e F eii



gi i iB Bh F h F hii


Ek T k Tn


Ek T k Tn


. (7-3)

We define1


,F C

F e



k T



,F Dirac

F e



k T



,V F

F h



k T



,Dirac F

F h



k T


kB is the Boltzmann constant and T is the temperature. 1

FE and 2

FE are quasi-Fermi

energy levels of MoS2 and graphene. When a bias of VGra is applied, they are assumed

to be separated by GraqV . The bandgap 1

gE =1.80 eV and 2

gE =0 eV for MoS2 and

graphene respectively. The MoS2 conduction band energy is 2,1C vac MoSE E and

valence band energy is 2


,1V vac MoS gE E E . The Dirac energy of graphene is

,2Dirac vac GraE E . 2MoS (5.1 eV) and Gra (4.5 eV) are the electron affinity energy of

MoS2 and graphene work-function, respectively. The Fermi velocity of MoS2 is 1


=5.33×105 m/s and graphene is 2

Fv =1×106 m/s. The corresponding effective mass for

MoS2 is 0.52m0 with tight binding parameter t0=1.1eV from the Dirac equation [84]. The


j is the jth order Fermi-Dirac integral. By self-consistent iteration of equation (7-2) and

(7-3), the potential the two 2D layers can be found which in turn is used to calculate the


7.1.2. Classical Transport Calculation

Within the classical representation, the MoS2 and graphene interlayer tunneling

current can be expressed by the density of state (DOS) of the two materials as,

2 2


C MoS Gra Gra MoS

qI D E D E f E f E dE

h . (7-4)

The energy dependent DOS of MoS2, 2 2

22MoS MoSD E m (for CE E and

VE E ) and 2

0MoSD E (elsewhere), is used. The graphene DOS is

2 22gra Dirac FD E E E v and ,





/ 1 expGra MoS

Gra MoS



k T


The ML MoS2 is grounded and the bias is applied to the graphene layer thus,

20MoS and Gra GraqV . Lastly, h is the plank constant. αC is an interlayer tunneling

parameter whose value proportionally determines the interlayer transport rate and can

be extracted as a fitting factor to the experimental I-V characteristics.

The I-V of 3.3µm2 device is plotted in Figure 7-2A which is measured at 220 K

with varying back gate bias (VG). In the forward bias region, the curve exhibits

exponential behavior, however, in the reverse bias show linear current characteristic

which is not typical a typically expected in a MS or a p-n junction. The reason for this is

in the lateral extension of the junction and will be dealt in the next sub-chapter. Figure 7-

2B is the conductance plot of diode at VGra= 0. The interlayer tunneling parameter for


classical transport 7 2 24.19 10C eV nm is extracted as a fitting parameter between the

classical transport model and the measurement. In the numerical model, the MoS2 layer

is n-type doped to doping density of ND,MoS2=1×1016/m2 and graphene layer p-doped to

NA,Gra=1.1×1016/m2. From the non-equilibrium greens function (NEGF) formalism,

8 2 26.67 10N eV nm is extracted [109]. The relation between C and N is shown in the

Appendix G, which by the nature of the method differs by a factor of 2 . Both the

classical transport model and NEGF calculations are in a close match. In Figure 7-2C,

the MoS2-graphene interlayer electron transport time ( ) is extracted from equation (7-

5), as 3.2 nsec at VG=0 and increases up to 14 nsec at VG=15 V.

1 C graD


The increase of as VG increase is due to VG dependent EC of MoS2 and EDirac

of graphene. As can be noted from the Figure 2 D and E, the energy distance between

the two values decreases as the VG increases, thus, leading to smaller DOS of

graphene at the corresponding EC of the MoS2 layer.

7.1.2. Two Dimensional Simulation to Treat Lateral Variations

Previous 1D capacitance model describes only the electrostatic properties of the

intrinsic junction. To capture the barrier height variation along the horizontal direction,

we solve the two dimensional (2D) Poisson’s equation [equation (7-6)] self-consistently

with the quasi-equilibrium carrier statics [equation (7-3)] via a 2D finite difference

method. The schematic of the diode is in Figure 7-1A.

( )r A D

qV n p N N



The εr and ε0 are the relative dielectric constant and the vacuum permittivity,

respectively. V is the potential. n and p are the electron density and hole density,

respectively. NA is p-type doping concentration in graphene and ND is n-type doping

concentration in MoS2. The results are in Figure 7-3A and 7-3B, for the forward (VMoS2=-

0.3 V) and reverse bias (VMoS2=0.3 V), respectively. With this 2D picture, the I-V

characteristics in Figure 7-2A can be explained. At forward bias, the electron flows from

the EC of the MoS2 to the graphene layer without any barrier. In the reverse bias region,

the EC-EF,Gra becomes the Schottky barrier height (SBH), and thus blocks transport and

only the thermionic emission should contribute to the transport. However, due to the

lowering of EC at the lateral extension region of the MoS2 (0~1µm region in the Figure 7-

3B), the potential is also effected at the edge of the junction area where a lateral

tunneling path is created. This results in linear reverse current.

To confirm above mentioned argument, we use a parallel isolated diode model

as depicted in Figure 7-4A. The potential profile is obtained through the 2D Poisson

calculation, and the I-V characteristics can be calculated by extending equation (7-4) to

consider the potential barrier variation in the lateral direction. The total current is

calculated as,


TOT i i i


I xW I ,

where xi, Wi, and Ii are the length, width and current density of the Di diode.

Because the barrier height is no longer uniform and the current density is a function of

the lateral position, a summation along the lateral direction is performed, which can be

physically interpreted as multiple Schottky barrier diodes with different barrier heights in

parallel. The modeling approach only accounts for the intrinsic vertical junctions and


neglects the parasitic resistance in the horizontal direction, such as metal-MoS2 and

metal-graphene contact resistance and the lateral diffusion resistance of MoS2. The

parasitic resistance value is expected to be gate voltage dependent especially near the

threshold voltage value. The calculated current of the intrinsic junction 1D model current

(solid line) is compared with the accounted-for-extrinsic parallel diode (dotted line) in

Figure 7-4B and 7-4C, as function of applied VG. The reverse bias current in 1D model

is the thermionic emission due to the thermal broadening of the Fermi-Dirac distribution

of charges. With the 2D effect, reverse bias dependency of the leakage current does not

saturate due to the fore mentioned lateral tunneling effect.

