Stability of Cocoa Antioxidants and Flavan-3-ols over Time · J. Agric. Food Chem.2009,57, 9547–9550 9547 DOI:10.1021/jf901457s Stability of Cocoa Antioxidants and Flavan-3-ols - [PDF Document] (2024)

Stability of Cocoa Antioxidants and Flavan-3-ols over Time· J. Agric. Food Chem.2009,57, 9547–9550 9547 DOI:10.1021/jf901457s Stability of Cocoa Antioxidants and Flavan-3-ols - [PDF Document] (1) on Web 09/23/2009© 2009 American Chemical Society

J. Agric. Food Chem. 2009, 57, 9547–9550 9547


Stability of Cocoa Antioxidants and Flavan-3-ols over Time


The Hershey Center for Health and Nutrition, P.O. Box 805, Hershey, Pennsylvania 17033-0805

Several recent reports have been published indicating that the antioxidant activity of olive oil and tea

leaves is not stable over product shelf lives of about one year. We have measured the antioxidant

activity, total polyphenols, flavan-3-ols monomers, and procyanidin levels in milk and dark chocolate,

in cocoa powder, and in cocoa beans. Results show that for the cocoa products studied, antioxidant

activity, and flavan-3-ol levels are stable over typical shelf lives of one year under controlled storage

and over 2 years in ambient storage in the laboratory. We also show that 80 year old cocoa powder

and 116 year old cocoa beans still show very high levels of antioxidant activity and flavan-3-ol


KEYWORDS: Flavan-3-ol; antioxidant; epicatechin; catechin; cocoa; chocolate; procyanidins


The levels of flavanols found in cocoa powder and darkchocolate are among the highest dietary sources of these com-pounds in foods or beverages (1). Studies have shown that, on aweight basis, naturally processed, commercially available cocoapowder contains some of the highest levels of flavan-3-ols, 34.6(0.68 mg/g (2), followed by baking chocolate, dark chocolate, andthe other cocoa containing foods or beverages (3, 4). It has alsobeen shown that general indicators of antioxidant activity, such asORAC and total polyphenols but also the flavan-3-ols are veryclosely correlated to the amount of cocoa solids in foods orbeverages (3-5). The benefits that cocoa powder and chocolatehave for cardiovascular health have been reviewed (6-8). Evi-dence for these benefits comes from epidemiological surveys andfrom interventional feeding trials in humans. Themainmoleculesthought to be responsible for at least some of these health benefitsare the low molecular weight flavan-3-ols, especially (-)-epica-techin and dimers (9, 10).

There have been two recent reports that show that the anti-oxidant levels in liquid or dry products can change as productsage (11,12). Baiano et al. (11) showed that the antioxidant activityof olive oil is closely associated with the level of olive oil phenoliccompounds, whereas the oxygen radical scavenging activityas measured by 2,20-azinoethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulfonic acid(ABTS) activity can change and in fact decreases with the timeof storage of olive oil. In a second study, Freidman et al. (12)found that dry green tea leaves when stored at 20 �C lost signi-ficant amounts of epigalloepicatechin gallate (EGCG) and epi-catechin gallate (ECG), but epicatechin is virtually stable duringthe same period. These reports have gained attention in both thepopular and food nutrition press because of the widespreadconsumer interest in natural antioxidants, especially the poly-phenols, which are potential contributors to human health andmight be lost during the storage of food or beverages.

We report here the stability of cocoa flavan-3-ols and theirassociated antioxidant activities in milk and dark chocolate,cocoa powders, and cocoa beans.We provide evidence that cocoaantioxidant activity, total extractable polyphenols, flavan-3-olmonomers, and procyanidins in cocoa powder and chocolateare very stable over time. Data comes from controlled shelflife studies of samples of milk chocolate stored for one year,analysis of a dark chocolate used as laboratory standards storedat room temperature for over two years, from the analysisof several cocoa powders with one over 80 years old, and from116 year old cocoa beans.


Samples. The 6 samples of the two milk chocolates used in the12 month shelf life study were both commercially available products fromThe Hershey Company. One milk chocolate called Milk Chocolate 1 wasthe Antioxidant Milk Chocolate Bar and the other milk chocolate calledMilk Chocolate 2 was theWhole Bean Chocolate Bar. The dark chocolateused in stability tests as a laboratory test standard was a commerciallyavailable Hershey’s Special Dark Chocolate. All cocoa powders used instability tests were commercially available Natural Hershey’s Cocoa thatwere stored under various conditions described later in this article. Thehistorical cocoa bean sample exhibited at the 1893 Columbia Expositionwas a gift of the Department of Economic Botany at the Field Museumin Chicago, IL.

