Chris Evans Relationship Theories XI – Painful Hustling (2024)



May 18, 2023
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  • Thursday at 5:16 PM
  • #10,041

Fire Angel said:

No lol

Like I said, aint nobody comparing curtains
And CAA can shove their Wheres wally bµllsh*t speculation games up their asses

I didn’t think there was a video! I just needed you to confirm it. Thanks

Fire Angel

Josh's Fiancé
Dec 9, 2021
Reaction score
  • Thursday at 5:26 PM
  • #10,042

cardsfan2023 said:

I didn’t think there was a video! I just needed you to confirm it. Thanks

Im not looking it up
Nor am i going to the trouble to compare curtains or spend time placing him wherever
Its completely irrelevant because this whole situation is bµllsh*t
I dont require your personal belief in whether it exists or not, nor am I required to prove anything to anyone to know that Im right

The only thing im interested in is discussing the end of his contract coming up
Nothing else holds much of a fascination for me anymore

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Meme Queen/Clown Queen
Jul 10, 2020
Reaction score
  • Thursday at 5:47 PM
  • #10,043

Chris Evans Relationship Theories XI – Painful Hustling (3)

She just ask a question not demand your first born.

Fire Angel

Josh's Fiancé
Dec 9, 2021
Reaction score
  • Thursday at 5:59 PM
  • #10,044

BlueVision77 said:

Chris Evans Relationship Theories XI – Painful Hustling (5)

She just ask a question not demand your first born.

Its not directed at her
Its a message to the lurkers who want the fans to do their dirty work for them
We arent their slaves, we arent their team
And unless they are planning on giving us something we actually want, we're going to keep ignoring their bµllsh*t tasting bait

The fans are not responsible for this mess, they are
Theyre the ones that set up this contract
Theyre the ones that keep trying to push an obviously bµllsh*t storyline, dangling the hope of redemption for their fav out like a carrot treat when its really a sh*t sandwich

Us talking about their little lies is exactly what they want, I've spent god knows how long calling them out on it and until they end this BS I will continue to do so

Chris deserves better than the likes of people who are willing to use him as propaganda fodder for a foreign lobby groups agenda and then spend so much time and energy undermining his reputation and destroying his fandom to undermine him and ASP because lord knows Israel and the US govt doesn't want anyone fact checking their narrative
What better way to do it then to fake marry him off to a foreign nazi prior to the us elections?
Too bad its still going without him and Biden wont last til the end of the year anyway

Should make for an interesting set of debates with a felon, a black woman, and the independent who participated in free palestine protests they've already started the smear campaign against, hard to see what will happen there, but none of that is Chris' fault. If they hadn't pushed so hard to begin with they would not have exposed themselves and had they chosen a better partner for his fake marriage - literally any decent person with a conscience - maybe they'd have a better cover story to sell to the media because people would be interested. Instead its only made it worse and more obvious because of the attention they tried to force onto it.

Way to shoot their own shot directly into their own foot

Write up those final invoices assholes and enjoy what little you will get out of him in the future

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Welcome to the Snark Tank
Jan 29, 2022
Reaction score
  • Thursday at 7:23 PM
  • #10,045

Fire Angel said:

Its not directed at her

Yet you quoted her. She asked a question based on what you brought up. Why mention something vague knowing someone will ask unless you want to keep the conversation going?

Fire Angel said:

Us talking about their little lies is exactly what they want,

Read this sentence.

Fire Angel said:

I've spent god knows how long calling them out on it and until they end this BS I will continue to do so

And read this sentence. See the problem?

You’ve been complaining that they’re “trying” to make us talk about him, yet for years you’ve been one of the biggest pushers of BS theories and proclamations.

I say this with complete sincerity. I hope you have someone in your life you can talk to. Some of your posts have been concerning, and I hope you can disconnect and step away from anything Chris related, because it seems to have quite a hold on you at times.

This is all just gossip and silliness for entertainment only. Nothing about Chris Evans or this situation should be so upsetting to anyone.

Oatmeal jut ain’t worth it!


You’re that guy from that thing.
Nov 12, 2022
Reaction score
  • Thursday at 7:43 PM
  • #10,046

SnarkLight said:

Yet you quoted her. She asked a question based on what you brought up. Why mention something vague knowing someone will ask unless you want to keep the conversation going?

Read this sentence.

And read this sentence. See the problem?

You’ve been complaining that they’re “trying” to make us talk about him, yet for years you’ve been one of the biggest pushers of BS theories and proclamations.

I say this with complete sincerity. I hope you have someone in your life you can talk to. Some of your posts have been concerning, and I hope you can disconnect and step away from anything Chris related, because it seems to have quite a hold on you at times.