7.2. MoS2-Graphene-MoS2 Bipolar Junction Transistor

7.2.1. 1D Capacitance Model with NEGF Transport Calculation

With appropriate modifications, equation (7-1~2) can be used to for electrostatic

calculation of three terminal MGM-BJT. Likewise equation (7-3) can be used to

calculate the charge density in each layer: with i=1 as collector MoS2 layer, i=2 as

graphene base layer and i=3 as MoS2 emitter layer. By self-consistent calculation, band

profile can be calculated and used for transport prediction. The current equation of

current equation (7-4) is valid only for 2 terminal devices. To study the transport of MGM

BJT structure, we adopt the NEGF formalism [109]. The schematic of the structure is

shown on Figure 7-5A, where due to the nature of 1D model, the base contact is treated

as a virtual contact, which the graphene is extended to the metal contact. We have

confirmed (Figure 7-2B) that for a two terminal GM vertical Schottky contact, equation

(7-4) agrees well with the NEGF method (details in Appendix G). The Hamiltonian of the

device is treated with ML graphene using π-orbital tight binding model given as,


0 0

0 0

2 cos

2 cos




Dirac y


y Dirac

E t t e KH K

t t e K E

, (7-7)

where 3 / 2y yK k a , 3 / 2x xK k a , intra-layer nearest-neighbor (NN) hopping

parameter, t0=2.7 eV and NN C to C atomic distance of a=1.42 Å. In the NEGF

formalism, electron transport across the layered device at given energy E is,


1, ,m n n m


T E trace E G E K E G E KA

, (7-8)

m,n is emitter (E), base (B) and collector (C) and



is the retarded greens function. A is the

total area of the Brillouin zone used for the numerical calculation. The two MoS2 layers,

emitter and collector, are dealt as phenomenological contacts to the graphene base and

expressed in the NEGF formalism as energy dependent self-energy ΣE and ΣC.

2E,C ,

1 0

0 12E C MoS


The parameter γE,C in the definition of the self-energy (ΣE,C) is related to the inter-

layer transport coupling between graphene-MoS2 layers, same as N of current for GM

diode. Self-energy (ΣB) describes the phenomenological extension of graphene base

and the contact, and is expressed as,

1 0

0 12B B Gra



The broadening matrix is

m m mi .


And lastly, the current density between the two nodes is calculated using

transmission from equation (7-8) as,


, ,

2m n m n m n

qI T E f E f E dE





1 exp mm


Ef E

k T

is the Fermi-Dirac distribution function at

temperature T. The chemical potential are, , , E E C C B BqV qV qV . The

applied voltage at each port, emitter, collector and base (VE, VC, VB, respectively) alters

the H(K) in equation (7-7) and thus varies the current. The current density at each node

is summation of each current density elements defined as,


As implied in the derivation, the properties of the contact self energy defines the

characteristic of the MGM BJT, thus careful engineering of γE,C and γB is required.

7.2.2. Results of the MGM BJT

As fore-mentioned the structure under study resembles that of the metal base

transistor (MBT) [108]. The short interlayer transit time is essential for high

performance, where the parameter ,E C is responsible in this model. Another to note is

that due to the high Fermi-velocity of graphene (VF=3×106 m/s) [110], the excessive

base current will be the major drawback. To achieve large current gain (β=IC/IB),

suppressing the base current is critical. As the main purpose of this study is to illustrate

the operation mechanism of the device, we will examine the device behavior as a

function of , /E C B . Assuming the lateral extension of the graphene base is ~1 µm, and

in that the Fermi-velocity of graphene is 3×106 m/s, the intrinsic delay time is in the


order of 0.33 psec. The value 5 2 28.0 10B eV nm results in the intrinsic delay time in

the similar order, and thus will be used through the investigation. The corresponding

scattering potential matrix element value is listed in Table 7-1. Figure 7-5B shows the

current density component (ICE,ICB,IBE) plot as function of VCB with MGM BJT in common

base configuration at VEB=-0.4 V, and 8 2 2

, 8.0 10E C eV nm . The value of ,E C is in the

similar range as have been extracted N earlier in GM junction section of the study. The

corresponding IC plot is in Figure 7-5D where, as VCB increase the two current plots with

varying VEB cross and at VCB>0, with larger (more negative) VEB, the current is smaller.

This is not the typical case for BJT with β >> 1. The reason for this can be found in

Figure 7-5B, where the IBE is larger than ICE. In this case, we cannot expect gain

(current gain or transconductance gain) from this device. As opposed to this case, with

increased graphene-MoS2 interlayer transport parameter to 4 2 2

, 1.6 10E C eV nm

(Figure 7-5C), we can find that the ICE exceeds IBE and as result, Figure 7-5E shows IC

larger with larger VEB in all VCB range as in a typical BJT. Figure 7-5F compares the IC

and IB of the two ,E C results. While IB is orders larger than IC for 8 2 2

, 8.0 10E C eV nm ,

current gain can be observed for 4 2 2

, 1.6 10E C eV nm case. Figure 6 A is plot of β,

intrinsic delay (τint) and graphene intralayer transport time (τB) as function of , /E C B .

The β show linear increase as , /E C B increase while τint show exponential decrease.

The τint was calculated as the below equation.

intB B





Likewise, the







The B is smaller than int at lower , /E C B , however, at , / 0.1E C B , become

similar, and at this point the 1 and further increase of , /E C B results in faster int

and larger . Figure 7-6B is to identify the effect of , /E C B on the current components.

The bias condition is VCB=0.2V which can be inferred from Figure 7-5E that is past the

saturation point, and VEB=-0.2 V. Both ICB and IBE are directly related to ,E C and B ,

thus show similar trend but shifted, while ICE show monotonic increase.