Methods. All samples were analyzed for oxygen radical absorbancecapacity (ORAC), total polyphenols (as gallic acid equivalents), and thesum of the flavan-3-ol; catechin and epicatechin with some samples werealso analyzed for procyanidins. ORAC is awidely used fluorescentmethodfor assessing antioxidant capacity in biological samples. The currentmethod allows for the determination of lipophilic and hydrophilic anti-oxidant capacities. It is based on the inhibition of a peroxy-radical inducedoxidation initiated by the thermal based decomposition of azo compoundssuch as AAPH using fluorescein as a fluorescent probe and Trolox as astandard substrate (13). The total polyphenol colorimetric assay wasinitially developed as method for the measurement of proteins focusingon the reagent’s ability to react with hydroxyl substituents and lateradapted by Singleton and Rossi to measure phenolic compounds inwine (14). It is widely used and is a measure of reducing capacity. Total

*To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: (717) 534-5145. Fax: (717) 534-6132. E-mail: [emailprotected].

Stability of Cocoa Antioxidants and Flavan-3-ols over Time· J. Agric. Food Chem.2009,57, 9547–9550 9547 DOI:10.1021/jf901457s Stability of Cocoa Antioxidants and Flavan-3-ols - [PDF Document] (2)

9548 J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 57, No. 20, 2009 Hurst et al.

polyphenols were expressed using gallic acid as the standard. The flavan-3-ol monomers, catechin and epicatechin, were determined using an HPLCmethod with fluorescence detection previously described by Nelson andSharpless (15). The procyanidin method used for the analysis of thesamples was that of Gu et al. (16).


Controlled Shelf Life Studies with Two Milk Chocolates. Thetwo nationally distributed milk chocolates previously describedwere stored for 1 year under conditions designed to replicate retailstorage at temperatures ranging from 18 to 24 �C. The chocolateswere measured at successive intervals for ORAC, total polyphe-nols, flavan-3-ol monomers (epicatechin and catechin), and totalprocyanidins. The data in Figure 1 show the results of shelf lifetesting over 12 months for ORAC activity, for flavan-3-olmonomers, and for total procyanidins for the two milk choco-lates. Error bars for each point represent the standard deviationof the mean of three measurements. Figure 2 provides a moredetailed picture of the procyanidin content of these two samples.The results indicate that the levels of antioxidant activity, offlavan-3-ol monomers, of flavanol oligomers of various sizes, andof total procyanidins found in both of the milk chocolate barstested, are very stable over one year of typical retail conditions. Indata not shown, the level of total polyphenols was also stablewithin standard deviations for bothmilk chocolates over one yearof storage. The data in Figure 2 also indicates that there is nosignificant polymerization of low molecular weight material intohigher molecular weight material during the time of storage.

Testing of Laboratory StandardCocoa Powder andDarkChoco-

late. Figure 3 shows ORAC levels for a commercially availablecocoa powder and the total polyphenol level of a commercial darkchocolate. The cocoa powder and the dark chocolate used asinternal standards in our analytical laboratory were stored atambient laboratory temperatures, which typically range between

20 to 26 �C. It is apparent that the ORAC of the cocoa powderand the total polyphenol content of the dark chocolate areessentially constant over a period in excess of 800 days, and thesevalues are within the range of variation of the measurement.

Stability of Antioxidant Chemistry and Flavanols in Cocoa

Powders and Beans. Table 1 shows the results of three commerciallotsof cocoapowderpurchased in 2004,with single samplesof cocoapowder obtained locally. Single samples were measured from the1982 and 1929 cocoa powders because there was limited materialavailable. The 1982 and 1929 samples were in the continuouspossession of The Hershey Company and stored under officeconditions, while the 2004 and 2008 samples were purchased fromlocal retail grocery stores in the Hershey area. All samples weremeasured for ORAC, total polyphenols, and flavan-3-ol monomers(epicatechin plus catechin). The values for ORAC, total polyphe-nols, andmonomers for the 2008, 1982, and 1929 cocoa samples arewithin the standard deviation of the mean of the 2004 commercialcocoa samples. Also shown in Table 1 is the analysis of fermentedGuatemala cocoa beans that were displayed at the 1893 ChicagoExposition.TheORAC,TP, and the flavan-3-olmonomer levels arewell within the levels expected for cocoa beans. The results with 27-and 80-year old cocoa powders and with the 116 year old cocoabeans indicate that the antioxidant activity and the levels of the smallmolecular weight flavan-3-ols remain essentially the same over time.