This is all just gossip and silliness for entertainment only. Nothing about Chris Evans or this situation should be so upsetting to anyone.

Oatmeal jut ain’t worth it!

I can’t see their posts…

NVM, I saw it.

Fire Angel

Josh's Fiancé
Dec 9, 2021
Reaction score
  • Thursday at 7:46 PM
  • #10,047

Tough, if they dont like the backlash, maybe they should pick a different path

I wont be gaslit into silence over my opinion of the complete and utter incompetence of what is supposed to be a well paid experienced professional team not knowing exactly what they are doing, and that they are not doing it on purpose and trying to blame not just me, but the fandom at large for things they do with a very specific set of outcomes in mind

You cannot convince me otherwise that this entire sh*tshow is not by an exacting design

We know they trawl these site for feedback, and yet they continue on by choosing to drop bµllsh*t promoting this nazi hoe and this bµllsh*t marriage when they know exactly the kind of reaction they get

They've been caught using ideas from here, from tumblr, they've been caught watching the stories of fan pages, they know exactly what we are talking about because all of these things are posted publicly and we have watched them go back and forth like a fµck!ng out of control sine wave


They know what they are going to get and yet they do it anyway, and they continue to do it on purpose while using the negative reactions as an excuse to blame anyone but themselves for their choices, obviously must be close friends of Chris, must be where he learned it from

Those articles dont happen on their own, they are paid for.
Those drops dont happen on their own, they are planned.
By a professional team that are supposed to be acting in his best interests and yet they continue to do otherwise

Ive been hacked, threatened, defamed, you cant tell me that its not because ive called the out on their bµllsh*t repeatedly, for pointing out the inconvenient truth that they dont want people paying attention to. Nobody would go to those lengths unless they really wanted to shut me up after pumping me for information for a month

They rinse and repeat the same bµllsh*t to try and sell a product nobody has any belief in. The only people they can convince is the people they pay money to who apparently dont possess a conscience either, because capitalism

Happy birthday asshole

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Fire Angel

Josh's Fiancé
Dec 9, 2021
Reaction score
  • Thursday at 8:03 PM
  • #10,048

If Chris was so free to speak for himself, and make his own decisions without severe consequences, they wouldn't be so busy trying to sell us lies to distract us

Therefore the only conclusion is they are doing or have done something to prevent him from doing so

And the fandom knows him better

Think on that


General Manager
Mar 13, 2019
Reaction score
  • Thursday at 9:23 PM
  • #10,049

pinktuesdays said:

I’m starting to wonder if Chris is pro-Israel or both siders. He’s hyped up Jason kander and his war memoir book a lot and jason kander is pro-israel.
The red seas diving resort movie was so fµck!ng stupid. Fictional plot helpig ethipian black jews to get to stolen land in israel which is really occupied palestine, all so they can be treated like subhumans themselves and are sterilized. The heartwarmingness of the story doesn’t hold up. There are a lot of jews whose entire beleif system is falling apart. Israeli society is a lunatic state like norman finkelstein says. anyone who supports israel is an uneducated stupid dumbass especially with all the evidence showing how awful israel is and how they stole the land from palestinians, and also, its more evangelical christians who are more zionist. “Israel” serves the us military and economic interests, and us doesnt care about jewish people.
NTD; i really hope chris isn’t pro-israel and wakes the fµck up, ends this nasty pr sh*tshow that nobody cares for unless they want a laugh at his expense- which seems like they do. He’s 43 now and this is where he’s at in life- he’s been discredited as a politico whatever he was going for, is fake married to a nazi yacht girl with herpes who doesnt shower properly or brush her teeth, he’s had a string of flops and just finished working with an actress who said he has a bad attitude in an interview years ago, but is now pretending that she likes him for the sake of future flop piss poor love triangle story, he’s looking unhappy and worn out, just before his bday, that fake bomb autograph photo came back to haunt him and is still going strong, he’s losing fans//followers every day, because when he comes up in any way and reminds people he still exists, they realize they don’t wanna keep up with him, and other stuff. and he might be pro-israel because he hasnt said sh*t about anything lately regarding the murdered kids in palestine or congo or sudan. he used to be vocal before. He may have been or is a f*ckboi but if that was the worst thing about him, he still used to show he cared about human rights and childrens well being no matter what their skin color or religion. Now- well i guess no matter what he says, he it wont matter. Its too far in and unless he comes clean, sh*t going to keep getting worse for him career wise. He’s in some kind of gross limbo right now. I need to know his true colors though- does he care about the kids being genocided with the aid and encouragement of a president sh*tbag he used to support ? or is he deep down a decent guy who is in sever interconnected bad situations in life that he both signed up for and was talked/pressured into? people will see the truth about him either way- right now its like caa is telling him to dance moneky dance. talk moneky talk. shut up money shut up. he’s squandering his potential. will it be worth it?
how can it be worth it financially? dude got enough money so that can’t be it.
fµck you herpolita- go brush yo teeth and shower and make sure to wash yourself properly-actually- i dont think showering will help because your natural smell is a sh*tty stench and stale herpes yeast infection sëx with viagra fuelled sugar daddies. you ugly abla batsh*t.
Chris evans? are you for real? are you redeemble? tell the truth