Although this study is focused on the GM junction and has utilized graphene as a

base of a MGM BJT, other combination is possible. Here, the effect of introducing a

bandgap material in the base is investigated. Figure 7-7 shows the numerical

calculation results on BJT structures with artificial 2D material in the base. The adopted

2D material has DOS as a graphene but with a bandgap of 0.1 eV and 0.8 eV. Figure 7-

7A, depicts the energy dependent DOS of the graphene and graphene with bandgap.

Figure 7 B shows the band profile at VCB=0 V and VEB=-0.4 V. From this figure we can

expect the dramatic reduction of ICB and IBE with larger bandgap, which translates to

large decrease in IB. Figure 7-7C~E compares the transmission of the two cases as

function of energy between, C-E, B-E and C-B respectively. The large bandgap clearly

blocks the transmission, especially Figure 7-7E show large reduction for C-B

transmission. Thus, large decrease in both the IC and IB is expected and is confirm by

Figure 7-7 F. Although the overall current level has been reduced, the introduction of

bandgap benefits the current gain as plotted in Figure 7-7G.



Graphene-MoS2 junction was studied using numerical methods. Comparing with

measurement and 2D Poission calculation, we have found the cause of linear reverse I-

V characteristic in the lateral tunneling junction. Also, interlayer transport parameter has

been extracted to predict the performance of 3 terminal MGM BJT. The major drawback

of this MBT-like device is the large base current. Careful engineering of ,E C and B

ratio, which is physically related to the interlayer transport property is required to

achieve certain current gain. We also find that the base material with bandgap results in

reduction of overall current density, however is preferred in achieving large current gain.


Table 7-1. Scattering potential matrix element value

γE,C/γB § 1.0×10

-3 1.0×10

-2 1.0×10

-1 2.0×10

-1 1 2 3

γE,C [eV2nm

2] 8.0×10

-8 8.0×10

-7 8.0×10

-6 1.6×10

-5 8.0×10

-5 1.6×10

-4 2.4×10




2] 0.0825 0.825 8.25 16.5 82.5 165 247

§ B is set to a constant value of 5 2 28.0 10 eV nm

Figure 7-1. Simulated structure of graphene-MoS2 junction. A) 2 Dimensional (2D) and B) 1 dimensional (1D) schematic of the graphene-MoS2 junction. C) 1D capacitance model.


Figure 7-2. MoS2-Graphene junction properties. A) Measured I-V plot of MoS2-Graphene diode with varying gate bias (VG). B) Extracted conductance from measured I-V compared with numerical results. C) Graphene-MoS2 interlayer electron transport time (τ). D) Conduction band energy of bottom MoS2 (EC,MoS2) and Dirac point of top graphene (EDirac) as function of VG and E) difference between the two value.


Figure 7-3. Band alignment results of 2D Poisson calculation. A) Forward bias and, B) reverse bias.


Figure 7-4. Isolated diode model and its results. A) Isolated diode model to describe the leakage current at reverse bias. B) I-V curve in logarithm scale. C) I-V curve in linear scale. The solid line represents result from 1D model. Dashed line represents results from isolated diode model.


Figure 7-5. Schematic of the 3 terminal MGM BJT and NEGF current calculation results. A) Schematic of the 3 terminal MGM BJT. Calculated current components

with B) 8 2 2

, 8.0 10E C eV nm and C) 4 2 2

, 1.6 10E C eV nm . D) IC as function

of VCB with 8 2 2

, 8.0 10E C eV nm and E) IC as function of VCB with

4 2 2

, 1.6 10E C eV nm . F) Comparison of IC and IB in logarithmic scale.


Figure 7-6. Current gain and intrinsic delay of the MGM-BJT. A) Extracted current gain (β), intrinisic delay (τint) and graphene intralayer transport time (τB) as function

of , /E C B . B) Extracted current components as function of , /E C B .


Figure 7-7. Predicted performance of MGM-BJT with bandgap base. A) Artificial badgap induced graphene DOS with bandgap of 0.1eV and 0.8 eV. B) Band diagram of the MGM BJT. (C~E) Transmission as function of energy between, C-E, B-E and C-B respectively. F) IC and IB as function of VCB and G) corresponding current gain (β).



The first demonstration of graphene [7] unveiled series of 2D layered material for

the future nano-devices. Such material includes h-BN, topological insulators, and

transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs). Graphene has been of a great interest due to

its fascinating properties such as mobility in the order of 105 cm2/V∙s, thermal

conductivity up to 3000 W/K∙m [48,49]. However, due to the absence of band gap, the

graphene-based FETs have high off-current and thus is not suitable for current logic

applications. In this work, we have proposed few ways to induce the bandgap in the

graphene by functionalization. Also we have looked into TMDs, which are 2D materials

that naturally bear bandgap. One purpose of this work is to understand the material

properties, such as band-structure which convey the essential character of the material,

doping feature, and electrostatic screening behaviors. Another is to understand

operation mechanism and project the performance of devices that use these 2D


In the first topic, which is Chapter 2 of this dissertation, we have investigated

electronic properties of A-Cx(BN)ys through DFT calculation. An earlier study has shown

that the domains of graphene can be grown in the 2D h-BN sheet [29]. Motivated from

this, we proposed a structure, A-Cx(BN)y, which is analogous to the AGNRs. The

confinement is provided from the h-BN to induce bandgap in the graphene system. The

bandgap properties of A-Cx(BN)y resembles that of the AGNR. However, considerably

bandgap opening for A-Cx(BN)ys with width index of 3p+2 is observed. Also the relation

of the width to the bandgap in A-Cx(BN)ys, follows the hierarchy as E3p+2<E3p+1<E3p, as

opposed to AGNRs’ hierarchy of E3p+2<E3p<E3p+1. We find the cause of this as the


perturbation from the large ionic potential difference between B and N. A TB model of

the system was constructed as a simple and effective method to confirm out theory and

predict the electronic properties.

As an extension of the first work on A-Cx(BN)y, we have looked into chemical

modified graphene, i.e., graphane, to induce confinement on the graphene system. The

band structure of partially hydrogenated graphene, graphene nanoroad and graphene

nanomesh were studied and showed that a considerable bandgap can be achieved in a

continuous 2D layer. We also found through top-barrier ballistic MOSFET model that the

highly non-isotropic 2D E-k of graphene nanoroad is preferred in achieving higher

device performance.