The results seen here are not at odds with the results ofFriedman et al. (12) who observed that EGCG and ECG areboth lost from tea leaves over time, whereas epicatechin is notlost. We too find that flavan-3-ol monomers are quite stable over

Figure 1. Level of ORAC antioxidant activity and flavan-3-ol as monomersand as total procyanidins in two milk chocolates. (A) Milk chocolate 1.(B) Milk chocolate 2.

Figure 2. Intervals of degrees of polymerization for the aged milk choco-late bars shown in Figure 1.

Stability of Cocoa Antioxidants and Flavan-3-ols over Time· J. Agric. Food Chem.2009,57, 9547–9550 9547 DOI:10.1021/jf901457s Stability of Cocoa Antioxidants and Flavan-3-ols - [PDF Document] (3)

Article J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 57, No. 20, 2009 9549

time. This suggests that the gallated flavan-3-ols may be moresusceptible to oxidation reactions compared to epicatechin it self.The results also indicate that cocoa flavanols appear to be stablein milk or dark chocolate (Figures 1 and 3) and in cocoa powders(Figure 3 and Table 1) or cocoa beans (Table 1). This data doesnot speak to the stability of liquid cocoa containing products suchas chocolate syrup or chocolate milk as these measurements werebeyond the scope of the present study.

In summary, the results reported here demonstrate thestability of cocoa antioxidants measured by ORAC, total poly-phenols, or flavan-3-ol compounds and epicatechin, catechin,and their oligomers/polymers. These results indicate thatunsubstituted flavan-3-ols (e.g., epicatechin, procyanidin oli-gomers, and procyanidins polymers) are very stable underrepresentative commercial retail and room storage conditionsin the chocolates, cocoa powders, and cocoa beans studied andagree with the results of Friedman et al. (12) who studiedepicatechin in tea.


ORAC, oxygen radical absorbance capacity; Epi, epicatechin;Cat, catechin; ABTS, 2,20-azinobis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6 sul-fonic acid assay; EGCG, epigallocatechingallate; ECG, epicate-chingallate; TP, total polyphenols.


(1) USDADatabase for the Flavanoid Content of Selected Foods, 2003.

(2) Miller, K. B.; Hurst, W. J.; Payne, M. J.; Stuart, D. A.; Apgar, J.;Sweigart, D. S.; Ou, B. Impact of alkalization on the antioxidant andflavanol content of commercial cocoa powders. J. Agric. Food Chem.2008, 56, 8527–8533.

(3) Miller, K. B.; Stuart, D. A.; Smith, N. L.; Lee, C. Y.; McHale, N. L.;Flanagan, J. J.; Ou, B.; Hurst, W. J. Antioxidant activity andpolyphenol and procyanidin contents of selected commerciallyavailable cocoa containing and chocolate products in the UnitedStates. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2006, 54, 4062–4068.

(4) Gu, L.; House, S. E.; Wu, X.; Ou, B.; Prior, R. L. Procyanidin andcatechins contents and antioxidant capacity of cocoa and chocolateproducts. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2006, 54, 4057–4061.

(5) Cooper, K. A.; Campos-Gimenez, E.; Alverez, D. J.; Rytz, A.; Nagy,K.; Williamson, G. Predictive relationship between polyphenol andnon-fat cocoa solids content of chocolate. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2008,56, 260–265.

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(7) Cooper, K. A.; Donovan, J. L.; Waterhouse, A. L.; Williamson,G. Cocoa and Health: A decade of Research. Br. J. Nutr. 2008,99, 1–11.

(8) Mehrinfar, R.; Frischman, W. H. Flavanol-rich cocoa: A cardio-protective nutraceutal. Cardiol. Rev. 2008, 16, 109–115.

(9) Richelle,M.; Tavazzi, I.; Enslen,M.; Offord, E. A. Plasma kinetics inman of epicatechin from dark chocolate. Eur. J Clin. Nutr 1999, 53,22–26.