She is? How do you know? I'm not a fan that keeps up with Chris or knows much about him so this is new information to me.

Edit: People are putting skeptical to my posts but I’m honestly not aware. I know he got married but I don’t keep up with his every move.

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Quack quack quack quack quack, Mr Ducksworth!
Nov 25, 2022
Reaction score
  • Yesterday at 3:57 AM
  • #10,050

Dayuuuuum some people be needing a snack or a nap on here to resolve their tantrums.

My feed has a lot of yellow “hidden content” and I’m glad Chris Evans Relationship Theories XI – Painful Hustling (12)

Well I haven’t seen or heard that he posted anything on his stories to remind us that he’s old and 43 - I really hope someone got him a card that said they hoped his birthday was the bomb. I bet it was his favourite card out of the lot of them if they did. I bet it went like this…

Dear Dollar Store Leo

Thanks for all the free stuff.

Hope your birthday is the “tic tic boom” Bomb! (hehe)




Dustbin and Bapnazi



Sep 22, 2023
Reaction score
  • Yesterday at 2:46 PM
  • #10,051

ShellyT20 said:

Yes its backfiring not just for Chris but other actors with racists and some have been trying to cover it all up with staged pr and adding in some coloured friends or befriending black celebrities etc but failing. Thats why its important for fans to look deep into these celebrities and what they truly stand for not just their faked public image. Most are only in it for money and fame and will do anything to obtain it.

Not surprised Chris is rubbing his relationship in peoples faces, some of his colleagues have abused fans for pointing out their racist ties with cheap industry arranged women theyre dating and they know these women have so much dirt on them but continue to have relationships and family ties with them.
These types of celebrities and associations deserve the Blockout and to be blacklisted from the industry since there should be a zero tolerance policy for bigots just like in sports entertainment.

Yep yep i gotta know what a person stands for now before i support them in anyway. THese celebs are asking us to do so with our hard earned money, thats why they’ve got the endorsem*nts and other crap and their movies and shows and whatever brand they’re starting or jumping on. THey don’t need that much money. Wealth distribution is a real thing and needs to be better.
Im here for the ending now but i’m done lookin up to celebrities in any way. Most movies and shows are sh*t now and like i said beofre, ppl showin their true colors even if its just by being silent. a celeb, or chris saying something one way or the other may not make a difference but the more ppl who fight the bµllsh*t and the genocide and exploitation of kids, it puts the pressure on the greedy ppl who do make the unfair policies and decisions that are ruining and killing ppl. Also chris has the asp platform and also, no one can be neutral or take both sides. THere’s no such thing. Ppl really need to do their own research too. i’ve blocked so many celebs and boycotted so much. BDS works- it ended apartheid in south africa and its working and putting pressure on right now. If chris evans isn’t going to stand up for whats right, i mean being silent is one thing, but he fully rubbed shoulders with genocide joe and is fake married to dirty stinkshow nazilita herpalba- also, he’s assoicated with pro-israel peeps… being anti-zionist and pro-palestine isn’t being against jews. Being pro-islam isn’t bad. Judaism and islam are cousin religions and very similar. But muslims are bing persecuted and massacred livestreamed like nothing that’s been seen before. F white supremacy.
i really hope chris doesn ’t have any israeli investments either, or if he stupidly did, i hope he’s divested. anyone pro-israel is an idiot. There is no victimization. CHris isn’t a victim either.
He’s his own worst enemy and is surrounded by cloutchasing mooches and its very obvious.
He’s surrounded and sinking in sh*t and he signed on for it. Even if i still beleived he was fully coereced into this, its just hard to respect the man now. He gots to come clean. Twatface abla will only sink him further. She’s going down and taking him with her and its mutual. SHe aint no innocent. She was defs pimped out by perverted nazi parents but even so- she clearly had opportuniites and white privilges she didnt use to become a better person.


Apr 9, 2010
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  • Today at 3:06 AM
  • #10,052

@sayhi141 somebody's back..............

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Chris Evans Relationship Theories XI – Painful Hustling (2024)


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