Moving the focus from generating bandgap in graphene to 2D material with

bandgap, we look into TMDs. In Chapter 4 of this dissertation, we have studied the

potassium (K) doping features in MoS2 and WSe2, and compared it with the graphene,

through DFT calculations. K has a small electron affinity and thus is acts as a strong

electron donor. While the K doping in graphene has been reported to be unstable [58],

our study shows that K-MoS2 and K-WSe2 bonding to be stronger, thus more reliable.

By adopting mechanical transfer process [64], various types of 2D material can

be stacked, which leads to study of stacked heterojunctions. As prior to understanding

the junction physics, we studied the electrostatic screening behavior of multilayer TMDs

(we have work on MoS2, however, same method can be applied to other TMDs)

following the method of a graphene stack [97]. By using numerical methods, we found

the electrostatic screening to be highly dependent on applied gate voltage and

temperature. The major difference between multi-layer graphene is that, the graphene


has saturating screening length which is due to its semi-metallic feature. On the other

hand, MoS2, due to the sufficient large bandgap of 1.8 eV, the screening length can

extend to infinity. We also derive analytical expression for the Debye length which

suggests that the lower limit of the screening length to be around half of the interlayer

distance of MoS2 layers.

As for the last topic, we have investigated the properties of graphene-MoS2

vertical junction. As graphene is semi-metallic material, this junction resembles the

metal-semiconductor junction. However, due to their 2D nature and also geometry of

the junction, which extends to form a contact, leads to lateral tunneling junction at the

reverse bias. This result in a linear I-V characteristic, that cannot be found in the

traditional MS junction. Also, interlayer transport parameter has been extracted to

predict the performance of the 3 terminal MGM BJT. The major drawback of this MBT-

like device is the large base current. Careful engineering of ,E C and B ratio, which is

physically related to the interlayer transport property is required to achieve certain

current gain. We also find that the base material with bandgap is preferred for large

current gain.

These works can be extended to explore other 2D materials. One of such

material may be black phosphorus. This has recently gained interest in that it has highly

non-isotropic direct bandgap 2D band structure [114,115]. The peculiar crystalline

structure enables the band be tailored with applied strain which the origin is yet unclear.

In depth study via DFT is needed to understand the physics. Also the anisotropic band

structure will lead to interesting study of the transport properties.




A.1. Derivation of Bandgap for AGNRs

AGNRs are semiconductors with bandgap which decrease as the width increase

and in the larger width limit will function as graphene. However, the variation of the

bandgap follows a distinctive behavior as function of the width and can be categorized

into three groups depending on the width, e.g., n=3p, 3p+1 and 3p+2. Here, we will

derive the bandgap characteristic of each family member and carry on the derivation of

the perturbed AGNR system in appendix A.2, where the perturbation is due to the

neighboring B and N atoms that are dealt in chapter 2 of the text.

Figure A-1. Graphene nanoribbon schematic. A) Schematic of AGNR with width(n) of Na=9 in this case. B) Topologically equivalent structure of Na-AGNR C) Topologically equivalent structure of Na-AGNR in the case of k=0. All the sublattices are linked with tight binding parameter t0.

The AGNR, as depicted in Figure A-1 A can be viewed topologically same as

Figure A-1 B which can be further simplified, in the condition that k=0, to Figure A-1 C


with the TB of t0 between each sublattices [17]. The condition k=0, is valid one in that

our interest is in calculating the bandgap only. Using this concept, and following the

derivation from ref.49, the tight-binding Hamiltonian reduces to a two leg ladder lattice

system. The Hamiltonian can be written as equation (A-1).

0 0

0 0

T t IH

t I T



0 0

0 0



t tT

t t


t0 corresponds to either the left or the right ladder. The eigenstates and the

eigenenergies of H0 in the qth band, are

0 q q qH E E E (A-2)

Equation (A.2) describes only the n of the 2n eigenstates. To complete the

solution we consider symmetric and anti-symmetric wave function where,



or , 1



q q

q q

q q




E n




First, to calculate the eigenstate of the qth band,


0 0

0 0 0

0 0

0 ... ... ...

0 ( 1) ( 1)sin sin sin 2sin cos

.. 1 1 1 1 1

... ... ...0



t t iq i q i q iq qT t t

t t n n n n n


which results in,

0 02 cos1

q q

qT t


. (A-3)

And to solve for the Hamitonian,

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

or q q


q q

T t I T t IH E

t I T t I T

which leads to ,

0 0 0 0 02 cos or 2 cos1 1

q q


q q

q qH E t t t t

n n


Thus, as for the general solution of the eigenenergies of the qth subband is,

0 1 2cos1


qE t



0 1 2cos1


qE t


, (A-4)

where, 1,2,3...q n .

We can further derive the solution of the eigenenergies into the 3 categories of

the AGNR family.

A.1.1. Case 1. n=3p

0 1 2cos3 1


qE t



with 1,2,3...3q p . For this to have minimum value, 3 1 3



. Thus, at q=p,

,min 0 1 2cos3 1


pE t



So, the bandgap of the AGNR with width of n=3p is,

, 3 02 1 2cos3 1

g n p

pE t



A.1.2. Case 1. n=3p+1


0 1 2cos3 2


qE t



with 1,2,3...(3 1)q p and for this to have minimum value, 2

3 2 3



. Thus, at

q=p+1, ,min 0 0

(2 1) ( 1)1 2cos 1 2cos

3 2 3 2q

p pE t t

p p


, 3 1 0

( 1)2 1 2cos

3 2g n p

pE t



A.1.2. Case 3. n=3p+2

0 1 2cos3 3


qE t


, with 1,2,3...(3 2)q p and for this to have minimum

value, 3 3 3


p p

and thus, at q=p+1, ,min 0qE , , 3 2 0g n pE


A.2. Bandgap AGNR Perturbed by the Ionic Potential of B and N at the AGNR Edge

Figure A-2. Schematic of AGNR and perturbation modeling. A) Schematic of AGNR perturbed at the four edge C atoms by the neighboring B and N of the AGNR of the for A-Cx(BN)y system in chapter 2. B) Simplified ladder representation. C) Case for the even and odd AGNR width.