(10) Schroeter, H.; Heiss, C.; Balzer, J.; Kleinbongard, P.; Keen, C. L.;Hollenberg, N. K.; Sies, H.; Kwik-Uribe, C.; Schmitz, H. H.; Kelm,M. (-)-Epicatechin mediates beneficial effects of flavanol-rich cocoaon vascular function in humans. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2006,103, 1024–29.

(11) Baiano, A.; Gambacorta, G.; Terracone, C.; Previtali, M. A.;Lamacchia, C.; La Notte, E. Changes in phenolic contents andantioxidant activity of Italian extra virgin olive oils during storage.J. Food Sci. 2009, 74, C177–C182.

(12) Friedman, M.; Levin, C. E.; Lee, S.-U.; Kozukue, N. Stabilityof green tea catechins in commercial tea leaves during storage for6 months. J. Food Sci. 2009, 74, H47–H51.

(13) Huang, D.; Ou, B.; Hampsch-Woodill, M.; Flanagan, J.; Deemer,E. K. Development and validation of oxygen radical absorbancecapacity assay for lipophilic antioxidants using randomly methy-lated-cyclodextrin as a solubility enhancer. J. Agric. Food Chem.2002, 50, 1815–1821.

(14) Singleton, V.; Rossi, J. Colorimetry of total phenolics with phos-phom*olybdic-phosphotungstic acid reagents. Am. J. Enol. Vitic.1965, 16, 144–158.

Figure 3. Antioxidant activity of cocoa powder and total polyphenols of dark chocolate measured over time.

Table 1. Stability of Antioxidant Activity, Total Polyphenols and FlavanolContent of Cocoa Powders and Beans over Timea

samples year


(μmol TEeq/g)total polyphen

ols (mg/g)


monomers (mg/g)



2008 797 ( 31 58 ( 1 2.66

2004b 875 ( 93 60.2 ( 4.5 2.79 ( 1.23

1982 947 56.6 2.82

1929 796 55.5 1.78



1893 840 61.7 1.95

aAll data are reported on a fat-free basis. b Samples purchased and analyzed in2004 and published in ref 3 by Miller et al.

Stability of Cocoa Antioxidants and Flavan-3-ols over Time· J. Agric. Food Chem.2009,57, 9547–9550 9547 DOI:10.1021/jf901457s Stability of Cocoa Antioxidants and Flavan-3-ols - [PDF Document] (4)

9550 J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 57, No. 20, 2009 Hurst et al.

(15) Nelson, B. C.; Sharpless, K. E. Quantification of the predomi-nant monomeric catechins in baking chocolate standard referencematerial by LC/APCI-MS. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2003, 51, 531–537.

(16) Gu, L.; Kelm, M.; Hammerstone, J. F.; Beecher, G.; Cunningham,D.; Vannozzi, D.; Prior, R. Fractionation of polymeric procyanidins

from low-bush blueberry and quantification of procyanidins inselected foods with an optimized normal phase HPLC-MS fluores-cence detection method. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2002, 50, 4852–4860.

Received May 1, 2009. Revised manuscript received July 16, 2009.

Accepted August 27, 2009.

Stability of Cocoa Antioxidants and Flavan-3-ols over Time · J. Agric. Food Chem.2009,57, 9547–9550 9547 DOI:10.1021/jf901457s Stability of Cocoa Antioxidants and Flavan-3-ols - [PDF Document] (2024)


What is the antioxidant value of cacao? ›

Antioxidant activity is measured by an ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) value, which represents its antioxidant capacity. 100g of raw cacao powder has an ORAC of 95,500, this drops to 62,100 for cacao nibs, and 26,000 for cocoa powder - so quite the difference!

What are the benefits of flavonoids in cocoa? ›

How do cocoa flavanols support your health?
  • Cocoa flavanols help your body maintain healthy amounts of nitric oxide.
  • Nitric oxide relaxes arterial walls and supports healthy blood flow from head to toe.
  • Healthy circulation of oxygen and nutrients supports brain function, heart health & full body performance.

What are the side effects of cocoa flavanols? ›

Eating large amounts might cause caffeine-related side effects such as nervousness, increased urination, sleeplessness, and a fast heartbeat. Cocoa can cause allergic skin reactions and might also trigger migraine headaches. It can also cause nausea, stomach discomfort, constipation, and gas.

Does cacao have more flavonoids than cocoa? › has purchased and tested cacao nibs and found that they generally contain about half the amount of flavanols per gram as cocoa or cacao powders. This is because most of the weight of the nibs is fat (like the cacao beans from which they come), and most of this fat is saturated fat.


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