To calculate the bandgap of the AGNR confined by BNNR (A-Cx(BN)y) through

perturbation calculation, we need to account for the perturbed Hamiltonian.


1 0H H H

The 0H is the Hamiltonian of the AGNR itself, which has been derived in

appendix A.1, and 1H is the first order perturbation. We set the perturbation

Hamiltonian as,








The off diagonal terms are zero matrix in that we assume nothing has affected

the C-C interaction of the original AGNRs (we simplify the problem to just perturbation in

the ionic onsite energy of the C atoms at the edge as represented in Figure A-2 A and


1 2 ,

a b

a b





1 2 ,

a b

b a





The 1st order perturbed eigenenergies can be written as,


1 2



q qq q q


q qq q





First, solving the denominator,


1 1

1 cossin

1 2

n n

q q

m m



, where







1 1 1 ( 1)cos 1 sin cos

2 2 sin( / 2) 2 2


q q


n nn m n


1 1 2 ( 1) 21 sin cos

1 22 1 2 2 1sin( )2 1

1 11 sin cos , since q is intger

2 1sin( )1

1( 1)


q q

q n n qn

q n n


nqn q

q n



Moving on to the nominator,


1 1 2



q q q q q q





For both even and odd cases,

1 2

a b

a b




, a bE E E


1 2 2 2


sin sin..1 1


q q q



q nqT T E

n n



A.2.1. Case 1. n=3p

With q=p,


1 2 2 2 3sin sin

3 1 3 1q q

p pT T E

p p


and thus,


22 2

3 sin sin1 3( 1) 3( 1)

a an p

E E n nE

n n n

Resulting bandgap calculation for n=3p is,

20 2 2

, 3 , 3 2 sin sin1 3( 1) 3( 1)

a bg n p g n p

E E n nE E

n n n


A.2.2. Case 1. n=3p+1

With q=p+1, as in the AGNR case the anti-symetric solution results in the

minimum value of the eigenergy, and thus solving for that results in.

The resulting bandgap calculation for n=3p is,

0 2 2

, 3 1 , 3 1

2 ( 2)2 sin sin

1 3( 1) 3( 1)

a bg n p g n p

E E n n nE E

n n n


1 1 2 2 2


0 2 ( 2)sin sin

3( 1) 3( 1)0


q q q q q q


T n n nE H E T T E

n nT




DFT is a quantum mechanical method to describe the electronic structure and

dynamics of a many-body system. SIESTA code [26] and VASP code [xx] is used

throughout this work. Both use pseudo-potential method to reduce the basis set size,

therefore enhance the efficiency, however, SIESTA uses localized combination of

atomic orbital (LCAO) basis set and VASP uses plane wave basis set. When calculating

for the binding energy of two interacting system, the atomic orbital basis set results in

over-estimation of the binding energy. This is due to the unequal basis set between the

interacting bonded system and non-interacting separate system. This is known as basis

set superposition error (BSSE) and should be accounted for. One of the ways to do so

is conducting counter-poise (CP) correction [50], where by introducing a “ghost atom”

[51-52]. The purpose of the “ghost atom” is to increase the basis set of the non-

interacting separate system, same as the interacting bonded system.

B.2. Counterpoise Correction

In the uncorrected interaction energy is,

( ) ( , ) ( ) ( )AB A BE E AB E A E B G G ,

where G is the coordinate of the geometry of the whole bonded structure,

( , )ABE ABG is the total energy of the calculated with the full basis set AB at that

geometry. ( )AE A and ( )BE B are the total energy of the non-interacting parts, each

calculated from the basis set A and B respectively.

On the other hand counterpoise corrected interaction energy is,


( ) ( , ) ( , ) ( , )CP


where ( , )AE ABG and ( , )BE ABG is the total energies of part A and B,

calculated within the basis set of AB at geometry G , respectively. This can be

understood as increasing the basis set size of each element A and B to the whole AB

structure. Thus BSSE can be calculated as, ( ) ( )CPBSSE E E G G .

B.3. Calculating the C-H Binding Energy of A-HNRs Using Counterpoise Correction

By using the CP corrected method we can extract the H or the F binding energy

to the graphene system. Figure A-3 A shows the atomic structure of the A-HNR. From

Figure A-3 B, the side view of the unitcell , we can see that the H atoms are puliing the

binding C atoms out of the graphene plane which indicates that the basis set of the A-

HNRs will differ from that of just the H atoms and the graphene. To account for the

arising BSSE, we need to set the basis set equal by introducing the “ghost atoms”. First,

by the DFT calculation, we calculate the molecular dynamically relaxed geometry (or the

atomic coordinates) and the total energy ( ( , )A HNRE A HNR G ) of the A-HNR structure.

From the obtained atomic coordinates, we run the second un-relaxed DFT calculation

with all the C atoms set to ghost atoms as in Figure A-3 D and obtain the total energy,

( , )HE A HNRG . Third conduct un-relaxed DFT calculation of the graphene with the H

atoms as ghost atoms as in Figure A-3 (e) and get ( , )A NRE A HNR G .

The resulting binding energy can be calculated as,

( , ) ( , ) ( , )CP A HNR H A NR




G G G,


where nH is the number of H atoms in the unitcell of the A-HNR and CPE is the

binding energy of a H atom.

Figure B-1.BSSE calculation method. A) Atomic structure of unitcell of A-HNR, top view. B) Side view of the unitcell of A-HNR. Notice that C atoms with H bonded is pulled out of the graphene plane indicating that the atomic basis has been modified from that of graphene. C) Schematic of A-HNR. D) Schematic of H atoms with the basis set extended to the same basis set of the A-HNRs, where the dotted atoms represent the ghost atoms of the graphene. E) Schematic of graphene with the basis set extended to the same basis set of the A-HNRs, where the dotted atoms represent the ghost atoms of the H.



In the following GW quasi-particle (QP) calculation, non-self-consistent G0W0

was used to reduce the computational cost [79]. Same atomistic relaxed structure was

used as in the main text. HSE exchange-correlation functional was used to obtain wave

functions for the GW calculation. Although this step is not essential, this method has

been suggested to improve agreement with experiments [90]. The Brillouin zone

sampled with a 6 × 6 × 1 k-point mesh. The band-structure was Wannier interpolated

using the WANNIER90 program [91]. From the Figure CA, ~0.65 eV shift of CBM as

regard to the valence band can be observed. In Figure CB, splitting the valence bands

due to spin orbital coupling is shown.

Figure C-1. Bilayer WSe2 HSE-DFT and G0W0 calculation. A) Comparison of Wannier interpolated HSE-DFT and G0W0 calculation. SOC is not considered and no strain is applied. B) Comparison of spin orbital coupling (SOC) effect in HSE-DFT calculation. Band splitting in the K point of the valence band can be observed.



D.1. GGA

In Cpater 5, structural relaxation was performed using GGA XC functional. In the

VASP calculation, for fast and accurate results, first, (1) ISIF was set as 7 in the input

script (INCAR). This maintains the overall shape of the geometry from the initial guess

during the relaxation process but modified the cell volume. Once this calculation is

converged, using the updated geometry (saved as CONTCAR, update the POSCAR to

CONTCAR), another relaxation calculation was performed, with (2) ISIF=2. This

procedure relaxes the ions without changing the cell shape or the volume. The resulting

structure will be relatively precise, however, to further improve accuracy, these two

steps can be iterated. With the resulting relaxed structure, (3) self-consistent calculation

is followed with higher k-mesh grid. Then last step is the (4) bandline calculation. Below

is the INCAR script for the process.

Table D-1. GGA step 1 and 2

INCAR file Comments KPOINT file System = BL_WSe2 PREC = NORMAL SYMPREC = 1E-8 ENCUT = 400 ISTART = 0 ICHARG = 2 NELMIN = 6 EDIFF = 1E-5 NSW = 100 IBRION = 2 ADDGRID = .TRUE. ISIF = 7 ISMEAR = 0 SIGMA = 0.05 GGA = PE LVDW = .TRUE. VDW_C6 = 12.64 48.894 VDW_R0 = 1.771 1.8413

ISTART=0 for step (1), 1 for step (2). For iterating of these steps use 1. ICHARG=2 for step (1), 1 for step (2). For iterating of these steps use 1. ISIF=7 for step (1) and 2 for step (2) Last three lines are to include the effects of the vdW force vias DFT-D2 method

k-points 0 Gamma 9 9 1 0 0 0


Table D-2. GGA step 3

INCAR file Comments KPOINT file PREC = ACCURATE LSORBIT = .TRUE. LORBIT = 11 SYMPREC = 1E-8 ENCUT = 400 ISTART = 1 ICHARG = 1 NELMIN = 6 EDIFF = 1E-7 NSW = 0 ADDGRID = .TRUE. ISMEAR = 0 SIGMA = 0.05 GGA = PE LVDW = .TRUE. VDW_C6 = 12.64 48.894 VDW_R0 = 1.771 1.8413

LSORBIT=.TRUE. switches on spin-orbit coupling LORBIT = 11 : quick method for the determination of the spd- and site projected wave function character

Increase the k mesh points for improved accuracy KPOINTS k-points 0 Gamma 15 15 1 0 0 0

Table D-3. GGA step 4

INCAR file Comments KPOINT file PREC = ACCURATE LSORBIT = .TRUE. LORBIT = 11 SYMPREC = 1E-8 ENCUT = 400 ISTART = 1 ICHARG = 11 NSW = 0 IBRION = -1 LWAVE = .FALSE. LCHARG=.FALSE. ADDGRID = .TRUE. ISMEAR = 0 SIGMA = 0.05 GGA = PE LVDW = .TRUE. VDW_C6 = 12.64 48.894 VDW_R0 = 1.771 1.8413

ICHARG=11: To obtain the eigenvalues (for band structure plots) or the DOS for a given charge density read from CHGCAR.

k-points 50 Line-mode rec 0.66666667 0.33333333 0.00000000 ! K 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 ! Gamma 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 ! Gamma 0.50000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 ! M 0.50000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 ! M 0.66666667 0.33333333 0.00000000 ! K

D.2. HSE

VASP input script (INCAR and KPOINTS) are shown below. The script contains

self-consistent calculation, which require relaxed atomistic structure, and the band

calculation. Note that the INCAR file is basically same. However, for band calculation,

the k points in KPOINTS file must be specified with weighting of 0. Also to generate

orbital resolved bands, flag “LSORBIT = .TRUE.” must be included in INCAR. This

results in output file of PROCAR that contains the information.


Table D-4. HSE Self-consistent calculation




15 15 1

0 0 0

Table D-5. HSE Band calculation


Automatically generated mesh 229.00000 Reciprocal lattice 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 1 The k points are generated 0.11111 0.00000 0.00000 1 in the IBZPT file in the 0.22222 0.00000 0.00000 1 previous SCF calculation 0.33333 0.00000 0.00000 1 0.44444 0.00000 0.00000 1 … K points added for bandline the weight is set to 0 0.66667 0.33333 0.00000 0 K point 0.65306 0.32653 0.00000 0 0.63946 0.31973 0.00000 0 … 0.01360 0.0068 0.00000 0 0.00000 0.0000 0.00000 0 Γ point 0.01020 0.0000 0.00000 0 … 0.48980 0.00000 0.00000 0 0.50000 0.00000 0.00000 0 M point


D.3. G0W0

The G0W0 calculation is performed over HSE wave functions. Thus require

WAVECAR file obtained from HSE self-consistent calculation. For G0W0, the input of the

KPOINTS file is the Monkhorst-Pack (MH) scheme. The bandline calculation as in HSE

or other XC is not adaptable for GW approach. The band is Wannier interpolated from

the k mesh using WANNIER90 [91]. For honeycomb lattice structure, to sample all high

symmetry points (Κ,Μ,Γ) multiple of 6 is required in the MH k mesh. Here for calculation

cost purpose we use 6x6x1.

Table D-6. HSE Band calculation INCAR file.

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 System = WSe2 PREC = ACCURATE ISTART = 1 ICHARG = 1 # charge: 1-file EDIFF = 1E-5 IBRION = -1 ISMEAR = 0 SIGMA = 0.02 LHFCALC = .T. HFSCREEN= 0.2 ALGO = A TIME = 0.4 LWANNIER90_RUN=.T. LWRITE_MMN_AMN=.T.

System = WSe2 PREC = ACCURATE ISTART = 1 ICHARG = 1 EDIFF = 1E-5 IBRION = -1 ISMEAR = 0 SIGMA = 0.02 LHFCALC = .T. HFSCREEN= 0.2 TIME = 0.4 ALGO = Exact NBANDS = 300 LOPTICS = .T. NEDOS = 2000




In a 1D system, with the varying space charge density of ( )x ,the potential V x

can be calculated by solving the Poisson’s equation,





d V x xV x



In the n-type semiconductor this rewritten as,


0 2r

d V dnq dV

dx dV (E-1),

where n is the electron density and q is the elementary charge. Here, the

gradient of n to the V is the DOS. For the n-type semiconductors, the DOS within a

small potential range near the EC can be approximated as,

1 1eff

dn nD

q dV q V ,

which results in effn qD V . Thus equation (E-1) can be simplified to,


0 20r eff

d Vq D V

dx ,

and this second-order differential equation can be solved by comparing with,

0 expD

xV x V

which results in the Debye length ( D ) of,



effq D

. (E-2)

If we apply Boltzmann's carrier distribution to approximate the charge density as,


0 expB

qVn N

k T



q ,

the equation (E-2) result in



k T

q N


which is a well known equation for bulk semiconductors [99].

However, the Boltzmann’ distribution does not agree well with the 2D density of

states (DOS) properties of MoS2. We re-derive the Debye length as to quantify the

screening length through charge density calculated from linearized k∙p method.

Rewriting equation (6-3) from the main text, the electron charge density at each ith layer


0 1 1ln 1 expi i




qV qVn N N

k T k T



0 2






v ,



2 B


k TN



1i i i



The DOS at each layer is,

0 1

0 0

1 1ln 1 exp

1 exp

i ii eeff i i



dn N N qVD

q dV d k T d k T k TqV

k T


and thus, linearized electron charge density can be expressed as,

0 1

0 0

ln 1 exp

1 exp

i ii i i i

e eff iB B B


N NV qVn qD V q q V

d k T d k T k TqV

k T



Through self consistent iteration with 1D capacitance model [equation (6-2) in the

main text] and equation (E-4), the potential iV and electron charge density ( i

en ) can be

found. Inserting i

effD to equation (E-2), Debye length can be found as,

0 0

0 0


0 2


1 exp

ln 1 exp


r B

Bi r BD i


qVd k T

k T d k T

q N qVq N

k T

. (E-5)



Here we provide the derivation of the two dimensional (2D) Thomas-Fermi (TF)

model to evaluate the screening characteristics on multi-layer MoS2. The details can be

found in ref 101. Also, derivations for graphene multilayer can be found in ref 100. We

use parabolic conduction band 2

2 2 2 MoSE k m , located at the K points of the Brillouin

zone, with valley and spin degeneracy ( vN , sN ) of 2 and in-plane effective mass (2MoSm )

of 0.52m0. The kinetic energy (per unit area) of each layer of MoS2 can be expressed



0TF TFE Q z A Q z , where



s v MoS

AN N m


In the continuum limit, the grand potential for this system is,

2 2

2 2

0 , 0 , 0 00 0

'' '

2 4



r MoS r MoS

ze Qdz e dzE Q z Q Q z Q z z z Q z

d d



is the chemical potential, D is the total thickness of the MoS2 layers. 0d is the

interlayer distance between the MoS2 layers with a value of 6Å as in the main text. The

screening properties are obtained by minimizing with respect to the charge density

TFQ z . This leads to a differential equation of,


2 20 0

0 0


dQ z Q z Q D

dz d d

, (F-2)

where, 2


0 , 0 04 r MoSe A . The corresponding boundary conditions are as



0 0

2 , 0 TF TF

z z D

dQ z dQ zQ

dz dz


Equation F-2 can be rewritten in an integral form as,


1/22 2


Dr D


du r

, 0D TF TFr Q D Q . (F-4)

Solving this results in an analytic solution of FTQ z , which is a function of

vertical position z at given thickness D . FTQ z is equivalent to the iQ in the main text

[equation (6-3)], except that former is in a continuous limit and later is in a discrete form.

0 0 0





z Dd

Q z Q d





In the main text, to calculate the interlayer current, classical approach is used.

This method utilizes the DOS of the graphene and MoS2 layers and an interlayer

transport parameter αC. The NEGF formalism can also be used for the same purpose.

To do so, interlayer transport parameter (we denote as αN) needs to be redefined to suit

the formalism. As in the main text Chapter 7.2.1, the Hamiltonian of the device is treated

with ML graphene using π-orbital tight binding model,

0 0

0 0

2 cos

2 cos




Dirac y


y Dirac

E t t e KH K

t t e K E


where 3 / 2y yK k a , 3 / 2x xK k a , intra-layer nearest-neighbor (NN) hopping

parameter, t0=2.7 eV and NN C to C atomic distance of a=1.42 Å. Transmission across

the layered device at given energy E is,

2MoS Gra

1, ,


T E trace E G E K E G E KA




, MoS GraG E K EI H K E E

is the retarded greens function. A is

the total area of the Brillouin zone used for the numerical calculation. The contact self-

energy needs to be defined in a way that the physical fitting parameter can be

introduced. The Table G-1 compares the classical method to the NEGF formalism for

convenience of understanding. The term 2C Gra MoSD E D E is physically equivalent to

the transmission function derive form the NEGF. As the MoS2 layer is treated as a

contact to the graphene channel (Hamiltonian matrix), interlayer transport parameter is


buried inside the self-energy (or the broadening matrix). Within the NEGF formalism, the

self-energy can be expressed in terms of DOS as below.

2 2 2

22 2MoS MoS MoSD D

Here, represents the device-reservoir (contact) coupling, unit in eV∙m. Thus,

the N in the main text is 2

, and connection to the classical parameter C is as,

2 2 2 2

22 2MoS MoS N MoS C MoSD D D .




Table G-1. Classical and NEGF transport calculation comparison

Classical Approach NEGF approach

2 2

2 C Gra MoS Gra MoS

qI D E D E f E f E dE



2Gra MoS

qI T E f E f E dE



C Gra MoSD E D E 2



x y

MoS Gra

k k

T E trace E G E E G EA

GraD E ,

1 1

2x y


k k

trace G E E G EA





A transport model for determining the interlayer current for tunneling transistor

adopting 2D semiconductors have been proposed [111]. The procedure was followed to

determine the fore-mentioned interlayer tunneling parameter αC and αN of this work. The

interlayer current between two 2D semiconductors (top and bottom represented as

subscript T and B, respectively) can be computed by the Landauer-Buttiker formula


,T B

v s TB T B

eI g g dE T E f E f E


k k

. (H-1)

The vg (

sg ) is the valley (spin degeneracy), ,T Bf is the Fermi-Dirac distribution

function and TBT is the interlayer transmission between the wave state with wave vectors

of Bk and

Tk . e is the elementary charge. Under assumption of weak interlayer

coupling, which has been consistent within this work, can be express in terms of DOS

(or the spectral function) and the scattering potential matrix element, TBM as,


The spectral function is,

, , ,2T B T B T BA E E E k


where , ,T B T BE k is the E-k relation of the top and bottom layer. Thus, returning to

equation (H-1) results in the interlayer current as [111],



,T B

v s TB T B B B T T B T

eI g g M E E f f


k k

k k k k . (H-2)


Although here, the scattering potential matrix element , has been expressed as a

function of wave vectors, with assumption that Tk and Bk are small compared to the

size of the Brillouin zone, thus, B T q k k is also negligible, and the wave-function

decay exponentially in the interlayer region with decay constant of κ, the scattering

potential matrix can be simplified as,


2 0, exp 2





qk k . (H-3)

A is the area of the 2D semiconductor overlap (or the device area). The ILT is the

interlayer distance, equivalent to 0d in the main text. The decay constant κ, can be

expressed in tunneling as, 22

02m k , where is the barrier height (300 meV in

the work) and 04 3k a is the parallel momentum of graphene with lattice constant 0a

=2.46 Å [113]. The FS q is the power spectrum of the long range random fluctuation

which can be further approximated within a unitcell as 2

F CS L , where CL is the

correlation length set as 10nm. Thus equation (H-3) can be expressed as wave-function

independent constant of,

2 2

2 0exp 2






The extracted scattering matrix element can be applied to NEGF calculation via

energy dependent broadening matrix. In the NEGF formalism for a 2 terminal device,

the transmission can be expressed as


, ,TB T T


T E trace E G E K E G E KA



with 1



In this work the Hamiltonian of the device is treated with mono-layer of graphene

using π-orbital tight binding model. The MoS2 layer is dealt as phenomenological

contact, the broadending matrix can be expressed as,


, 2B

B B B T B B BE i E E M E E


k k k


2 2

02 exp 2B CB MoS IL





2 2

0 exp 2B CN IL



with the extracted N value of 8 2 26.67 10 eV nm as in the main text, the resulting

2 2 2

0 0.011 BM eV nm .



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Gyungseon Seol was born in Seoul, Republic of Korea, in 1980. He received his

B.S. degree in Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in 2005 from

Hanyang University, Korea. From 2005 to 2007, he worked on his M.S. degree in Seoul

National University, Korea. His scope of study at the period was on optimization and

characterization of high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) for millimeter-wave

applications. To be specific, Ohmic contact of the HEMT device and its thermal

reliability. From 2008, he is pursuing Ph.D. degree in Department of Electrical and

Computer Engineering at University of Florida. His current research topics focus on

theory, modeling and simulation of nano-scale electronic devices.

© 2014 Gyungseon Seol - ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu - [PDF Document] (2024)


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The seven libraries of the University of Florida form the largest academic information resource system in the state. The Libraries include specialized collections in science, health, architecture, history, languages, art and music.

What library is located in Turlington Plaza, UF? ›

Marston Science Library is located next to the Computer Science & Engineering Building (CSE) and Turlington Plaza, and north of the French fries landmark.

Can non-students use the UF library? ›

Due to strict license agreements, only UF students, faculty, and staff have remote-access privileges to our resources. However, with on-site registration, visitors have the privilege of free on-campus access to all library databases when using our library public workstations.

What is the best library at UF? ›

Marston Science Library

“I like that [Marston] is 24/7, and that it's open most of the time,” UF computer science junior Bradley Dantas said. “And it has quite a lot of space.” While the study rooms and technology offered at Marston are widely known, the wellness resources often fly under students' radars.

What is the oldest UF library? ›

About the Smathers Library
  • 1925 – The first section of what is now Smathers Library opened. ...
  • 1931 – South Tower added in 1931.
  • 1950 – The library added a stacks unit and the North Tower opened.
  • 1967 – The Graduate Research Library opened and the old library was designated the College Library.

What is the oldest library in Florida? ›

The Library is located in the historic district of DeFuniak Springs and has the distinction of being the oldest continuously operated library in the state of Florida.

What is the largest library in Florida? ›

The Orlando Public Library is the headquarters for the Orange County Library System. At 290,000 square feet, this downtown Orlando building is larger than any other library in the state of Florida.

How can you access library databases and journals from home for FAU? ›

OpenAthens is a gateway service that provides access to the FAU Libraries' licensed electronic resources. For the first time, you will have access to the Libraries' e-resources without having to be on the Libraries' website! See our OpenAthens page for more details, or contact eresources@fau.edu with questions.

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Visitors will need to show a valid form of picture ID and sign a form to access the library. To check out items and remotely access databases, you'll need to be a student, faculty or staff currently affiliated to UNF. Alumni and visitors can buy a special borrower card to check out materials.

How do online classes work at UF? ›

The majority of your courses in UF Online are asynchronous, meaning you watch the lectures and do your assignments at times that are convenient for you. At the beginning of each semester, your professor provides you with a detailed syllabus with all your tests, assignment due dates and recommended reading schedules.

Can you go to UF online? ›

UF Online provides an accessible, flexible education for those looking to pursue a fully online degree program.


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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

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